Report: Level of poverty growing

Hey, Aren't these the same folks that simultaneously bitch about increasing obesity as an issu and then claim that everybody is starving?
You can blame a ton of it on the DEM congress.. some on Bush... and some even on the current administration, no matter how much a left winger wished to suck Obama's proverbial cock

How so? Just because YOU say so in your usual vulgar tone hardly makes it so. Exactly what have the Democrats (and Obama) done to exacerbate the amount of poverty in the US?
What is it? 5% control what... 70+ % of the wealth in this country...

YouTube - Who Owns America's Wealth?

And the retarded conservatives think that this is healthy.

The government does not exist, nor should it exist, for wealth redistribution purposed in some Robin Hood scheme based on liberal guilt

You want your piece of the pie... work for it... invent something.. make yourself valuable... or hell, win the fucking lottery for all I care....

Retarded leftists think private property and holdings of others is owed to them

Well, must be you hold the framers of the Constitution in similar low regard because until an income tax was set in motion, the original Constitution called for a direct tax, which came primarily from property owners and the revenue therefrom spread to, gasp, even "poor houses" throughout the country.
IMHO most of the poor people in America are poor because they chose to be poor. in 90% cases if you work hard and do your best you are at least capable of living a normal life.

There's a lot of truth to that but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to achieve that so called "normal" life.

For example, my parents were of the "Greatest Generation". My father was a 20-year Navy vet and my mother was a stay at home mom. Neither graduated high school yet they owned a home, had a car, and we ate well every day and took the occasional vacation. That generation was more or less guaranteed their piece of the American dream by simply working at a job.

I'm of the Boomer generation. We had everything our parents had and then some. But, we definitiely had to finish high school and at least have some college. A Bachelors was a BIG plus.

It seems these days if you don't have a high diploma you are definitely screwed. Even a trade school diploma or associates degree is not going to help you all that much. What you need is at least a Bachelors in a necessary field from a good school to attain the life style of previous generations.

Eventually, if this trend continues, a graduate degree (or higher) will be required to even come close to a middle class lifestyle.

Things are definitely not looking up for the American Dream.

Even college grads can't look forward to any profession other than those that will never go away, service industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, and doctors. College students majoring in the myriad computer-related fields are also finding stiff competition. There is not enough industry left in this country to support all the fields that people of the "greatest generation" and their offspring (like me) were employed in. That's why there is such a push to get alternative energy technology moving. It's the only discipline where decent jobs will be created, from the brainiacs with penthouse offices all the way down to the janitors who clean their huge new office buildings. If we don't take the lead here, China and India will, and the U.S. will be buying energy knowledge and sources from foreign countries, just like we already rely on their technology and products for all the other industries that have been willingly given over to other countries.
IMHO most of the poor people in America are poor because they chose to be poor. in 90% cases if you work hard and do your best you are at least capable of living a normal life.

There's a lot of truth to that but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to achieve that so called "normal" life.

For example, my parents were of the "Greatest Generation". My father was a 20-year Navy vet and my mother was a stay at home mom. Neither graduated high school yet they owned a home, had a car, and we ate well every day and took the occasional vacation. That generation was more or less guaranteed their piece of the American dream by simply working at a job.

I'm of the Boomer generation. We had everything our parents had and then some. But, we definitiely had to finish high school and at least have some college. A Bachelors was a BIG plus.

It seems these days if you don't have a high diploma you are definitely screwed. Even a trade school diploma or associates degree is not going to help you all that much. What you need is at least a Bachelors in a necessary field from a good school to attain the life style of previous generations.

Eventually, if this trend continues, a graduate degree (or higher) will be required to even come close to a middle class lifestyle.

Things are definitely not looking up for the American Dream.

