Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.
"And Obamacare has become a Success story that has benefited millions to date and will undoubtedly help Millions of others too. The fact remains that your side would have done nothing because you didn't even have a health plan or would have made it much harder on Americans as far as health care is concerned. Health accounts, etc. that your side has proposed is not the answer. Obamacare, like it or not, IS. And for those who may not have wanted Obamacare, now when they see that they have medical coverage even though they previously were rejected by other insurance companies due to pre-existing conditions that they did not want to cover Plus the fact that they can add their children to a greater age than previously, all is sounding pretty damn good to the previous skeptics, let's face it.

And it would be a cold day in Hell that those who now have Obamacare and can get treated for serious illnesses and conditions other insurance companies previously rejected leaving those people to pay out of their own pocket for treatments, would want to change back or revert to being discriminated against once again by the insurance companies and have to drop their children from coverage because they reached a certain age and were no longer eligible to be on their plan."

Yes, it's such a success that public opinion has steadily rejected it and opposition just keeps growing. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

It's such a success that insurance costs just keep rising, though your side was sure that costs would fall.
Sebelius: Yep, ObamaCare is raising insurance costs

It's such a success that in the future more people will be without insurance than failed to have it before its passage.
CBO’s Estimate of the Net Budgetary Impact of the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Coverage Provisions Has Not Changed Much Over Time - CBO

Frankly, your analysis is ridiculous, apparently based on nothing but your own hopes and dreams and does not address my point, which was when Obama COULD have done more for the Middle Class, he ignored them in favor of gathering more power for government and so his whines are easily is your argument.
Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!

An interesting pile of crap, but certainly isn't accurate. Just more Leftist pabulum designed to distract from their failed policies.
I surely understand that the Truth hurts those on your side yet you must face up to it because that's the way it is. So, quit being in denial about it already.

You know, I have seen people project their faults onto others from time to time, but you are one of the few who seem to project your faults onto your political opponents with every post you make. You post as if your Party has not controlled most of government since 2008. You post as if your Party's policies have been effective when they demonstratively have not been effective and you post as if you have a monopoly on truth when NOTHING you say in your post has a passing acquaintance with truth.

Your ability to delude yourself is quite admirable.
Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!
you do know that the dems are running the economy.

so you know that is, in fact, the dems that are making more and more people poor.

since these facts are irrefutable; Why do you want your fellow Americans to suffer?
What you say is quite untrue. But for your answer, read this and then tell me which administration is better with the economy.

Are Democrats really much better economic presidents than Republicans? | AEIdeas
Dems are running the economy, truth.
therefore, the increase in the number of poor is on them, truth.

Reagan helped create the largest economic growth in history, truth.

Keep lying to us, it's funny to see just how ignorant you people are.

BZZZT Wrong! It was Bill Clinton who created the longest economic growth in history.
Clinton and Economic Growth in the ’90s

not really, he got lucky enough to enjoy the results of Reaganomics,

Reaganomics? You mean raising taxes?

I mean letting the free market be free again, unlike what you support.
Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!
you do know that the dems are running the economy.

so you know that is, in fact, the dems that are making more and more people poor.

since these facts are irrefutable; Why do you want your fellow Americans to suffer?
What you say is quite untrue. But for your answer, read this and then tell me which administration is better with the economy.

Are Democrats really much better economic presidents than Republicans? | AEIdeas
Dems are running the economy, truth.
therefore, the increase in the number of poor is on them, truth.

Reagan helped create the largest economic growth in history, truth.

Keep lying to us, it's funny to see just how ignorant you people are.

BZZZT Wrong! It was Bill Clinton who created the longest economic growth in history.
Clinton and Economic Growth in the ’90s

not really, he got lucky enough to enjoy the results of Reaganomics,

Reaganomics? You mean raising taxes?

I mean letting the free market be free again, unlike what you support.

The GOP failed "Free Markets" dogma resulted in the 2008 economic meltdown. Why do you support harming hardworking Americans?
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.
OK, let me get this straight once again, politicalytouched.

The Republican party is made up of toothless hillybillys that are sucking up all the welfare?

The Republicans can't and never will win another election.

So what is it policiallytouched? Is Bill Gates a Republican? Are the top richest in Congress predominately Republican or democrat? You know the answer, and you lie.

