Republican Civil War - again?

And to add...

We need to decide whether the value added by the NSA wiretapping outweighs the loss of personal freedoms. Kind of like the TSA.. For me personally, I would accept the risk associated with the elimination of the TSA at our airports. The same is true with the NSA, without knowing exactly the benefits, I would accept the risk (as we know it) of eliminating the NSA wiretapping.


Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?
And to add...

We need to decide whether the value added by the NSA wiretapping outweighs the loss of personal freedoms. Kind of like the TSA.. For me personally, I would accept the risk associated with the elimination of the TSA at our airports. The same is true with the NSA, without knowing exactly the benefits, I would accept the risk (as we know it) of eliminating the NSA wiretapping.


Well, you will probably fall off your seat, but I agree with you. The NSA needs to be crushed.
And to add...

We need to decide whether the value added by the NSA wiretapping outweighs the loss of personal freedoms. Kind of like the TSA.. For me personally, I would accept the risk associated with the elimination of the TSA at our airports. The same is true with the NSA, without knowing exactly the benefits, I would accept the risk (as we know it) of eliminating the NSA wiretapping.


Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?

I don't need the service.. I accept the risk of air travel without the TSA support

And to add...

We need to decide whether the value added by the NSA wiretapping outweighs the loss of personal freedoms. Kind of like the TSA.. For me personally, I would accept the risk associated with the elimination of the TSA at our airports. The same is true with the NSA, without knowing exactly the benefits, I would accept the risk (as we know it) of eliminating the NSA wiretapping.


Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?

I don't need the service.. I accept the risk of air travel without the TSA support


Well, that's mighty big of you, accepting the risk with other people's lives.

Hey, have you ever tried waking up one morning and not being a selfish asshole, just for kicks?
Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?

I don't need the service.. I accept the risk of air travel without the TSA support


Well, that's mighty big of you, accepting the risk with other people's lives.

Hey, have you ever tried waking up one morning and not being a selfish asshole, just for kicks?

My life and that of my family is my fundamental concern..

Your's not so much :badgrin:

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I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple

Don't you mean Amerika ?

That's 'AmeriKKKa'!
I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple

Don't you mean Amerika ?

That's 'AmeriKKKa'!

Ahhh, Inky!!!
well the republican party has not won elections without cheating for a long time.

they keep getting caught and not one reports it much.

why is that?
I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple


The actual rooting out going on right is digging your wing out of the framework and sending your on your way.

You don't have the numbers, you don't have the $$$
if the republican party would get ideas that would work then they may have a chance of winning an elections again.

they prefer to cheat their way to power instead
when you begin depending on cheating to win elections you get out of touch with the what the voters are really wanting.

the republican party has no idea what Americans want anymore.

I don't think they care.

they cheat with the BIG moneys help.

they hate the word democray.

Im not sure they want this country to survive
I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple


Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.
Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.
I must of miss it, where in that screen shot does it talk about a civil war?
Well, we do know that we are being monitored by the NSA which aligns with previous lessons learned from other communist nations. Why the painting may not be complete, it sure is starting to show the concept


If I read that correctly, then you are telling me that George W. Bush, Jr. was also a Communist, amirite? For the NSA and it's spying activities began during HIS administration.

What GWB did, or did not do, is now out of my control and not my concern. Add Bush to the list of McCain, Snow, Alexander et al as multiple points of failure for the Republican party


But still ...

And to add...

We need to decide whether the value added by the NSA wiretapping outweighs the loss of personal freedoms. Kind of like the TSA.. For me personally, I would accept the risk associated with the elimination of the TSA at our airports. The same is true with the NSA, without knowing exactly the benefits, I would accept the risk (as we know it) of eliminating the NSA wiretapping.


Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?

I don't need the service.. I accept the risk of air travel without the TSA support


Fly private, then.
You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party
Enter Karl Rove with his bags of money. It is your time Karl!
when you begin depending on cheating to win elections you get out of touch with the what the voters are really wanting.

the republican party has no idea what Americans want anymore.

I don't think they care.

they cheat with the BIG moneys help.

they hate the word democray.

Im not sure they want this country to survive

Actually, they do have an idea what Americans want and ti scares them to death. Americans do not want the dogma and regressive policies of the GOP.

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