Even college grads can't look forward to any profession other than those that will never go away, service industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, and doctors. College students majoring in the myriad computer-related fields are also finding stiff competition. There is not enough industry left in this country to support all the fields that people of the "greatest generation" and their offspring (like me) were employed in. That's why there is such a push to get alternative energy technology moving. It's the only discipline where decent jobs will be created, from the brainiacs with penthouse offices all the way down to the janitors who clean their huge new office buildings. If we don't take the lead here, China and India will, and the U.S. will be buying energy knowledge and sources from foreign countries, just like we already rely on their technology and products for all the other industries that have been willingly given over to other countries.

That's for sure.

Makes me glad I was born when I was.

We had the best of everything.
Even college grads can't look forward to any profession other than those that will never go away, service industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, and doctors.

It's hard to work your way up the ladder if there is no job security, isn't it? Often, once you get to be "too expensive", you're gone! Kinda puts a kink in the conservatives' "work hard, work your way up, and you'll be successful" mantra, doesn't it?
I especially like the poor people who have cell phones glued to their ears and a set of $1500.00 wheels on their heaps of shit cars.

Yeah, they represent all published statistics for the number of poor people. :rolleyes:
IMHO most of the poor people in America are poor because they chose to be poor. in 90% cases if you work hard and do your best you are at least capable of living a normal life.

There's a lot of truth to that but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to achieve that so called "normal" life.

For example, my parents were of the "Greatest Generation". My father was a 20-year Navy vet and my mother was a stay at home mom. Neither graduated high school yet they owned a home, had a car, and we ate well every day and took the occasional vacation. That generation was more or less guaranteed their piece of the American dream by simply working at a job.

I'm of the Boomer generation. We had everything our parents had and then some. But, we definitiely had to finish high school and at least have some college. A Bachelors was a BIG plus.

It seems these days if you don't have a high diploma you are definitely screwed. Even a trade school diploma or associates degree is not going to help you all that much. What you need is at least a Bachelors in a necessary field from a good school to attain the life style of previous generations.

Eventually, if this trend continues, a graduate degree (or higher) will be required to even come close to a middle class lifestyle.

Things are definitely not looking up for the American Dream.

Even college grads can't look forward to any profession other than those that will never go away, service industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, and doctors. College students majoring in the myriad computer-related fields are also finding stiff competition. There is not enough industry left in this country to support all the fields that people of the "greatest generation" and their offspring (like me) were employed in. That's why there is such a push to get alternative energy technology moving. It's the only discipline where decent jobs will be created, from the brainiacs with penthouse offices all the way down to the janitors who clean their huge new office buildings. If we don't take the lead here, China and India will, and the U.S. will be buying energy knowledge and sources from foreign countries, just like we already rely on their technology and products for all the other industries that have been willingly given over to other countries.
[Emohasis added] The only?

There's a lot of truth to that but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to achieve that so called "normal" life.

For example, my parents were of the "Greatest Generation". My father was a 20-year Navy vet and my mother was a stay at home mom. Neither graduated high school yet they owned a home, had a car, and we ate well every day and took the occasional vacation. That generation was more or less guaranteed their piece of the American dream by simply working at a job.

I'm of the Boomer generation. We had everything our parents had and then some. But, we definitiely had to finish high school and at least have some college. A Bachelors was a BIG plus.

It seems these days if you don't have a high diploma you are definitely screwed. Even a trade school diploma or associates degree is not going to help you all that much. What you need is at least a Bachelors in a necessary field from a good school to attain the life style of previous generations.

Eventually, if this trend continues, a graduate degree (or higher) will be required to even come close to a middle class lifestyle.

Things are definitely not looking up for the American Dream.

Even college grads can't look forward to any profession other than those that will never go away, service industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, and doctors. College students majoring in the myriad computer-related fields are also finding stiff competition. There is not enough industry left in this country to support all the fields that people of the "greatest generation" and their offspring (like me) were employed in. That's why there is such a push to get alternative energy technology moving. It's the only discipline where decent jobs will be created, from the brainiacs with penthouse offices all the way down to the janitors who clean their huge new office buildings. If we don't take the lead here, China and India will, and the U.S. will be buying energy knowledge and sources from foreign countries, just like we already rely on their technology and products for all the other industries that have been willingly given over to other countries.

