Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

Ex-CIA official...the guys who were helping Hillary and Barry run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS?!

What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

But Hillary and Bill and their sleazy Clinton Foundation are in bed with some unsavoury and criminal people.

From The Wall Street Journal:

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Report by AP finds Democratic candidate met with many donors to organization while at State Department

"WASHINGTON—While she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Clinton Foundation donors, including a Ukrainian businessman who had given money to the organization and who had retained a lobbyist to arrange State Department meetings.

The dinner attended by Victor Pinchuk four years ago was mentioned in a new batch of State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United through public records requests and released on Tuesday."

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Newly released State Department emails shed additional light on the relationships Hillary Clinton and her top aides maintained with her family’s foundation during the years she served as secretary of state.

The emails, obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch as part of a public-records lawsuit, included one in which a longtime aide to Bill Clinton sought a State Department meeting on behalf of a major foundation donor.

- Snip -

A 2011 exchange, released by the State Department this year, showed thatUkrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, who has pledged more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, met that year with a top State Department official. Pinchuk spoke on behalf of Ukraine’s president to try to soothe tensions with Washington over that country’s human rights record and its growing closeness with Russian President Vladimir Putin, emails showed.

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

Victor Pinchuk, billionaire Clinton Foundation donor, wanted ‘private meeting’ in Europe

Ukrainian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor Victor Pinchuk sought a meeting with Bill Clinton last year over the situation in Ukraine, newly released emails show.

Pinchuk, whose foundation has contributed millions to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, “relentlessly” pushed for a meeting with the former president and possibly other Western leaders to signal “support for Ukraine,” according to an email released Monday by Wikileaks in a trove of John Podesta’s hacked communications.

- Snip -

The message showcases how high-level donors to the Clinton Foundation have been afforded access to the Clintons, fueling questions about the influence they could exert over Clinton if she is elected president.

The message was released not long after a report from USA Today showing how companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation hired lobbyists—some of whom were major Clinton bundlers—to influence the State Department during Clinton’s time as secretary of state. The foundation has been scrutinized for accepting donations from foreign individuals and governments.

Pinchuk is a former Ukrainian member of parliament who founded Interpipe Group, a Ukrainian metallurgical plant. Newsweek reported in April 2015 that Interpipe shipped railway parts and other products to Iran in 2011 and 2012, possibly violating U.S. sanctions on shipments to Iran at the time.

Pinchuk is the fourth richest person in Ukraine, according to Forbes, with a net worth valued at $1.36 billion. His foundation, named after himself, has contributed between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to its donor page.

The Ukrainian businessman’s relationship with the Clintons has previously been subject to scrutiny. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Pinchuk and other Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state. The dinner, which took place in June 2012, was referenced in a batch of State Department emails obtained through a public records request by Citizens United.

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

You want to talk about the hildabitch please stay on topic here and start you own thread.

I was responding to the Hillarybots who are rambling about Paul Manafort and The Ukraine in this thread, by illustrating that Hillary and The Clinton Foundation have far more sleaze surrounding them with The Ukraine.

I thought you might appreciate this, I thought wrong, whatever.
The Foundation is one of the finest charities on the planet, conspiracy nutjob. Not a corrupt oligarch dictator/ENEMY like Putin...ay caramba.

Typical Troll with the IQ of a paper cup, the links are from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, no conspiracy.
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

But Hillary and Bill and their sleazy Clinton Foundation are in bed with some unsavoury and criminal people.

From The Wall Street Journal:

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Report by AP finds Democratic candidate met with many donors to organization while at State Department

"WASHINGTON—While she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Clinton Foundation donors, including a Ukrainian businessman who had given money to the organization and who had retained a lobbyist to arrange State Department meetings.

The dinner attended by Victor Pinchuk four years ago was mentioned in a new batch of State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United through public records requests and released on Tuesday."

