Republican Civil War - again?

You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.
Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.


And the problem is GOP party bosses are pandering to the extreme right who are not interested in responsible governance.
Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.


And the problem is GOP party bosses are pandering to the extreme right who are not interested in responsible governance.

responsible government...the new Democrat/progressive/socialist taking point...and calling others who want to stop this out of control government, EXTREMIST
In other word, just bow down to what ever the hell they want to and kiss your ass and money goodbye

you are such a partisan sheep hack
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Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.


And the problem is GOP party bosses are pandering to the extreme right who are not interested in responsible governance.

No, they are not. Read Stephanie's crazy talk above, bitching that the GOP leadership is not listening to their craziness anymore.
Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.

Keep repeating that, Josef.

When we take 15 Senate Seats and increase our House membership by 30 Seats, keep repeating that to yourself.

Here's the deal.... Much of the GOP leadership thinks that Americans want Big Government, and it's their position that they can run Big Government better than dimocrap scum can run BG. Which is true. ANYBODY can run ANYTHING better than dimocrap scum. You really are the stupidest, most dishonest, most corrupt, lyingest, cockbreath motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth. FAR worse than Stalin. FAR, FAR, FAR worse than Hitler or Pol Pot or Castro or Che or any of the other assholes in Galactic History.

They were, at least, somewhat honest about what they were going to do and what they wanted. dimocraps just lie.

But anyway, that's where we are.

The party realignment among dimocrap scum took us by surprise. We haven't reacted well to it yet.

Republican Leadership thinks it's business as usual. Most of the rest of us don't. We see dimocrap scum for what they are... Lying, corrupt FILTH.

Republican Party Leadership won't confront them.... Yet. (If ever)

If they do, we sweep to power. And I mean, SWEEP to power like nothing that's happened since Reagan.

Problem is, the old timers in the Party still have a lot of power. Something we need to deal with.

What the current dimocrap scum party did was to let Republicans cleanse their own party of wafflers and moderates FOR them. And we did, in 2010. All the Blue Dog democrats...? Gone. All the moderates? Gone. All the Patriots? Gone

The realignment is now complete. the dimocrap scum party is now, officially, a socialist party. And by socialist, I mean democratic socialist or social democrat.... Not marxist.

There's a difference, but most dimocraps are way too stupid to know that.

WE will go through a realignment ourselves over the next few years.

The choices for the Republican Party are, 1) Be a Party of Big Government, just not as Big as dimocraps and better run.

Or, 2) Be the last remaining Patriotic American Political Party and go back to our roots.

Right now, I'd say it's about 50-50 either way. But if Republicans choose Door #1, they better get used to losing a LOT of elections.
I respect that opinion, [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION], and I am not, I repeat, I am not knocking the GOP for it, but with upcoming elections, the question is whether the party can handle internecine strite and still compete nationally.

I disagree with your assessment of our President. He is obviously not a communist. The very fact that you can write that and the KGB doesn't swoop you away from your computer proves the point already.

Think about it.

Well, we do know that we are being monitored by the NSA which aligns with previous lessons learned from other communist nations. Why the painting may not be complete, it sure is starting to show the concept


If I read that correctly, then you are telling me that George W. Bush, Jr. was also a Communist, amirite? For the NSA and it's spying activities began during HIS administration.

Most on the partisan right have no problem with Republican presidents spying on Americans.

Clearly conservatives are either obvious to their hypocrisy or comfortable with it.
You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.

Perhaps, but the far right may be poised to take over the GOP. Rove can only fight so many battles. Agreed?
You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.

Perhaps, but the far right may be poised to take over the GOP. Rove can only fight so many battles. Agreed?

The Far Right failed in 2012 to elect a president who catered to their needs at the exclusion of the center, then pulled their despicable tactics all year culminating in the legislative disasters in Oct and Nov.

If (and I think it will happen) the Far Right candidates are largely primaried out, the FR will no longer be a threat to party stability and competitiveness.
Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.


And the problem is GOP party bosses are pandering to the extreme right who are not interested in responsible governance.

