Republican Comey's attempt to influence election for Trump will backfire

You sure that's a nose you're holding?
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
Hillary harmed herself. The GOP had nothing to do with her garbage. Your shit is weak.

A generalized Red Herring. Conservatives have a need to throw everything into a pot and stir it up into a stew and think it 'proof' of something.

It's just proof that conservatives have a very hard time differentiating between individual issues and an overall 'dislike' of someone. You throw all your anger into one emotion and lay that blanket over everything a person does.

It is the action of the lazy.
And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.


Democracy sucks.

%51 gets to do whatever they want to %49

That's why the founders established a republic, so parasites can't vote for treasury checks.


This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

The Republicans saw the nearly impossibility of a Trump run for president before the Republican convention and that he would drag down the Senate and House races as well so they've come up with various schemes and scams to harm HRC. But it is smoke and mirrors and most people have figured this out.

And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.

This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.
Is this the same Comey the Democrats were cheering when did not recommend charges against Hillary?

The same. Kind of funny huh? Makes one think, as bad and glaring as Hillary's last case was he was able to turn his head. How bad is this that he has to come out with this now? This does nothing to change my opinion of the man at all. Matter of fact, its a glaring example of what an incompetent man he is at his job. He should have not been a coward and done it right the first time. Now it just seems like he is doing damage control for Bamma and nothing more.
Funny how the whiny left wants to characterize the FBI director by political affiliation when he tries to do his job. Most lefties won't remember, since their political perspective only goes back a couple of years, that the "investigative reporters" who brought down the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary were radical dirty tricks democrat liberals. As a matter of fact Karl Marx Bernstein was the son of card carrying Communists who raised him to hate Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. There are rumors of a FBI revolt among the rank and file agents regarding Comey's failure to prosecute Hillary after he laid out a good case for her indictment. When you consider that the retired Marine General and former JCS is facing prison time for revealing a classified document in a book deal and that General Patraeous's life has been ruined for revealing classified information to a mistress while Hillary gets away with hundreds of leaked classified documents it's a wonder that Comey still has a freaking job. Another interesting historical fact which may or may not have a bearing on today's political mess is that during WW2 JFK was relieved of duty in Navy Intelligence when it was revealed that he was having an affair with a (female) Nazi spy. Daddy Kennedy pulled some strings with FDR and sonny boy was transferred to the PT Boats rather than face court martial.
And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.


Democracy sucks.

%51 gets to do whatever they want to %49

That's why the founders established a republic, so parasites can't vote for treasury checks.


The movie of your life is The Lost Boys. Jesus H read a book.

Please tell us oh seer of all things what representation have American Indians had, or Latinos, or Asians. Your utopia idea has never existed anywhere at any time. But fantasy is what makes you feel good so go with it.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

Yes, I agree that it will backfire - and I hope it backfires BEFORE the election instead of AFTER.
And yes Trump is seen not by just Americans but by the entire world as a danger to democracy.
ISnt it funny how liberals always seem to think the ENTIRE WORLD shares their opinions then are shocked when people vote against them?

This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.

I'm not convinced, you sound exactly like an uninformed, sensitive and clearly gullible Hillary voter...
He's a lying douche bag, just like every other Hillary voter.
Funny how the whiny left wants to characterize the FBI director by political affiliation when he tries to do his job. Most lefties won't remember, since their political perspective only goes back a couple of years, that the "investigative reporters" who brought down the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary were radical dirty tricks democrat liberals. As a matter of fact Karl Marx Bernstein was the son of card carrying Communists who raised him to hate Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. There are rumors of a FBI revolt among the rank and file agents regarding Comey's failure to prosecute Hillary after he laid out a good case for her indictment. When you consider that the retired Marine General and former JCS is facing prison time for revealing a classified document in a book deal and that General Patraeous's life has been ruined for revealing classified information to a mistress while Hillary gets away with hundreds of leaked classified documents it's a wonder that Comey still has a freaking job. Another interesting historical fact which may or may not have a bearing on today's political mess is that during WW2 JFK was relieved of duty in Navy Intelligence when it was revealed that he was having an affair with a (female) Nazi spy. Daddy Kennedy pulled some strings with FDR and sonny boy was transferred to the PT Boats rather than face court martial.
What a WHINGE of an OP.

The attempt to influence the election occurred when Lorretta Lynch did not seat a Grand Jury, thus hamstringing the FBI investigation.
This is just a reminder of the scummy republican tactics. It's going to make decent Americans more determined to vote against Trump.

I was going to vote third party, but I can't stand the possibility of a fascist take over in this country. So I will hold my nose and vote for Shrillary.


So, you claim you were going to vote third party, but then you learn that some more of Clinton's e-mails have shown up---this time mixed in with pictures of Carlos Danger's you are going to vote for Clinton because Trump must be a Facist.

The Clinton Crime Family counts heavily on voters like you---known as Liars.....or perhaps Dumbasses. With the Public Schools in Democratic Control----there are aplenty of you.
One of the two candidates is being investigated by the FBI for breaking laws pertaining to national security...and lying about it. There could be no clearer choice. All you butt hurt Hillary supporters can suck it, its not our fault you nominated this lying corrupt idiot.

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