Republican Civil War - again?

I must of miss it, where in that screen shot does it talk about a civil war?

Do you REALLY need to have that spoonfed to you? Really?

Ok, first bite. Now, open your mouth.


Second bite comes tomorrow. Chew well.

um no dummy, that is how elections work. often there are several candidates from the same party running for the same position. then you have the general party election and the final two or sometimes three enter the final race.

this is not a civil war, this is a party that does not walk in lock step like your precious dems.

btw...are all republicans rightwingers?
Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.

Perhaps, but the far right may be poised to take over the GOP. Rove can only fight so many battles. Agreed?

The Far Right failed in 2012 to elect a president who catered to their needs at the exclusion of the center, then pulled their despicable tactics all year culminating in the legislative disasters in Oct and Nov.

If (and I think it will happen) the Far Right candidates are largely primaried out, the FR will no longer be a threat to party stability and competitiveness.

I don't know about the particulars, but the center usually wins out in the long run - there are just a whole lot more of us.
I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple


I respect that opinion, [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION], and I am not, I repeat, I am not knocking the GOP for it, but with upcoming elections, the question is whether the party can handle internecine strite and still compete nationally.

I disagree with your assessment of our President. He is obviously not a communist. The very fact that you can write that and the KGB doesn't swoop you away from your computer proves the point already.

Think about it.

No need to snag his computer and display his agenda when he can just hack it and learn even more over time.
I think there were more Republicans objecting to Bush and the Patriot Act than Democrats denouncing the ACA as unconstitutional. While both parties silence their own critics.

Well, we do know that we are being monitored by the NSA which aligns with previous lessons learned from other communist nations. Why the painting may not be complete, it sure is starting to show the concept


If I read that correctly, then you are telling me that George W. Bush, Jr. was also a Communist, amirite? For the NSA and it's spying activities began during HIS administration.

Most on the partisan right have no problem with Republican presidents spying on Americans.

Clearly conservatives are either obvious to their hypocrisy or comfortable with it.

Yes and no.

1. First there were lots of Republicans who did publicly denounce the Patriot Act under Bush
as too far reaching for govt and unconstitutional on its face. If the party silenced this objection, then for you to join in the same act of excluding them to make your political argument is equally wrong; you cannot just blame the GOP for it while doing the same.

2. Secondly many would still trust the Republican leadership to limit executive power rather than Democrat leadership that has shown no respect for Constitutional checks to begin with. From my experience, I have more success getting conservatives to respect "prochoice" based on Constitutional arguments, than getting prochoice liberals to respect prochoice arguments against the ACA. This depends if people have a commitment to uphold Constitutional values themselves; if so, they more readily correct themselves, even if they make the same mistake as nonconstitutionalists, they are easier to hold to the laws.

3. Note: Democrats have the same problem. When John Cusack spoke out against govt spying and abuses, he basically yelled where are all the Democrats? And just got silence.

Both parties do this, but in general the Republicans and Libertarians are more committed to checking govt and their own candidates by the Constitution. While Democrats and liberals just use political power of voting and elections to put people in office to represent policy.

Even with "prochoice" and "pro gay" marriage, these arguments are not based on enforcing the Constitution for all people but just for pushing these agenda, even if it means excluding and discriminating against opposing views; so that is not Constitutional inclusion.

it is one thing to push for equal free choice, but they go too far and push for their choice instead of others, so these are not equally protected by law.

The Republicans and conservatives will similar push for "progun" and "prolife" agenda, but when called to check policies using the Constitution, they tend to respect that, since that is the same authority they are using to defend their side of these conflicts.

Where both parties fail to hold their own leaders accountable, that is where they become equally necessary to check each other. Ironically both see the other party as worse. Which tells me they are at least equal hypocrites, biased about self-reporting their own faults.
Better get a defibrulator ready for that one for after the election.

After what election, Statist?

The one in November? You think you Obamunists are going to do real well?

I just signed off on a 23% increase in health insurance costs. 12% of that directly due to Obamacare taxes. We do a 75-25 cut, so the employee is getting hit, just like we are. And we told the truth, you'll see less in your check because of Obamacare. This is happening across the nation. You REALLY think people are going to spread rose petals out for your shameful party?
You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.

