Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...
Squatting in someone's trailer
43 acres.....
how m
I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...

how much land do you own.., an average city lot ?

43 acres, worth over 100k...
Did the mule die?
I've been able to make money no matter who was in charge of the govt...
I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...
Squatting in someone's trailer
43 acres.....
how m
I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...

how much land do you own.., an average city lot ?

43 acres, worth over 100k...
Did the mule die?

You took him for a lover.....
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.

I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law? Agreements that NEVER would have seen the light of day with a Republican president it took a democrat. Sorry, you can reinvent history all you want but it was WJC that brought down this crap onto the middleclass. You can deny it but that does not make it any less true.

Too bad the FACTS prove you wrong!

The concept behind NAFTA — promoting economic growth by easing the movement of goods and services between the U.S., Mexico and Canada — had existed for years before it was born. President Ronald Reagan spoke of a North American agreement in his campaign in 1979, and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement had existed since 1989.

Reagan and Bush Sr were there primary pushers of those failed policies so it is you that is trying to reinvent history. FYI it is Democrats who are pushing to repeal NAFTA.
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.

I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law? Agreements that NEVER would have seen the light of day with a Republican president it took a democrat. Sorry, you can reinvent history all you want but it was WJC that brought down this crap onto the middleclass. You can deny it but that does not make it any less true.

Too bad the FACTS prove you wrong!

The concept behind NAFTA — promoting economic growth by easing the movement of goods and services between the U.S., Mexico and Canada — had existed for years before it was born. President Ronald Reagan spoke of a North American agreement in his campaign in 1979, and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement had existed since 1989.

Reagan and Bush Sr were there primary pushers of those failed policies so it is you that is trying to reinvent history. FYI it is Democrats who are pushing to repeal NAFTA.

Read for comprehension. What I said was that no Republican president could have EVER got NAFTA passed. What is my proof? First what you posted. Second is that a democrat president did in fact PUSH then sign NAFTA. You can no deny that FACT. This was one of my biggest falling out with the Unions. They said they would punish anyone voting for the "free" trade agreements, but guess what, they did what you have done and revised history.

WASHINGTON — With the ranks of uncommitted lawmakers dwindling rapidly, President Clinton embarked Monday on a final push for the North American Free Trade Agreement, declaring to small-business proprietors that only by expanding its markets can the nation increase its prosperity.
"There is no way any wealthy country in this world can increase jobs and incomes without increasing the number of people who buy that nation's products and services," Clinton told 400 small-business leaders at Washington's Museum of American History. "It is clear and self-evident."

Clinton in Final Push for NAFTA : Trade: The President tells a small-business group that prosperity hinges on pact with Mexico and Canada. The vote will be close, as lawmakers slowly take sides. - Los Angeles Times

BTW there was a very small push 4 years ago but failed since then Obama has signed more "free" trade agreements. And I hardly think that the democrats give a crap about labor when they are more then willing to flood the labor pool of "dreamers." Also it was democrats who opposed the bill the WJC championed and signed, buyer's remorse?
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Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!

Let me explain something to you. I know you have be conditioned to believe that conservative policies create income inequality, but it's the LIBERAL policies that do it.

Case in point, pretty much every Latin American country that practices forms of socialism: Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras etc have an elitist class and then everyone else is poor.

Here is how liberal policies create the elitist class:
(1) Expensive and Over-burdensome Regulation: Regulations like Dodd/Frank, Sarbenes Oxley etc might sound good on paper, but they usually great a mountain of costs, inefficiency and lost productivity. The big corporations can easily expand their legal departments, pay for for the adjustments, but they adjust and push the costs onto the consumer.

It's the small business that can't adjust. They can't just hire lawyers and compliance people nor purchase the infrastructure to make the adjustment. They also just can't push the cost onto the customer. Therefore many of them fold under the pressure or become non-competitive. Either way the big corps win because now they have less competition.

In addition, the barriers to market entry are raised so it takes much much more then a killer idea to enter the market place. The big corp has less threat from new competition.

(2) Liberal Policies supporting Illegal Immigration Hurts the Worker:
My profession is not affected by illegals, but other professions such as non-skilled services workers, agriculture work and construction are impacted negatively. See when there is more work than workers, the workers wins. The employer must provide higher wages, benefits etc to attract workers. See McDonald's in North Dakota, lack of workers equates to $16 an hour starting rate. However when there is a surplus of workers the employers win. Illegal create a surplus in the above named industries.

(3) Taxes and Spending increase inflation: Inflation, see Venezuela, lead to skyrocketing food, fuel and housing costs. Liberal policies cause inflation. Our dollars buy less then what they used to.

Many Republicans act like Democrats when they spend, produce large and obnoxious regulations and do not fight illegal immigration. However, these are liberal policies that make the rich ricker and the middle class smaller!

Conservative policies enable the middle class to compete with the rich and in many cases become the rich!
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.

I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law? Agreements that NEVER would have seen the light of day with a Republican president it took a democrat. Sorry, you can reinvent history all you want but it was WJC that brought down this crap onto the middleclass. You can deny it but that does not make it any less true.

Too bad the FACTS prove you wrong!

The concept behind NAFTA — promoting economic growth by easing the movement of goods and services between the U.S., Mexico and Canada — had existed for years before it was born. President Ronald Reagan spoke of a North American agreement in his campaign in 1979, and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement had existed since 1989.