That's for sure.

Makes me glad I was born when I was.

We had the best of everything.

Indeed. I was also a little perplexed by this "big news story" today that federal employees make more money than civilians. Hello? They always have. My first job out of high school was working as a civilian secretary for the Department of the Army (local reserve offices), and as a G-3 or G-4 (can't remember which), at 18 years old my starting wage was higher than my mother's who had worked as a secretary for 15 years for a public utility.

We could easily go through a plethora of ways that we were better off in those days. And happier, I might add.
The government does not exist, nor should it exist, for wealth redistribution purposed in some Robin Hood scheme based on liberal guilt

You want your piece of the pie... work for it... invent something.. make yourself valuable... or hell, win the fucking lottery for all I care....

Retarded leftists think private property and holdings of others is owed to them

So, you're ok with it even though it will be disastrous for our economy to have the wealth distributed among so few? Wow, partisan hackery at its finest.

Everyone works hard for their money. Problem is, we're doing more work and making less. Wages have been declining steadily since the 70's. Meanwhile, the cost of living is going up by leaps and bounds. This is a real problem and I fear it is only going to get worse. When the economy was booming due to inflated housing prices and Wall Street shenanigans, were we wage earners also getting a piece of the windfall? HELL NO WE WERE NOT. We were sitting back, waiting to get "trickled on" which NEVER HAPPENED. Sure did lose a big chunk of our 401K though, didn't we?

Some of us will be living in better cars than others. Oh joy! It will never be 'fair.' Some are better at handling money, some at making it, some at both.

The Associated Press: Suburban homeless: Rising tide of women, families

Suburban homeless: Rising tide of women, families
By FRANK ELTMAN (AP) – Feb 16, 2010
ROOSEVELT, N.Y. — Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits — a "perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing," in one official's eyes.

"We are seeing many families that never before sought government help," said Greg Blass, commissioner of Social Services in Suffolk County on eastern Long Island.
"We see a spiral in food stamps, heating assistance applications; Medicaid is skyrocketing," Blass added. "It is truly reaching a stage of being alarming."

The federal government is again counting the nation's homeless and, by many accounts, the suburban numbers continue to rise, especially for families, women, children, Latinos and men seeking help for the first time. Some have to be turned away.

"Yes, there has definitely been an increased number of turnaways this year," said Jennifer Hill, executive director of the Alliance to End Homelessness in suburban Cook County, Illinois. "We're seeing increases in shelter use along the lines of 30 percent or more."...
You can blame a ton of it on the DEM congress.. some on Bush... and some even on the current administration, no matter how much a left winger wished to suck Obama's proverbial cock

How so? Just because YOU say so in your usual vulgar tone hardly makes it so. Exactly what have the Democrats (and Obama) done to exacerbate the amount of poverty in the US?

Larger government... higher taxation... entitlements instead of having people work their way out or improve their situation... These do not help those in poverty.. it is a perpetual crutch that keeps people in poverty at the whim of government power
What is it? 5% control what... 70+ % of the wealth in this country...

YouTube - Who Owns America's Wealth?

And the retarded conservatives think that this is healthy.

The government does not exist, nor should it exist, for wealth redistribution purposed in some Robin Hood scheme based on liberal guilt

You want your piece of the pie... work for it... invent something.. make yourself valuable... or hell, win the fucking lottery for all I care....

Retarded leftists think private property and holdings of others is owed to them

Well, must be you hold the framers of the Constitution in similar low regard because until an income tax was set in motion, the original Constitution called for a direct tax, which came primarily from property owners and the revenue therefrom spread to, gasp, even "poor houses" throughout the country.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Nowhere stating redistribution of wealth....
You know the poverty rates did not mean so much to rural folks 60 or more years ago.
They were mostly self sufficient.

Not so today.

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