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Newly released State Department emails shed additional light on the relationships Hillary Clinton and her top aides maintained with her family’s foundation during the years she served as secretary of state.

The emails, obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch as part of a public-records lawsuit, included one in which a longtime aide to Bill Clinton sought a State Department meeting on behalf of a major foundation donor.

- Snip -

A 2011 exchange, released by the State Department this year, showed thatUkrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, who has pledged more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, met that year with a top State Department official. Pinchuk spoke on behalf of Ukraine’s president to try to soothe tensions with Washington over that country’s human rights record and its growing closeness with Russian President Vladimir Putin, emails showed.

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

Victor Pinchuk, billionaire Clinton Foundation donor, wanted ‘private meeting’ in Europe

Ukrainian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor Victor Pinchuk sought a meeting with Bill Clinton last year over the situation in Ukraine, newly released emails show.

Pinchuk, whose foundation has contributed millions to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, “relentlessly” pushed for a meeting with the former president and possibly other Western leaders to signal “support for Ukraine,” according to an email released Monday by Wikileaks in a trove of John Podesta’s hacked communications.

- Snip -

The message showcases how high-level donors to the Clinton Foundation have been afforded access to the Clintons, fueling questions about the influence they could exert over Clinton if she is elected president.

The message was released not long after a report from USA Today showing how companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation hired lobbyists—some of whom were major Clinton bundlers—to influence the State Department during Clinton’s time as secretary of state. The foundation has been scrutinized for accepting donations from foreign individuals and governments.

Pinchuk is a former Ukrainian member of parliament who founded Interpipe Group, a Ukrainian metallurgical plant. Newsweek reported in April 2015 that Interpipe shipped railway parts and other products to Iran in 2011 and 2012, possibly violating U.S. sanctions on shipments to Iran at the time.

Pinchuk is the fourth richest person in Ukraine, according to Forbes, with a net worth valued at $1.36 billion. His foundation, named after himself, has contributed between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to its donor page.

The Ukrainian businessman’s relationship with the Clintons has previously been subject to scrutiny. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Pinchuk and other Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state. The dinner, which took place in June 2012, was referenced in a batch of State Department emails obtained through a public records request by Citizens United.

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

You want to talk about the hildabitch please stay on topic here and start you own thread.

I was responding to the Hillarybots who are rambling about Paul Manafort and The Ukraine in this thread, by illustrating that Hillary and The Clinton Foundation have far more sleaze surrounding them with The Ukraine.

I thought you might appreciate this, I thought wrong, whatever, no skin off my nose.

Welcome To Ignore.

Thanks, but I asked him to stay on topic also.
WTH is wrong with you? NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't. This a-hole Comey is really pissing me off. And you're becoming really prissy too LOL It's the indirect stuff that crooks like Trump and Putin work with. And no great charities involved. Maybe total scams like the Trump Foundation- and GOP tax rates and Putin's whole oligarchy...
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

But Hillary and Bill and their sleazy Clinton Foundation are in bed with some unsavoury and criminal people.

From The Wall Street Journal:

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Report by AP finds Democratic candidate met with many donors to organization while at State Department

"WASHINGTON—While she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Clinton Foundation donors, including a Ukrainian businessman who had given money to the organization and who had retained a lobbyist to arrange State Department meetings.

The dinner attended by Victor Pinchuk four years ago was mentioned in a new batch of State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United through public records requests and released on Tuesday."

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Newly released State Department emails shed additional light on the relationships Hillary Clinton and her top aides maintained with her family’s foundation during the years she served as secretary of state.

The emails, obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch as part of a public-records lawsuit, included one in which a longtime aide to Bill Clinton sought a State Department meeting on behalf of a major foundation donor.

- Snip -

A 2011 exchange, released by the State Department this year, showed thatUkrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, who has pledged more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, met that year with a top State Department official. Pinchuk spoke on behalf of Ukraine’s president to try to soothe tensions with Washington over that country’s human rights record and its growing closeness with Russian President Vladimir Putin, emails showed.

