Republican Civil War - again?

Fakey lives in a fantasy world of his own making. Reality laughs, and longs for the day when it can bite Fakey in the ass with relish.

It's Alzheimer's!

Fakey forgets that he's a Bolshevik and gets confused into thinking he is one of the Republicans he hates..
And tries to redefine/tailor to his thinking....if one could describe his bilge as thinking...:eusa_whistle:
And IF they get it back? WHAT are they going to do with it? Frankly? I don't trust the party elites...

Well that IS the problem..

The Republicans are selling us down the river as we speak, to buy the illegal vote - figuring that we will vote for them because the alternative is the democrats.

The GOP are scumbags, no question about it.
And IF they get it back? WHAT are they going to do with it? Frankly? I don't trust the party elites...

Well that IS the problem..

The Republicans are selling us down the river as we speak, to buy the illegal vote - figuring that we will vote for them because the alternative is the democrats.

The GOP are scumbags, no question about it.
The GOP fill the VOID of yesterday's DEMOCRATS that have swung toward Communism.
Divide and Conquer

Makes it a lot easier and cheaper if they self-divide.
Looks like a bunch of old rich white guys upset that the current crop of old rich white guys aren't doing enough to defend the status quo that old rich white guys survive and thrive on. A bit of stereo typing there but the image kind of distills the Conservatives underlying angst.

Is that what MSNBC told you? Lap it up, dog, lap it up.

That is the kind of cartoonish partisan nonsense that leads to stupid-ass commercials about old ladies in wheelchairs being pushed off cliffs.

Pull out the tube and come out of the pod. You'll feel better.
Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.

Without the Tea-party there would be no Republican house majority...You're welcome

There will be less than a dozen TPM that win in the next election. The majority will be made up of mainstream GOP without those losers. I warned the Board about this more than four years ago that the far right would seriously disrupt the GOP. Now you see McConnell and Boehner willing to turn their back on the TeaP and make a majority and consensus with the Dems.

Watch the primaries and tremble. We don't need you. And you have no where else to go.
And we see the far right come to the realization that you are being left behind. Stupid asses.
The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.

Without the Tea-party there would be no Republican house majority...You're welcome

There will be less than a dozen TPM that win in the next election. The majority will be made up of mainstream GOP without those losers. I warned the Board about this more than four years ago that the far right would seriously disrupt the GOP. Now you see McConnell and Boehner willing to turn their back on the TeaP and make a majority and consensus with the Dems.

Watch the primaries and tremble. We don't need you. And you have no where else to go.

No tea party, no majority fake..We need new leadership as well. There will be more tea party members not less come next year:cool:
Well, we do know that we are being monitored by the NSA which aligns with previous lessons learned from other communist nations. Why the painting may not be complete, it sure is starting to show the concept


If I read that correctly, then you are telling me that George W. Bush, Jr. was also a Communist, amirite? For the NSA and it's spying activities began during HIS administration.

There is no such person as George W Bush Jr. Unless G.W. Bush has a son we don't know about:confused:

Don't be silly.

George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Called Jr. because his Father had the same middle initial. Even the family called him Jr.
I agree. The republican party has lost its way. When you have leftist a-holes like Snow, McCain, Alexander et al.. mixed in with that dufus Karl Rove I rest my case. We need to root out our own in this country. However, I don't think we have the will for the fight. It will have to come to that.. Either let the communist continue its America implementation, or take our Nation back

It's that simple


Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

We are there...

Yep, just as simple as your mind. But go ahead and continue to push the GOP to the far right, and watch it become one with the Whigs.

The GOP leadership and mainstream are preventing the far right from blowing up the party's hopes (again).

Watch the primaries and tremble at the outcomes.

I hope the pubs get smoked in November

We have to allow the pain to continue in this country until she wakes up.

The GOP can attack its own but can't muster a fight to stop a NAACP lawyer confirmation who tried getting a cop killer off.

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Well, that's mighty big of you.

So what would you replace the TSA with? Letting private contractors hire people for minimum wage who don't give a flip?

Kind of like what we had on Sept. 11, 2001.

How'd that work out again?

I don't need the service.. I accept the risk of air travel without the TSA support


Fly private, then.

Actually I already do. She's a fine 1970 Mooney M20C

You have to wonder why if there is a civil war in the Gop this bothers the people on the left/liberal/Democrats?

