Republican Civil War - again?

I call them Decent President (Sr) and Shitty President (Jr)

I don't. Though I strongly disagreed with some of Bush, Jr.'s policies, I respected the man and I never bitched about him personally, not even once. And Bush, Sr. was definitely the better of the two candidates in 1988, without a doubt. But his Presidency was a mixed-bag, some good, some meh and some bad. But I liked him personally very much.
Has the civil war started yet? I couldn't find a grey uniform, so I will have to be content to wear my grey sweats. Grey is going to be on the good side, right?
Jroc is locked into his own shrinking neo-con world.

You can't rock him out of it.

I consider him to be a smart guy and I like Jroc. He may have had a problem with others using the "Jr" term to knock Pres. Bush (43), but I never did, never have, never would. I don't find it insulting in any way, shape or form. My father and my older brother both had the same first name and middle name: they were "Sr" and "Jr", just as is the case in probably millions of families across the globe.
Don't be silly.

George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Called Jr. because his Father had the same middle initial. Even the family called him Jr.

Jr is used as a derogatory description of G.W. Bush. there is no such person as G.W. Bush jr. You like facts bro? That's a fact. You don't want to be factual? Then continue with it

That is absolutely not true, you must have a screw loose today. Even his own family has had him addressed as George W. Bush, Jr.

It was never once meant to be derogatory. You are looking for an insult where one does not exist.

It appears we are both right. Although the some in the media and his own family call the Jr. and Sr., technically, it is not correct.

So, you are thinking of naming your baby after his dad and you’re wondering if your little boy would be considered a junior? Technically, if you want your baby to be a junior, you would need to use the dad’s first, middle and last name. Using a different middle or last name, would no longer be considered a junior. Some parents still call their child a junior even if his name doesn’t meet these requirements, but a son is not generally considered junior unless he is using the dad’s full name.

Read more: Naming a child after his father - When is he a junior? : Baby Names : Pregnancy

Both middle names would have to be the same. Which is good. Not often do arguments between left and right turn out to be that each side is right! :)
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I call them Decent President (Sr) and Shitty President (Jr)

I don't. Though I strongly disagreed with some of Bush, Jr.'s policies, I respected the man and I never bitched about him personally, not even once. And Bush, Sr. was definitely the better of the two candidates in 1988, without a doubt. But his Presidency was a mixed-bag, some good, some meh and some bad. But I liked him personally very much.

I respect the man, but he was still a lousy President.

And I defended Bush more on this board than any other President by multiples from the loopy twoofers until I got bored with the nutters and decided to no longer engage.

His brother would have been a better President.
That is absolutely not true, you must have a screw loose today. Even his own family has had him addressed as George W. Bush, Jr.

It was never once meant to be derogatory. You are looking for an insult where one does not exist.

I'm curious Statist, if you were to post something, and not lie, would you burst into flames or something?


You may be a lying little twerp, but you make me laugh! :thup:
You have got to be fucking kidding. Even within the Bush family, they have called them Sr. And Jr.

I have been calling him Bush Jr. for 14 years now and not once single solitary Conservative has EVER taken exception to this very normal use of Jr. and Sr. Not one. In fact, most of them used it,too. Until you came along and got all upset.

You have got to be fucking kidding me if you think I am going to take you serious over a little semantic issue like this. No way, Jose.

That is just plain old :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You tried to be derogatory.

You turned out just being stupid...

It's the Peter Principle - you've reached the level of your incompetence. (And it was a short journey!)

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