8 years of democrats in power and the best you can do is serve up left overs. It is time to put an end to the party of slavery and that will happen because any thinking person can't support the lies and corruption coming from the party of policallytouched. BTW, why don't you just fess up to being jake the fake?
You have named one person. But consider the many others who are Republicans who comprise the rich 1% for your answer.
They don't have to consider remember, they are programmed to believe everything Faux News says must be true, and that Democrats are socialist rabble rousers out to give all American jobs away to illegals - and hold up white flags for terrorists, lol.

Actually it does appear that the democrats do want to give American jobs away. How else do we explain the liberal's policies towards illegal immigration. Apparently Liberals are not getting their lettace picked cheap enough they have to go find cheaper labor. As for other jobs, what Clinton did with his free trade agreements did exactly what was said, jobs were sucked overseas. So yeah it appears that the liberal left is trying to make America a welfare state and they are succeeding.

I don't need Fox News to see the damage that 8 years of democrat rule has caused the country. If you were true to yourself you would look and see it too. But no, you won't because that would require an honesty that I really do not believe the liberal left has.

NAFTA and the the other free trade agreements were all Republican ideas that have been a miserable failure for everyone except the wealthy.

I am sorry, what president pushed for those agreements harder then anything else during his term? What president signed them into law? Agreements that NEVER would have seen the light of day with a Republican president it took a democrat. Sorry, you can reinvent history all you want but it was WJC that brought down this crap onto the middleclass. You can deny it but that does not make it any less true.
Republican Cruelty In Action as The Richer Get Richer While Growth in Poverty Explodes

But then what did you honestly expect when you voted Republican? You knew this was going to happen. And if you didn't you sure had the wool pulled over your eyes but good.

Are you a rich person? If so, you can certainly vote Republican and you should as they will keep you rich. But if you are not, and are in the Middle Class, have a simple job that is just enough to pay the bills but you don't have the better things in life that they have, then you need to reassess your reasons for voting Republican.

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group. Don't fool yourselves by having to learn the hard way. Know and understand this well before stepping into that voting booth in November and then again in 2016. And don't let them kid you. Your Vote Counts! It can keep their rich friends in power as well as themselves or it can help you get ahead by electing a Democratic President and Congress/Senate that will actually work for you and give you what you rightfully deserve to have for all of your efforts

This report tells it like it is. Be sure to read it through and through especially if you are in the Middle Class or lower.

Get Rid Of Those Republicans Who Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind or Heart. Elect Democrats For A Much Better Future and For Your Well Being!

I am neither or on the parties, they are equally as corrupt and negligent. I hold both parties equally accountable. However, if one is going to make a claim, that claim should come with facts. One important and relevant fact is that seven of the top ten richest members of the Senate in 2012 are Democrats.
Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets
John Kerry is not listed among those because he is now considered executive branch--top richest person in the executive branch at that. His million dollar investment in UnitedHealth Group, a Medicaid insurance company, and the passing of the ACA, made him and a few others just a bit richer. Obama has stocks in pharmaceutical companies so I would imagine his portfolio increased with the ACA as well.
Of course, the republicans are milking this country too... both sides are. We are, after all, an equal opportunity nation.
43 acres.....
how m
I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...

how much land do you own.., an average city lot ?

43 acres, worth over 100k...

Oh geez, another left wing 1 percenter bragging about their wealth.

I'll make you a bet. I can prove that I won this property, and you say I don't. I will bet you the annual reals estate bill of $375.00 that I can prove my ownership. And if I can't I owe you $375.00. We can use a third party verification system...
43 acres.....
how m
I weathered this last recession better than the ones back in the 1980's
Easier to get food stamps, eh?

I wish, when you own as much land as I do, you can't...

how much land do you own.., an average city lot ?

43 acres, worth over 100k...

Oh geez, another left wing 1 percenter bragging about their wealth.

I'll make you a bet. I can prove that I won this property, and you say I don't. I will bet you the annual reals estate bill of $375.00 that I can prove my ownership. And if I can't I owe you $375.00. We can use a third party verification system...

hardly is 100k in assets in the 1% category...

You won't get ahead at any point in time, my friends, by voting Republican, quite the opposite actually, unless you belong to the 1% group.

What a crock. My conservative values brought me up from the homeless shelter to pulling in $100k/year.

If I was a believer in the Democratic way, I'd be blowing food stamps on sodas & Ramen noodles.

Enjoy spreading your propaganda to the uninformed masses, but those of us who actually know the value of working hard for a living know better.

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