I thinks it's because they feel everyone should just stop thinking, give up your souls to the (ELECTED elites politicans who act as their MASTERS) and just MARCH in goosestepping lockstep like they do with their party

Nobody who cares about the Party worries about what the Dems think.

We are worried at the crazy thinking on the Far Right.

And there you have it...

Bozell is one of these guys who regularly posts hate at TownHall and other places where the crazies all get together to sound less crazy.

The real problem is, all these guys- Bozell, Limbaugh, Savage, aren't interested in winning because winning actually requires them to govern...

They are in the greivence industry. And Obama creates a lot of greivence amongst angry white guys.


And the problem is GOP party bosses are pandering to the extreme right who are not interested in responsible governance.

No, they are not. Read Stephanie's crazy talk above, bitching that the GOP leadership is not listening to their craziness anymore.



File under: hmmmm, interesting.

There is a new extreme Right-Wing group out there, called ForAmerica. Here is a screenshot of their website:


This was discussed yesterday on Crossfire (CNN):

Crossfire: A Republican Civil War? - Video

ForAmerica is headed up by Brent Bozell, so says the website:

America, Inc - About

Who is Brent Bozell?

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He heads up Media Research Center.

In case you are unaware of him, he is the dude who once called our President a "skinny ghetto crackhead." (Video at the link)

He is a rich cheerleader for the Right who makes a lot of money off of his rhetoric. Ok by me.

But his website says he is currently undertaking a six-figure $$$ campaign to upend the entire GOP leadership. Also ok with me.

But if a Civil War is brewing in the GOP on so many fronts, how is it going to be able to compete nationally?

It will be interesting to see if his group succeeds.

Your thoughts, from all sides?

Why don't these extremists Cowards go out and officially start their own 3rd National Party - TEA PARTY?

Give the GOP their party back. Reasonable, pragmatic, moderate fiscal conservatives to check the Dems spending and taxing.

You should mind your own business. The radical leftist are like a cancer looking for a new host.

Why don't these extremists Cowards go out and officially start their own 3rd National Party - TEA PARTY?

Give the GOP their party back. Reasonable, pragmatic, moderate fiscal conservatives to check the Dems spending and taxing.

Why, why does one faction or the other have proprietary control over either of the two corporatist state parties? Let them compete for the privilege to rule and let the brain dead sheep that follow them decide.
File under: hmmmm, interesting.

There is a new extreme Right-Wing group out there, called ForAmerica. Here is a screenshot of their website:


This was discussed yesterday on Crossfire (CNN):

Crossfire: A Republican Civil War? - Video

ForAmerica is headed up by Brent Bozell, so says the website:

America, Inc - About

Who is Brent Bozell?

L. Brent Bozell III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He heads up Media Research Center.

In case you are unaware of him, he is the dude who once called our President a "skinny ghetto crackhead." (Video at the link)

He is a rich cheerleader for the Right who makes a lot of money off of his rhetoric. Ok by me.

But his website says he is currently undertaking a six-figure $$$ campaign to upend the entire GOP leadership. Also ok with me.

But if a Civil War is brewing in the GOP on so many fronts, how is it going to be able to compete nationally?

It will be interesting to see if his group succeeds.

Your thoughts, from all sides?

Why don't these extremists Cowards go out and officially start their own 3rd National Party - TEA PARTY?

Give the GOP their party back. Reasonable, pragmatic, moderate fiscal conservatives to check the Dems spending and taxing.

You should mind your own business. The radical leftist are like a cancer looking for a new host.


WE are talking about the Reactionary Far Right, not the Dems.

You folk will straighten up or you will be put in the corner.

Watch the primaries.
what would the mindless morons on the Left do if they ever had to stand on their own?
i see many ranting bout old white people. old white people pay for the programs the people of color the Left wants to keep enslaved in government dependence.
as for White people in general there are far many more White people than any other single race; and even now more than both Black and Hispanic combined.

i'm mostly white but mixed; my son is is half Black.
do you arrogant, sumg idiots on the left really think you could handle a pissed off "minority" of over 100 million people?

they say be careful what you ask for; this is a good example of that

why dont you intolerant left-wing hypocrites get your own hate-filled house in order before pointing fingers at others?

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