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

Victor Pinchuk, billionaire Clinton Foundation donor, wanted ‘private meeting’ in Europe

Ukrainian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor Victor Pinchuk sought a meeting with Bill Clinton last year over the situation in Ukraine, newly released emails show.

Pinchuk, whose foundation has contributed millions to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, “relentlessly” pushed for a meeting with the former president and possibly other Western leaders to signal “support for Ukraine,” according to an email released Monday by Wikileaks in a trove of John Podesta’s hacked communications.

- Snip -

The message showcases how high-level donors to the Clinton Foundation have been afforded access to the Clintons, fueling questions about the influence they could exert over Clinton if she is elected president.

The message was released not long after a report from USA Today showing how companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation hired lobbyists—some of whom were major Clinton bundlers—to influence the State Department during Clinton’s time as secretary of state. The foundation has been scrutinized for accepting donations from foreign individuals and governments.

Pinchuk is a former Ukrainian member of parliament who founded Interpipe Group, a Ukrainian metallurgical plant. Newsweek reported in April 2015 that Interpipe shipped railway parts and other products to Iran in 2011 and 2012, possibly violating U.S. sanctions on shipments to Iran at the time.

Pinchuk is the fourth richest person in Ukraine, according to Forbes, with a net worth valued at $1.36 billion. His foundation, named after himself, has contributed between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to its donor page.

The Ukrainian businessman’s relationship with the Clintons has previously been subject to scrutiny. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Pinchuk and other Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state. The dinner, which took place in June 2012, was referenced in a batch of State Department emails obtained through a public records request by Citizens United.

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

You want to talk about the hildabitch please stay on topic here and start you own thread.

I was responding to the Hillarybots who are rambling about Paul Manafort and The Ukraine in this thread, by illustrating that Hillary and The Clinton Foundation have far more sleaze surrounding them with The Ukraine.

I thought you might appreciate this, I thought wrong, whatever, no skin off my nose.

Welcome To Ignore.

Thanks, but I asked him to stay on topic also.
WTH is wrong with you? NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't. This a-hole Comey is really pissing me off. And you're becoming really prissy too LOL It's the indirect stuff that crooks like Trump and Putin work with. And no great charities involved. Maybe total scams like the Trump Foundation- and GOP tax rates and Putin's whole oligarchy...

"NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't."

Hillarybots taking the Memo from the Hillary Campaign have spent many weeks screaming that Donald Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin, hello, anyone home?
The Foundation is one of the finest charities on the planet, conspiracy nutjob. Not a corrupt oligarch dictator/ENEMY like Putin...ay caramba.
yeah, that's why it is under FBI investigation by 5 seperate FBI field offices for decades of fraud, bribery, selling influence, selling favors, etc...

Thanks to your totally corrupt New BS GOP's witch hunts, dupe. NADA found, of course. Link?
Ex-CIA official...the guys who were helping Hillary and Barry run weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS?!

So was Obama running weapons to al Qaeda before or after he killed Bin Laden. You know Bin Laden. He was the guy Republicans let go and stopped looking for.
But Hillary and Bill and their sleazy Clinton Foundation are in bed with some unsavoury and criminal people.

From The Wall Street Journal:

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Report by AP finds Democratic candidate met with many donors to organization while at State Department

"WASHINGTON—While she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Clinton Foundation donors, including a Ukrainian businessman who had given money to the organization and who had retained a lobbyist to arrange State Department meetings.

The dinner attended by Victor Pinchuk four years ago was mentioned in a new batch of State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United through public records requests and released on Tuesday."

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Newly released State Department emails shed additional light on the relationships Hillary Clinton and her top aides maintained with her family’s foundation during the years she served as secretary of state.

The emails, obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch as part of a public-records lawsuit, included one in which a longtime aide to Bill Clinton sought a State Department meeting on behalf of a major foundation donor.