No, they are not. Read Stephanie's crazy talk above, bitching that the GOP leadership is not listening to their craziness anymore.

Everyone is crazy to some degree, but being crazy does not mean one is wrong on any issue. Nor, does that fact that an idiot is sane make him/her less of an idiot. The Republican Right has the crazies, and the Democrat Left has the idiots. The nation is much better off listening to the crazies.

The GOP leadership has not listened to the conservatives for many years now, and that is the reason there is a revolt occurring within the Republican party. For the most part, both Republicans and Democrats campaign as conservatives, and then attempt to govern as liberal/socialists.
You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Discernment, Stephanie, discernment.

It doesn't bother me. In fact, I said I'm cool with it.

THAT should tell you something.

Discernment is your friend.
I must of miss it, where in that screen shot does it talk about a civil war?

Do you REALLY need to have that spoonfed to you? Really?

Ok, first bite. Now, open your mouth.


Second bite comes tomorrow. Chew well.
Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.

Keep repeating that, Josef.

When we take 15 Senate Seats and increase our House membership by 30 Seats, keep repeating that to yourself.

Here's the deal.... Much of the GOP leadership thinks that Americans want Big Government, and it's their position that they can run Big Government better than dimocrap scum can run BG. Which is true. ANYBODY can run ANYTHING better than dimocrap scum. You really are the stupidest, most dishonest, most corrupt, lyingest, cockbreath motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth. FAR worse than Stalin. FAR, FAR, FAR worse than Hitler or Pol Pot or Castro or Che or any of the other assholes in Galactic History.

They were, at least, somewhat honest about what they were going to do and what they wanted. dimocraps just lie.

But anyway, that's where we are.

The party realignment among dimocrap scum took us by surprise. We haven't reacted well to it yet.

Republican Leadership thinks it's business as usual. Most of the rest of us don't. We see dimocrap scum for what they are... Lying, corrupt FILTH.

Republican Party Leadership won't confront them.... Yet. (If ever)

If they do, we sweep to power. And I mean, SWEEP to power like nothing that's happened since Reagan.

Problem is, the old timers in the Party still have a lot of power. Something we need to deal with.

What the current dimocrap scum party did was to let Republicans cleanse their own party of wafflers and moderates FOR them. And we did, in 2010. All the Blue Dog democrats...? Gone. All the moderates? Gone. All the Patriots? Gone

The realignment is now complete. the dimocrap scum party is now, officially, a socialist party. And by socialist, I mean democratic socialist or social democrat.... Not marxist.

There's a difference, but most dimocraps are way too stupid to know that.

WE will go through a realignment ourselves over the next few years.

The choices for the Republican Party are, 1) Be a Party of Big Government, just not as Big as dimocraps and better run.

Or, 2) Be the last remaining Patriotic American Political Party and go back to our roots.

Right now, I'd say it's about 50-50 either way. But if Republicans choose Door #1, they better get used to losing a LOT of elections.

Well, statistically speaking you're an unarmed statistic who won't have much to laugh about when your plastic little collectivist world dissolves around you. I wonder if you'll be "ROFL" then when you're being dragged away to a ditch before your own execution?
File under: hmmmm, interesting.

There is a new extreme Right-Wing group out there, called ForAmerica. Here is a screenshot of their website:


This was discussed yesterday on Crossfire (CNN):

Crossfire: A Republican Civil War? - Video

ForAmerica is headed up by Brent Bozell, so says the website:

America, Inc - About

Who is Brent Bozell?

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He heads up Media Research Center.

In case you are unaware of him, he is the dude who once called our President a "skinny ghetto crackhead." (Video at the link)

He is a rich cheerleader for the Right who makes a lot of money off of his rhetoric. Ok by me.

But his website says he is currently undertaking a six-figure $$$ campaign to upend the entire GOP leadership. Also ok with me.

But if a Civil War is brewing in the GOP on so many fronts, how is it going to be able to compete nationally?

It will be interesting to see if his group succeeds.

Your thoughts, from all sides?

Why don't these extremists Cowards go out and officially start their own 3rd National Party - TEA PARTY?