Reagan and Bush Sr were there primary pushers of those failed policies so it is you that is trying to reinvent history. FYI it is Democrats who are pushing to repeal NAFTA.

Read for comprehension. What I said was that no Republican president could have EVER got NAFTA passed. What is my proof? First what you posted. Second is that a democrat president did in fact PUSH then sign NAFTA. You can no deny that FACT. This was one of my biggest falling out with the Unions. They said they would punish anyone voting for the "free" trade agreements, but guess what, they did what you have done and revised history.

WASHINGTON — With the ranks of uncommitted lawmakers dwindling rapidly, President Clinton embarked Monday on a final push for the North American Free Trade Agreement, declaring to small-business proprietors that only by expanding its markets can the nation increase its prosperity.
"There is no way any wealthy country in this world can increase jobs and incomes without increasing the number of people who buy that nation's products and services," Clinton told 400 small-business leaders at Washington's Museum of American History. "It is clear and self-evident."

Clinton in Final Push for NAFTA : Trade: The President tells a small-business group that prosperity hinges on pact with Mexico and Canada. The vote will be close, as lawmakers slowly take sides. - Los Angeles Times

BTW there was a very small push 4 years ago but failed since then Obama has signed more "free" trade agreements. And I hardly think that the democrats give a crap about labor when they are more then willing to flood the labor pool of "dreamers." Also it was democrats who opposed the bill the WJC championed and signed, buyer's remorse?

You asked who was it that pushed for NAFTA and it was St Reagan. The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement was pushed for and signed by St Reagan in 1988. That was the precursor to NAFTA.

Your allegations failed. Deal with it.
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.

I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law? Agreements that NEVER would have seen the light of day with a Republican president it took a democrat. Sorry, you can reinvent history all you want but it was WJC that brought down this crap onto the middleclass. You can deny it but that does not make it any less true.

Too bad the FACTS prove you wrong!

The concept behind NAFTA — promoting economic growth by easing the movement of goods and services between the U.S., Mexico and Canada — had existed for years before it was born. President Ronald Reagan spoke of a North American agreement in his campaign in 1979, and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement had existed since 1989.

Reagan and Bush Sr were there primary pushers of those failed policies so it is you that is trying to reinvent history. FYI it is Democrats who are pushing to repeal NAFTA.

Read for comprehension. What I said was that no Republican president could have EVER got NAFTA passed. What is my proof? First what you posted. Second is that a democrat president did in fact PUSH then sign NAFTA. You can no deny that FACT. This was one of my biggest falling out with the Unions. They said they would punish anyone voting for the "free" trade agreements, but guess what, they did what you have done and revised history.

WASHINGTON — With the ranks of uncommitted lawmakers dwindling rapidly, President Clinton embarked Monday on a final push for the North American Free Trade Agreement, declaring to small-business proprietors that only by expanding its markets can the nation increase its prosperity.
"There is no way any wealthy country in this world can increase jobs and incomes without increasing the number of people who buy that nation's products and services," Clinton told 400 small-business leaders at Washington's Museum of American History. "It is clear and self-evident."

Clinton in Final Push for NAFTA : Trade: The President tells a small-business group that prosperity hinges on pact with Mexico and Canada. The vote will be close, as lawmakers slowly take sides. - Los Angeles Times

BTW there was a very small push 4 years ago but failed since then Obama has signed more "free" trade agreements. And I hardly think that the democrats give a crap about labor when they are more then willing to flood the labor pool of "dreamers." Also it was democrats who opposed the bill the WJC championed and signed, buyer's remorse?

You asked who was it that pushed for NAFTA and it was St Reagan. The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement was pushed for and signed by St Reagan in 1988. That was the precursor to NAFTA.

Your allegations failed. Deal with it.

Your failure to admit the truth is embarrassing. There were no predictions concerning the C-US trade agreement. Canada and the US pretty much share the same economic status, not so with other countries. Reagan may have championed NAFTA but it went through Bush 1 and took Clinton to pass the agreements. What is so hard for you to understand that the vote was not a veto proof vote and with out democrat help there was not a filibuster proof majority. Accept what Clinton did to the country, it is not a lie, it is the truth.

BTW, I went back and looked, here is what I asked: I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law?

How you can construe that to mean who was president over four years before they were signed into law is anyone's guess.
Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!
you do know that the dems are running the economy.

so you know that is, in fact, the dems that are making more and more people poor.

since these facts are irrefutable; Why do you want your fellow Americans to suffer?
What you say is quite untrue. But for your answer, read this and then tell me which administration is better with the economy.

Are Democrats really much better economic presidents than Republicans? | AEIdeas
Dems are running the economy, truth.
therefore, the increase in the number of poor is on them, truth.

Reagan helped create the largest economic growth in history, truth.

Keep lying to us, it's funny to see just how ignorant you people are.

BZZZT Wrong! It was Bill Clinton who created the longest economic growth in history.
Clinton and Economic Growth in the ’90s

not really, he got lucky enough to enjoy the results of Reaganomics,

Reaganomics? You mean raising taxes?

I mean letting the free market be free again, unlike what you support.

The GOP failed "Free Markets" dogma resulted in the 2008 economic meltdown. Why do you support harming hardworking Americans?
Are you dumb

The free market grows and shrinks and grows again.

done so for a very very long time. All Fed control did was create stagnation.

and I'm not a rep

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