- Snip -

A 2011 exchange, released by the State Department this year, showed thatUkrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, who has pledged more than $10 million to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, met that year with a top State Department official. Pinchuk spoke on behalf of Ukraine’s president to try to soothe tensions with Washington over that country’s human rights record and its growing closeness with Russian President Vladimir Putin, emails showed.

Email batch provides additional evidence that Clinton Foundation donors got access at State Department

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

Victor Pinchuk, billionaire Clinton Foundation donor, wanted ‘private meeting’ in Europe

Ukrainian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor Victor Pinchuk sought a meeting with Bill Clinton last year over the situation in Ukraine, newly released emails show.

Pinchuk, whose foundation has contributed millions to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, “relentlessly” pushed for a meeting with the former president and possibly other Western leaders to signal “support for Ukraine,” according to an email released Monday by Wikileaks in a trove of John Podesta’s hacked communications.

- Snip -

The message showcases how high-level donors to the Clinton Foundation have been afforded access to the Clintons, fueling questions about the influence they could exert over Clinton if she is elected president.

The message was released not long after a report from USA Today showing how companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation hired lobbyists—some of whom were major Clinton bundlers—to influence the State Department during Clinton’s time as secretary of state. The foundation has been scrutinized for accepting donations from foreign individuals and governments.

Pinchuk is a former Ukrainian member of parliament who founded Interpipe Group, a Ukrainian metallurgical plant. Newsweek reported in April 2015 that Interpipe shipped railway parts and other products to Iran in 2011 and 2012, possibly violating U.S. sanctions on shipments to Iran at the time.

Pinchuk is the fourth richest person in Ukraine, according to Forbes, with a net worth valued at $1.36 billion. His foundation, named after himself, has contributed between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to its donor page.

The Ukrainian businessman’s relationship with the Clintons has previously been subject to scrutiny. The Wall Street Journal reported in August that Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner involving Pinchuk and other Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state. The dinner, which took place in June 2012, was referenced in a batch of State Department emails obtained through a public records request by Citizens United.

Ukrainian Businessman Sought Meeting With Bill Clinton Last Year

You want to talk about the hildabitch please stay on topic here and start you own thread.

I was responding to the Hillarybots who are rambling about Paul Manafort and The Ukraine in this thread, by illustrating that Hillary and The Clinton Foundation have far more sleaze surrounding them with The Ukraine.

I thought you might appreciate this, I thought wrong, whatever, no skin off my nose.

Welcome To Ignore.

Thanks, but I asked him to stay on topic also.
WTH is wrong with you? NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't. This a-hole Comey is really pissing me off. And you're becoming really prissy too LOL It's the indirect stuff that crooks like Trump and Putin work with. And no great charities involved. Maybe total scams like the Trump Foundation- and GOP tax rates and Putin's whole oligarchy...

"NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't."

Hillarybots taking the Memo from the Hillary Campaign have spent many weeks screaming that Donald Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin, hello, anyone home?
Nothing direct between the campaign and the Putin gov't, stupid. They're not dumb. From TIME:
The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shownsince the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.

So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians.

“The Trump-Russia links beneath the surface are even more extensive,” Max Boot wrote in the Los Angeles Times. “Trump has sought and received funding from Russian investors for his business ventures, especially after most American banks stopped lending to him following his multiple bankruptcies.”

What’s more, three of Trump’s top advisors all have extensive financial and business ties to Russian financiers, wrote Boot, the former editor of the Op Ed page of the Wall Street Journal and now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Trump’s de facto campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian-backed president of Ukraine who was overthrown in 2014. Manafort also has done multimillion-dollar business deals with Russian oligarchs. Trump’s foreign policy advisor Carter Page has his own business ties to the state-controlled Russian oil giant Gazprom. … Another Trump foreign policy advisor, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, flew to Moscow last year to attend a gala banquet celebrating Russia Today, the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, and was seated at the head table near Putin.

