Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

I see many newly elected Democrats are in the game for entertainment value. They already prove self-serving idiots. This one thinks she's bisexual Marilyn Monroe as she's being sworn in. She insists she's beyond tradition and the bible. It's about her individuality, because diversity is more important than unity. Senator Krysten Sinema has taken her Senate oath using a copy of the Constitution instead of a religious book

We live in a new world, where Democrats elect based on a prog's checklist as opposed who is best to do the job. It's not even a revolt against DC, it's a revolt against our country and most of all our brains.

Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

You notice that huh. Rump uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots love it. Tlaib uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots wet their pants talking about "unqualified". In a Congresswoman that isn't even in their district.
Trump never used the term "mother fucker."

How do you know? He could have said it once or twice in his life.
I hope she keeps it up. These are gifts to her opposition.

Put her with Maxine and Nancy and that dingbat from New York.

The poster girls of the left.

Has anyone noticed that as more and more of these leftist career women get into politics, the country is going to hell? Can you show me ONE female democrat in Congress that is NOT a vile douche bag?
I hope she keeps it up. These are gifts to her opposition.

Put her with Maxine and Nancy and that dingbat from New York.

The poster girls of the left.

Has anyone noticed that as more and more of these leftist career women get into politics, the country is going to hell? Can you show me ONE female democrat in Congress that is NOT a vile douche bag?

Ah yes, Pogo's Second Law makes another nickel. Kaching.
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Was that video made by a network? No, it was privately taped of him telling a dirty joke. Only difference is that no one did that much when Obama told a dirty joke. And Trump wasn't attacking anyone. He was telling a story. He was entertaining an audience. This congresswoman wasn't joking, she was attacking and assailing the POTUS in public showing a complete lack of respect and decorum. This is your Left fully naked now just as they have long wanted to be!
She learned it from sick, disgusting POS Tramp!

You dumb jackass, Trump was just telling a story in private about no one in particular. This woman is an acting congresswoman specifically calling the president of the United States an MFer. You that stupid you can't tell the difference? Want me to play you some Obumma videos where he too told dirty jokes?

That's not "in private", simpleshit. It's a PODIUM. In front of an AUDIENCE. It's a POLITICAL SPEECH.

Was that video made by a network? No, it was privately taped of him telling a dirty joke. Only difference is that no one did that much when Obama told a dirty joke. And Trump wasn't attacking anyone. He was telling a story. He was entertaining an audience. This congresswoman wasn't joking, she was attacking and assailing the POTUS in public showing a complete lack of respect and decorum. This is your Left fully naked now just as they have long wanted to be!

It isn't a "joke", moron --- it's a POLITICAL POINT. In this case "motherfuckers" refers to China. Even in a short clip, even you can figure out the context. It's not like we're asking you to track a hurricane here, don't act like a dolt.

Here's another shot of the same speech, with other parts...ALL of them are political ponts; NONE of them are "dirty jokes". Rump has no sense of humor --- he's never even TOLD a joke, 'dirty' or otherwise.

Oh and there goes your "was this video made by a network" crutch too. Wave BUH-bye.
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Lol fuck you and your faux outrage. This thread is so dumb.

And yet, if it was Trump calling Pelosi an MFer, you'd be right on top of it as your Post Of The Week.
Lol he wouldn’t have to. His record speaks for itself already in the childish insults he’s responsible for. That’s what makes this thread so stupid.
It isn't a "joke", moron --- it's a POLITICAL POINT. In this case "motherfuckers" refers to China.

I'm sure China is incensed. Funny how you make a federal case out of one coarse word, yet the media tries to bury all of Obamas foul language that often only survives as accidental audio saved or in audio clips. All these people say this stuff at one time or another. Hillary has a mouth like a sailor, so... DEAL WITH IT. None of this justifies the vile language directly used by your scum congress "lady."


Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

When did Trump call someone in high office a MF?
As far as elected officials go ... unprofessional causes no harm, unqualified is a bonus, and unhinged is at least entertaining.

We could always use more of that.

All true. And being a trash mouth, I don't get too excited about bad ole words that folks get so pissed about. Depending on the situation, of course.

