Republican Comey's attempt to influence election for Trump will backfire

So, you claim you were going to vote third party, but then you learn that some more of Clinton's e-mails have shown up---this time mixed in with pictures of Carlos Danger's you are going to vote for Clinton because Trump must be a Facist.

The Clinton Crime Family counts heavily on voters like you---known as Liars.....or perhaps Dumbasses. With the Public Schools in Democratic Control----there are aplenty of you.
The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.

And Hil-Liar isn't?

You on the left really shake in fear when your cradle-to-grave government is threatened. Your guy had 8 years and what did he do? He created tens of millions additional government dependents, he allowed several terrorist attacks to take place within our borders, he destroyed our healthcare system, he put us in more debt than all Presidents before him combined, he has one of the most corrupt administrations in history--one of his players now running for his seat, and you on the left want to blame Republicans for all this.
Everyone who points out the truth is trying to "influence" the election in liar's mind.
People mainly the Clintons keep saying what Comey has done is unprecedented yet in 1992 there was an indictment made by special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh against former Reagan-era Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger the weekend before the 1992 election which many felt helped George H W Bushes challenger one Bill Clinton. The indictment later thrown out but before that Clinton seized on it saying for example Secretary Weinberger's note clearly shows that President Bush has not been telling the truth when he says he was out of the loop." Clinton added It demonstrates that President Bush knew and approved of President Reagan's secret deal to swap arms for hostages.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
Hillary harmed herself. The GOP had nothing to do with her garbage. Your shit is weak.

A generalized Red Herring. Conservatives have a need to throw everything into a pot and stir it up into a stew and think it 'proof' of something.

It's just proof that conservatives have a very hard time differentiating between individual issues and an overall 'dislike' of someone. You throw all your anger into one emotion and lay that blanket over everything a person does.

It is the action of the lazy.
That's weaker still. You couldn't respond with anything but puerile insults. Proof that you're full of shit.
Dan rather still tried to influence the election. Anything to say on that? Never said he was the director of the FBI? Where did you assume that?

Because, moron, Rather's assertions were from a PRIVATE individual, versus the assertions from Comey carry the weight of the most prestigious investigative arm of the federal government.....Hopefully, a grown up can explain the difference to you.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

Worried about a Fascist takeover?

Too late . That occurred back in 1935 when FDR was elected.

The question on November 8th, 2016 is which fascist is best for our country - which is the lesser of evils.

Hillary will disarm us and will start WWIII in order to help Israel.

In conclusion, The Donald is the better candidate.

Clinton will win anyway...regardless of this last attempt at derailment. Plus, there will be an early November "surprise" about Trump....of that I have no doubt.

Now, Hillary's win will not be a landslide as previously estimated, but she will get her 270 EC votes clinched by early evening on Nov. 8th.
Dan rather still tried to influence the election. Anything to say on that? Never said he was the director of the FBI? Where did you assume that?

Because, moron, Rather's assertions were from a PRIVATE individual, versus the assertions from Comey carry the weight of the most prestigious investigative arm of the federal government.....Hopefully, a grown up can explain the difference to you.
Listen you fucking douchebag, Rather WAS a respected journalist who was more well known that Comey. He tried to influence an election. He failed. Comey is doing his job. Maybe you should let him do it. You seemed to like him a couple of weeks ago. Now he's not telling you what you want to hear? Tough shit. Deal with it.
You seemed to like him a couple of weeks ago. Now he's not telling you what you want to hear? Tough shit. Deal with it.

never like the stork.......This is Obama's mistake in trying to "work with the other side of the aisle"

So, you are equating the influence of Rather as a journalist making an accusation, as being the SAME as the director of the FBI making an accusation......

Interesting the level of intelligence among right wingers.
You seemed to like him a couple of weeks ago. Now he's not telling you what you want to hear? Tough shit. Deal with it.

never like the stork.......This is Obama's mistake in trying to "work with the other side of the aisle"

So, you are equating the influence of Rather as a journalist making an accusation, as being the SAME as the director of the FBI making an accusation......

Interesting the level of intelligence among right wingers.
Shame that you can't grasp the simple concept that he's doing his job. Doesn't matter if it's a year, week, or day before the election. Why did you like him a couple of weeks ago?
Clinton will win anyway...regardless of this last attempt at derailment. Plus, there will be an early November "surprise" about Trump....of that I have no doubt.