Manafort denounced the New York Times Monday for a deeply reported story that broke over the weekend showing that secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for him. TheTimes report said that the party of former Ukraine president and pro-Russia ally, Viktor Yanukovych, set aside the payments for Manafort as part of an illegal and previously undisclosed system of payments.

“Once again, the New York Times has chosen to purposefully ignore facts and professional journalism to fit their political agenda, choosing to attack my character and reputation rather than present an honest report,” Manafort said in a statement first reported by NBC News. Manafort said that he has never done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia—but that “political payments directed to me” in Ukraine were for his entire political team there that included operatives and researchers.

In response, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, issued astatement: “Donald Trump has a responsibility to disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities, including whether any of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and or being paid by them.”

But it is Trump’s financing from Russian satellite business interests that would seem to explain his pro-Putin sympathies.
Any one of them find links to Russia?

Of course not even the dimwitted Trump would leave that kind of trail.....

The "link" between Trump and Russia is made THROUGH Paul Manafort....Trump's fired campaign manager.
Of course not even the dimwitted Trump would leave that kind of trail.....

The "link" between Trump and Russia is made THROUGH Paul Manafort....Trump's fired campaign manager.

Well, that's an old fashioned conspiracy theory.
But you're now arguing with Comey's decision to reopen the investigation. Using your logic, we shouldn't dispute his decision, correct?

Or does that only work one way?

No hypocrisy here.....Comey's little mistake is in his timing......
You want to talk about the hildabitch please stay on topic here and start you own thread.

I was responding to the Hillarybots who are rambling about Paul Manafort and The Ukraine in this thread, by illustrating that Hillary and The Clinton Foundation have far more sleaze surrounding them with The Ukraine.

I thought you might appreciate this, I thought wrong, whatever, no skin off my nose.

Welcome To Ignore.

Thanks, but I asked him to stay on topic also.
WTH is wrong with you? NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't. This a-hole Comey is really pissing me off. And you're becoming really prissy too LOL It's the indirect stuff that crooks like Trump and Putin work with. And no great charities involved. Maybe total scams like the Trump Foundation- and GOP tax rates and Putin's whole oligarchy...

"NO ONE ever said Trump's campaign had direct ties to the Russian gov't."

Hillarybots taking the Memo from the Hillary Campaign have spent many weeks screaming that Donald Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin, hello, anyone home?
Nothing direct between the campaign and the Putin gov't, stupid. They're not dumb. From TIME:
The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shownsince the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.

So, yes, it’s true that Trump has failed to land a business venture inside Russia. But the real truth is that, as major banks in America stopped lending him money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians.

“The Trump-Russia links beneath the surface are even more extensive,” Max Boot wrote in the Los Angeles Times. “Trump has sought and received funding from Russian investors for his business ventures, especially after most American banks stopped lending to him following his multiple bankruptcies.”

What’s more, three of Trump’s top advisors all have extensive financial and business ties to Russian financiers, wrote Boot, the former editor of the Op Ed page of the Wall Street Journal and now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Trump’s de facto campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was a longtime consultant to Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian-backed president of Ukraine who was overthrown in 2014. Manafort also has done multimillion-dollar business deals with Russian oligarchs. Trump’s foreign policy advisor Carter Page has his own business ties to the state-controlled Russian oil giant Gazprom. … Another Trump foreign policy advisor, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, flew to Moscow last year to attend a gala banquet celebrating Russia Today, the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, and was seated at the head table near Putin.

Manafort denounced the New York Times Monday for a deeply reported story that broke over the weekend showing that secret ledgers in Ukraine contained references to $12.7 million in payments earmarked for him. TheTimes report said that the party of former Ukraine president and pro-Russia ally, Viktor Yanukovych, set aside the payments for Manafort as part of an illegal and previously undisclosed system of payments.