Perhaps, but the far right may be poised to take over the GOP. Rove can only fight so many battles. Agreed?

Too bad none of you worry over the Far left progressives/socialist/commies taking over the Democrat party and kicking out all the moderate blue dog Democrats

but too you leftie sheep your party is just hunky dory and will march in lockstep your elected political Masters without questions
Stephanie, you old coot.

Don't worry about the Dems, worry about our GOP. We need to win elections, and we can't do it your way.
Divide and Conquer

Makes it a lot easier and cheaper if they self-divide.
Looks like a bunch of old rich white guys upset that the current crop of old rich white guys aren't doing enough to defend the status quo that old rich white guys survive and thrive on. A bit of stereo typing there but the image kind of distills the Conservatives underlying angst.
Oh My...

That doesn't come across as neither conservative nor civil discourse.
HINT: You actually have to be sane to appeal to a big majority of the American population.
Stephanie, you old coot.

Don't worry about the Dems, worry about our GOP. We need to win elections, and we can't do it your way.

No thanks, I don't take kindly to being labeled an extremist, terrorist, etc by people like you and that party which should stop hiding behind it's the Democratic party and just change it's name to, the socialist/progressive/communist party of the united states

you fakie old coot jakie
I respect that opinion, [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION], and I am not, I repeat, I am not knocking the GOP for it, but with upcoming elections, the question is whether the party can handle internecine strite and still compete nationally.

I disagree with your assessment of our President. He is obviously not a communist. The very fact that you can write that and the KGB doesn't swoop you away from your computer proves the point already.

Think about it.

Well, we do know that we are being monitored by the NSA which aligns with previous lessons learned from other communist nations. Why the painting may not be complete, it sure is starting to show the concept


If I read that correctly, then you are telling me that George W. Bush, Jr. was also a Communist, amirite? For the NSA and it's spying activities began during HIS administration.

There is no such person as George W Bush Jr. Unless G.W. Bush has a son we don't know about:confused:
Stephanie, you old coot.

Don't worry about the Dems, worry about our GOP. We need to win elections, and we can't do it your way.

No thanks, I don't take kindly to being labeled an extremist, terrorist, etc by people like you and that party which should stop hiding behind it's the Democratic party and just change it's name to, the socialist/progressive/communist party of the united states

you fakie old coot jakie
Fakey lives in a fantasy world of his own making. Reality laughs, and longs for the day when it can bite Fakey in the ass with relish.
Too bad none of you worry over the Far left progressives/socialist/commies taking over the Democrat party and kicking out all the moderate blue dog Democrats

but too you leftie sheep your party is just hunky dory and will march in lockstep your elected political Masters without questions

I'm sure Jake worries about himself.

You know far left progressives/socialist/commie that he is.
Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.

Without the Tea-party there would be no Republican house majority...You're welcome
File under: hmmmm, interesting.

There is a new extreme Right-Wing group out there, called ForAmerica. Here is a screenshot of their website:


This was discussed yesterday on Crossfire (CNN):

Crossfire: A Republican Civil War? - Video

ForAmerica is headed up by Brent Bozell, so says the website:

America, Inc - About

Who is Brent Bozell?

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He heads up Media Research Center.

In case you are unaware of him, he is the dude who once called our President a "skinny ghetto crackhead." (Video at the link)

He is a rich cheerleader for the Right who makes a lot of money off of his rhetoric. Ok by me.

But his website says he is currently undertaking a six-figure $$$ campaign to upend the entire GOP leadership. Also ok with me.

But if a Civil War is brewing in the GOP on so many fronts, how is it going to be able to compete nationally?

It will be interesting to see if his group succeeds.

Your thoughts, from all sides?

What civil war? according to the left the GOP marches in lock step all the time? Trying to have it both ways again?
Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.

Without the Tea-party there would be no Republican house majority...You're welcome
Just so Fakey gets it? TEA Party=THE PEOPLE fed up...NOT a REAL 'PARTY' he thinks it is.

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