Now, Hillary's win will not be a landslide as previously estimated, but she will get her 270 EC votes clinched by early evening on Nov. 8th.

Next I'm waiting to hear from the left how the polls are inaccurate when they start swinging harder against Hil-Liar. Trump was closing in, but that gap is going to shrink even quicker now. I'm sure many will even go Trumps way.

Everything about Trump is out already, and there are stupid stories nobody cares about that the MSM will try, but noting compared to a reopened investigation of Hil-Liar. If there is anything newsworthy that people will care for, it will be about Hil-Liar and not Trump. Wiki promised even more emails this week, and the investigation can provide us with damning information about those emails.

I think what you better pray for is that nothing else does come out this election.
Clinton will win anyway...regardless of this last attempt at derailment. Plus, there will be an early November "surprise" about Trump....of that I have no doubt.

Now, Hillary's win will not be a landslide as previously estimated, but she will get her 270 EC votes clinched by early evening on Nov. 8th.

Next I'm waiting to hear from the left how the polls are inaccurate when they start swinging harder against Hil-Liar. Trump was closing in, but that gap is going to shrink even quicker now. I'm sure many will even go Trumps way.

Everything about Trump is out already, and there are stupid stories nobody cares about that the MSM will try, but noting compared to a reopened investigation of Hil-Liar. If there is anything newsworthy that people will care for, it will be about Hil-Liar and not Trump. Wiki promised even more emails this week, and the investigation can provide us with damning information about those emails.

I think what you better pray for is that nothing else does come out this election.

The race will boil down to who shows up to vote in the next 9 days (and who has already voted)..

Will those voters be Clinton avowed haters.....or voters who view Trump as a dangerous clown ?
Dan rather still tried to influence the election. Anything to say on that? Never said he was the director of the FBI? Where did you assume that?

Because, moron, Rather's assertions were from a PRIVATE individual, versus the assertions from Comey carry the weight of the most prestigious investigative arm of the federal government.....Hopefully, a grown up can explain the difference to you.
Rather probably had more influence than a FBI director. All we need to do is look at what liberals believe from watching the nightly "news".
Clinton will win anyway...regardless of this last attempt at derailment. Plus, there will be an early November "surprise" about Trump....of that I have no doubt.

Now, Hillary's win will not be a landslide as previously estimated, but she will get her 270 EC votes clinched by early evening on Nov. 8th.

Next I'm waiting to hear from the left how the polls are inaccurate when they start swinging harder against Hil-Liar. Trump was closing in, but that gap is going to shrink even quicker now. I'm sure many will even go Trumps way.

Everything about Trump is out already, and there are stupid stories nobody cares about that the MSM will try, but noting compared to a reopened investigation of Hil-Liar. If there is anything newsworthy that people will care for, it will be about Hil-Liar and not Trump. Wiki promised even more emails this week, and the investigation can provide us with damning information about those emails.

I think what you better pray for is that nothing else does come out this election.

The race will boil down to who shows up to vote in the next 9 days (and who has already voted)..

Will those voters be Clinton avowed haters.....or voters who view Trump as a ove whaT dangerous clown ?
How many times are you going to prove what a retard you are? I think we all get it.
And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
ISnt it funny how liberals always seem to think the ENTIRE WORLD shares their opinions then are shocked when people vote against them?


You believe it is funny that most liberals support human rights to be equally protected by the law, and for individuals to all share the same rights, and be restrained in their behavior only when their right harms others? If you really believe this, you must champion Sharia Law and the stoning to death of acts, homosexual and heterosexual, committed between two consenting adults - of course only the women is killed in that culture, or in the case of two men both meet this fate.

FYI, the ENTIRE WORLD population does not believe discrimination is a virtue.

Not ever person sees Hitler as the embodiment of evil, we still see attacks and murders of Jews simply because of their faith, and swastikas painted on the wall of synagogues and schools. Trump is dangerous, words have meaning and his words are not the words of Jesus or Jefferson.

President Lincoln was correct when he opined: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".

Trump hasn't fooled anyone, he is what he is, a neo fascist, misogynist, and a charlatan psychologically unfit to serve as President of the United States.

The Great Irony in this election, is that the Libertarian Party has not stood up to Trump's obvious bigotry and call for the denial of rights to others because of their faith, color or national origin. Liberty seems to be to that party liberty is good for them, but not for everyone.

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