“Once again, the New York Times has chosen to purposefully ignore facts and professional journalism to fit their political agenda, choosing to attack my character and reputation rather than present an honest report,” Manafort said in a statement first reported by NBC News. Manafort said that he has never done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia—but that “political payments directed to me” in Ukraine were for his entire political team there that included operatives and researchers.

In response, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, issued astatement: “Donald Trump has a responsibility to disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities, including whether any of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and or being paid by them.”

But it is Trump’s financing from Russian satellite business interests that would seem to explain his pro-Putin sympathies.
Even though Trump had been briefed about the Russian hacking, he could never admit it.

What would he say? I'm the guy Putin helped to become president?
Yeah, tell the folks in Haiti that, doubt they'll buy it.

Lets put this little lie to rest....shall we???

The NY Post Lies About The Clinton Foundation And Haiti

The NY Post Lies About The Clinton Foundation And Haiti

From The Wall Street Journal.

More Clinton Shenanigans in Haiti

Emails show the State Department and the Clinton Foundation collaborated on policy.

"On Jan. 27, 2011, Clinton Foundation Chief Operating Officer Laura Graham sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills, voicing concern about a rumor. Ms. Graham had heard that Foggy Bottom was thinking about revoking the U.S. visa of Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive. “Wjc will be v unhappy if that’s the case,” Ms. Graham warned Ms. Mills, using the initials of the former president.

Ms. Graham, who was also chief of staff to Mr. Clinton at the foundation, had other reasons to worry: “I’m also staying at [Mr. Bellerive’s] house fyi so exposure in general and this weekend in particular for wjc on this.”

So Clinton Foundation staff was hobnobbing with a powerful Haitian politician and using connections at the State Department to try to influence U.S. policy decisions involving that same politician. That’s unethical and it is also contrary to what Mrs. Clinton promised when she went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January 2009 as president-elect Barack Obama’s secretary of state nominee.

Now a string of State Department emails from January 2011—made public through a Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, request by Citizens United—demonstrates that Mrs. Clinton’s State Department did not separate itself from the Clinton Foundation but instead collaborated with it.

In her Jan. 27 email Ms. Graham also offered advice: “Nor do I think u need remove his visa. Not sure what it gets u. Remove elizabeth’s and prevals people,” she wrote, referring to the wife of Haitian President Rene Preval and his staff.

The next publicly available email from Ms. Mills to Ms. Graham reads, “You also should consider the message it sends to others that you stay at his house.” Ms. Graham shot back that she had “discussed staying at his house w both u and wjc long ago and was told good strategic value.”

- Snip -

In another email to Ms. Mills, dated Jan. 24, 2011, Ms. Graham expressed the foundation’s desire to retain Mr. Bellerive as co-chairman of the IHRC. “With JMB we are rarely challenged in taking the path we want.” A new co-chairman would mean “potentially roadblocks in doing what we want/how we want it/etc.” It seems the foundation was running the IHRC and didn’t want interference.

Delaware-based VCS Mining announced in a December 2012 press release that it was awarded a permit to mine for gold in northeast Haiti. The release said that it was one of only two gold-mining permits issued by Haiti in 50 years. The permit was suspended in early 2013 because of Haitian Senate objections. According to a March 2015 Washington Post article, Mr. Bellerive said that VCS Mining chief executive Angelo Viard then hired him for $8,000 to help VCS navigate Haitian politics in an effort to win support for the mine.

Clinton Foundation officials confirmed to the Post that Mr. Viard paid $20,000 in 2013 to become a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. That year both Tony Rodham, Mrs. Clinton’s brother, and Mr. Bellerive joined the company’s advisory board. Mr. Bellerive told the Post that he declined compensation on the board."

More Clinton Shenanigans in Haiti
So what about his business duh? Tax returns? His son says he has lots of business there- the place is totally corrupt...
Trumps the Manchurian candidate. Putin's will assassinate him naustrodamis predicted it

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