Republican delegates staging coup against Trump/Democracy

there's nothing holy or sacred about the presidency, certainly not anymore if there ever was, and if a terrorist could gun down 50 congressmen at the capitol instead of 50 gays at a nightclub, it's safe to admit that no one would care that much. if it was 50 pundits from the cable news media, we'd all celebrate like ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead. this is why trump is popular, the more the establishment turns against him the stronger he gets as a candidate. everything is so hyped up that people have to walk on eggshells never knowing what word they say next is going to trigger some vitriolic response about how much of an evil racist, sexist monster they are, especially with the internet and everything. to be politically correct is not about being polite or courteous, it comes from the liberal progressive cultural marxism. even that is one of those things we're not allowed to discuss, as if it's supposed to remain a secret that only the inner circle elites know about while the people at large are merely dumb cattle. but that's what happens when universities turn out professional victims whose only qualifications are hatred for whites, christians, and men. so yeah, we're going to run trump for president, and he's going to run his mouth, and it's not going to stop until everyone is equally offended and realizes there's nothing anyone can say or do about it.

it comes from the liberal progressive cultural marxism <-- finally, someone gets this.

Republican delegates are trying to organize against Trump.

Every conspiracy crackpot who said Democracy is dead has just been proved right.

Personally, i've never been so sure we have the right person running for office in my life, the fact all the career politicians are scared is a great sign
I'm getting kind of tired of explaining that this is a Republic, not a Democracy.

I'm getting tired of people who use that argument to justify nullifying the democratic will of the people.
The will of the people isn't being nullified, the people voted for the Delegates to start with. If they don't like them, then they shouldn't have voted for them.

Do you think the same people would have voted for those delegates if they knew those same delegates would vote for someone else?

Republican delegates are trying to organize against Trump.

Every conspiracy crackpot who said Democracy is dead has just been proved right.

Personally, i've never been so sure we have the right person running for office in my life, the fact all the career politicians are scared is a great sign
I'm getting kind of tired of explaining that this is a Republic, not a Democracy.

I'm getting tired of people who use that argument to justify nullifying the democratic will of the people.
The will of the people isn't being nullified, the people voted for the Delegates to start with. If they don't like them, then they shouldn't have voted for them.

Do you think the same people would have voted for those delegates if they knew those same delegates would vote for someone else?
Guess you should learn more about the delegates you're electing, huh? Just like how most people probably wouldn't have voted for Obama twice if they knew he'd support the terrorists and make their jobs easier. Or just like how people wouldn't have voted for Jimmy Carter if they knew he'd dump all over everything they know and love. This is what happens if you don't know who you're electing.
it comes from the liberal progressive cultural marxism <-- finally, someone gets this.
if you're just not concerned about being called a racist, sexist, or a homophobe, or an islamophobe, or any kind of xenophobe, or misogynist, or any kind of denier like a holocaust denier or a climate change denier, or any kind of conspiracy theorist thing like a birther or a truther, or one of any of the seemingly infinite number of ''bad person'' characterizations the left-wing throws at people to trip them up and stall out debate; you can see a pattern to their politics. cultural marxism is about wrecking human relationships, turn children against parents, turn wives and husbands against each other, turn brothers and sisters against each other, turn neighbor against neighbor, tribe against tribe, etc. it's divide and conquer... break down society, create chaos, cause a demand for change, offer a solution to restore order. their solution is always bigger socialist crap from the government, and no one's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
No, every conspiracy crackpot remains a conspiracy crackpot; and just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

The Republican Party is a private entity, it’s not ‘government,’ it’s not subject to the democratic process, which is why it’s ignorant idiocy to claim that democracy is ‘dead.’

And as a private entity the Republican Party is at liberty to nominate whomever it wishes, using whatever process it wishes, and for whatever reason or reasons – such as the GOP’s belief that Trump will lose this November.
I'm getting kind of tired of explaining that this is a Republic, not a Democracy.
I'm getting tired of hearing it. It's a distinction, not a difference. If you have universal suffrage and the winner takes office, that's democracy. Only the presidency has rules that can negate that.
Ain't gonna happen. Republican voters picked Trump, and now they're stuck with him. There's no way the GOP will buck the will of the voters.
Democrats helped us pick. A lot.
Reagan had Reagan Democrats, now you guys have Trump Democrats


Mostly the same democrats.

And yes, that is the only way now for Republicans to win.
I'm getting kind of tired of explaining that this is a Republic, not a Democracy.
I'm getting tired of hearing it. It's a distinction, not a difference. If you have universal suffrage and the winner takes office, that's democracy. Only the presidency has rules that can negate that.
You apparently don't know how the election process works. Yes, there's a difference. In a Democracy, the majority rules. In our election system, the voters elect electors, which cast the votes. People who call this a Democracy and claim that 'Democracy is being undermined' are delusional and ignorant.

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