reperations for slavery in ca

And negro punk bitches like you will whine about being the dregs of society...
Nope, and if you ever voiced that opinion in decent society you'd branded a deplorable mutant. The only group of people it's acceptable to shit on are cuck whites like yourselves. 😁
Negro, decent society agrees with me...

You're nothing but another nappy headed, bent outta' shape colored boy...
Decent society is shitting on you. Leave the safe space of your fantasy world and join us back here in reality you cuck. 😄
Decent society is shitting on you. Leave the safe space of your fantasy world and join us back here in reality you cuck. 😄

I see, you're one of those ignorant negroes who thinks that calling some white guy a "cuck" is clever.

It's not.

It makes you look ignorant and stupid.

Back to the fields with you, blue-gum...
I see, you're one of those ignorant negroes who thinks that calling some white guy a "cuck" is clever.

It's not.

It makes you look ignorant and stupid.

Back to the fields with you, blue-gum...
I call you cuck because that's what you are. You have to sit there while we take what we want from you and there's nothing you can do about it.
Buy your own popcorn with the money you steal from those suckers out there.
I'm Black but my family were never slaves in America. We came to this country in the 80s from Jamaica. If they ever did pass reparations on a federal level (I don't live in Cali) I wouldn't get a cent.
Amazing how these 20 something Woke tards and teachers think that they can DENOUNCE THEIR WHITENESS and they will be accepted as equals in DA COMMUNITY !. I can tell you from experience, that b lacks identify with skin color not words. They would sooner smash a white persons head in with a rock just to get a ride to a party and would laugh it off. I was LE for Detroit. a totally black city.
My brother is visiting Orange County and said a huge army of the vagus bike gang was on the road

There was just a big to-do between the Hells Angels and the Vagos, with the Angels and/or their prospects) shooting seven Vagos on Memorial Day...

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