But it does seem somehow worse when our elected officials go about with a trashy face. Or trashy behavior for that matter.
It isn't a "joke", moron --- it's a POLITICAL POINT. In this case "motherfuckers" refers to China.

I'm sure China is incensed. Funny how you make a federal case out of one coarse word, yet the media tries to bury all of Obamas foul language that often only survives as accidental audio saved or in audio clips. All these people say this stuff at one time or another. Hillary has a mouth like a sailor, so... DEAL WITH IT. None of this justifies the vile language directly used by your scum congress "lady."

OK so.... your first video is a montage of hot mics, which is nothing related to anything we have here, and the other two are clones of each other, creative editing, ZERO of which relate to anything we have here at all.

Number two, I made no "federal case"; I called out your BLATANT LYING about what is obviously a speech given from a podium to an audience, so fuck you in the ass. Number three, there's no "Hillary" involved here either so congratulations on hitting both Pogo's Law and Pogo's Second Law within a matter of minutes. For that matter there's no "Obama" involved here, there's no "Biden" involved here, there's no "Cheney" involved here, no "Bush", no "Reagan" none of that shit. And no Carly Fiorina, wherever the fuck that was supposed to go.

And once AGAIN she's not "my" Congress lady. I DON'T EVEN LIVE IN FUCKING MICHIGAN.

What you're trying so desperately to do here with this dishonest hackery is dismiss the same thing "your" guy does while holding "their" guy to an entirely different standard. And that makes you a fucking hypocrite, and that's the bed you made for yourself and there's nothing you can do now but lie in it. Literally.
Pelosi speaks in generalities, Cortez speaks in specifics.

:auiqs.jpg: :badgrin: :auiqs.jpg:

GAWD.. The stupidity is epidemic.. I laughed myself to tears on that one. So proud of you Dems covering up the total demise of your party.. With any luck, the Repubs will fold before you collapse from your own ignorance.

Cortez is a LIST MAKER.. Couldn't check the oil on a car. NOT a fixer of anything. If that's what oyou THINK you bought -- you've been hoodwinked. Makes Pelosi look competent in comparison.. ANY MORON can make lists of problems. That doesn't qualify you to LEAD A FUCKING COUNTRY...

You PROUD of all your new "leaders"??? America's "leadership crisis" just entered the final malignant terminal phase of the illness...

Ummmmmm..... far as I know the Rep in NY-14 doesn't quiiiiiite "LEAD A FUCKING COUNTRY". Check me on that, maybe I was absent that day in Civics class.
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.

So you're saying that she has no reason to purport herself as a lady. Well, she's certainly established her lack of character. She must be so proud!
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.

So you're saying that she has no reason to purport herself as a lady. Well, she's certainly established her lack of character. She must be so proud!

"Lady" is not an office. The office is Congressional Representative.

Ok, let me say again- I am conservative but not Republican. Now I see republicans attacking the vulgarity of a democrat, but during the campaign, they either were mute or defending the vulgarity of Trump. Drop your party affiliation and join the enlightened.

You notice that huh. Rump uses the word "motherfuckers" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots love it. Tlaib uses the word "motherfucker" and gets cheers from the audience, Rumpbots wet their pants talking about "unqualified". In a Congresswoman that isn't even in their district.
Trump never used the term "mother fucker."

Who's this? Alec Baldwin?

Hmmmm . . . . that's a speech I never saw.

Makes it convenient that it was recorded then, doesn't it?
Unhinged, unprofessional, unqualified

because she used language like you use ..

hypocrisy at its best.
Always interesting that the loony-left keeps calling for impeachment, yet there has been nothing shown that is impeachable. Clearly, they just like to hear themselves expressing rage. Perhaps they are under the mistaken belief that if they could find a way to get Trump out of office, they would automatically take over the office. If Trump went, Pence (a religious conservative), would take over and Vice President Pence was picked at the last minute and thus was in no way, associated with the Trump Campaign and any possible Russian dealings.
Pelosi stated that there should be "No civility until we are in power." That clearly indicates that they will only accept a one-party system, not unlike Venezuela, Cuba, China, or North Korea and thus, Civil War is an acceptable deterrence to their plans.

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