Give the GOP their party back. Reasonable, pragmatic, moderate fiscal conservatives to check the Dems spending and taxing.
The GOP leadership has not listened to the conservatives for many years now, and that is the reason there is a revolt occurring within the Republican party. For the most part, both Republicans and Democrats campaign as conservatives, and then attempt to govern as liberal/socialists.

We have listened far more than we should to the far right, gave them Palin then Ryan, but their hate campaigns both times turned off enough voters to elect BHO.

You do not have the numbers or the attitude to deserve anything further.
When we take 15 Senate Seats and increase our House membership by 30 Seats, keep repeating that to yourself . . . .You really are the stupidest, most dishonest, most corrupt, lyingest, cockbreath motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth. FAR worse than Stalin. FAR, FAR, FAR worse than Hitler or Pol Pot or Castro or Che or any of the other assholes in Galactic History.

The above is why we are purging the far right from power and policy making decisions.

We should primary out half of the TeaP reps.

If we campaign smartly, kick the far right hate rage in the balls when necessary, we may pick up 6 to 8 Senate seats and three or four House seats.
File under: hmmmm, interesting.

There is a new extreme Right-Wing group out there, called

This was discussed yesterday on Crossfire (CNN):

ForAmerica is headed up by Brent Bozell, so says the website:

Who is Brent Bozell?

He heads up Media Research Center.

In case you are unaware of him, he is the dude who once called our President a "skinny ghetto crackhead." (Video at the link)

He is a rich cheerleader for the Right who makes a lot of money off of his rhetoric. Ok by me.

But his website says he is currently undertaking a six-figure $$$ campaign to upend the entire GOP leadership. Also ok with me.

But if a Civil War is brewing in the GOP on so many fronts, how is it going to be able to compete nationally?

It will be interesting to see if his group succeeds.

Your thoughts, from all sides?

I can see where you would be confused Statist, you democrats never question your rulers. MSNBC tells you what you think, and you think it...

Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.

Keep repeating that, Josef.

When we take 15 Senate Seats and increase our House membership by 30 Seats, keep repeating that to yourself.

Here's the deal.... Much of the GOP leadership thinks that Americans want Big Government, and it's their position that they can run Big Government better than dimocrap scum can run BG. Which is true. ANYBODY can run ANYTHING better than dimocrap scum. You really are the stupidest, most dishonest, most corrupt, lyingest, cockbreath motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the Earth. FAR worse than Stalin. FAR, FAR, FAR worse than Hitler or Pol Pot or Castro or Che or any of the other assholes in Galactic History.

They were, at least, somewhat honest about what they were going to do and what they wanted. dimocraps just lie.

But anyway, that's where we are.

The party realignment among dimocrap scum took us by surprise. We haven't reacted well to it yet.

Republican Leadership thinks it's business as usual. Most of the rest of us don't. We see dimocrap scum for what they are... Lying, corrupt FILTH.

Republican Party Leadership won't confront them.... Yet. (If ever)

If they do, we sweep to power. And I mean, SWEEP to power like nothing that's happened since Reagan.

Problem is, the old timers in the Party still have a lot of power. Something we need to deal with.

What the current dimocrap scum party did was to let Republicans cleanse their own party of wafflers and moderates FOR them. And we did, in 2010. All the Blue Dog democrats...? Gone. All the moderates? Gone. All the Patriots? Gone

The realignment is now complete. the dimocrap scum party is now, officially, a socialist party. And by socialist, I mean democratic socialist or social democrat.... Not marxist.

There's a difference, but most dimocraps are way too stupid to know that.

WE will go through a realignment ourselves over the next few years.

The choices for the Republican Party are, 1) Be a Party of Big Government, just not as Big as dimocraps and better run.

Or, 2) Be the last remaining Patriotic American Political Party and go back to our roots.

Right now, I'd say it's about 50-50 either way. But if Republicans choose Door #1, they better get used to losing a LOT of elections.


When Edge goes into FiliBabble even the straightest in our party go in to hysterics.

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