Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

If you think this ends when either of them is elected, you're dreaming
I disagree.

It ends when Hildebeast is elected.

You think the alt right is going to stop attacking Hillary if she wins? Do you think its going to stay peaceful if they no longer feel they have another chance to win?

We've already had one of those idiots talking about how Donald Trump losing will be better for the "white race" because it will anger the people so much they will rarely the system.

You really think Hillary winning will end a damn thing?
What is the alt right? And have they been firebombing Hillary?

The firebombing comes from the left.

a lot of violence comes from the left

And this election cycle has seen the right defend to their level
If you think this ends when either of them is elected, you're dreaming
I disagree.

It ends when Hildebeast is elected.

You think the alt right is going to stop attacking Hillary if she wins? Do you think its going to stay peaceful if they no longer feel they have another chance to win?

We've already had one of those idiots talking about how Donald Trump losing will be better for the "white race" because it will anger the people so much they will rarely the system.

You really think Hillary winning will end a damn thing?
What is the alt right? And have they been firebombing Hillary?

The firebombing comes from the left.

a lot of violence comes from the left

And this election cycle has seen the right defend to their level

I wonder if Trump paid to have that building firebombed? He reportedly has mob ties.
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Yes so let's hear, in the next three weeks, who among the candidates tells voters to accept election results and just go vote, or who whines and cries about 'rigged' elections and sending losers to 'watch' polling places.

All the losers either committing violent acts or inciting violent acts need to be called out. Don't you agree cons?
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Yes, that act is deplorable.....but why would the clown Trump tweet this?

In a tweet, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump blamed “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina.

Read more here: Pat McCrory: Firebombing ‘an attack on democracy’
Trump should learn to watch his mouth, that kind of crap he ran to never ends well. In this current environment I doubt this is the last we'll see of this kind of thing. Be sure to be aghast at every incident as opposed to "certain" ones.

Did you really just blame the victim?

Nope, not at all. But look around at the state of this society. This will spread. How far? For how long? Don't know. But words and tone do matter and it's utterly incoherent and out of control in this society. Combine that with the economic situation and the way the power structure always pits the masses against each other? My guess is we'll see more.

And in no where did you recognize Democrats participation in words and tone?

Of course, it's the entire situation, all of it. But partisanshitheads have taken up so much oxygen no one can imagine some of us haven't bought into that. And I'm sorry if you have, but yes, Trump's mouth is gasoline to the fire.
No, you fascist democrats have taken up entirely too much oxygen......time to fix that problem America has....
Did you really just blame the victim?

Nope, not at all. But look around at the state of this society. This will spread. How far? For how long? Don't know. But words and tone do matter and it's utterly incoherent and out of control in this society. Combine that with the economic situation and the way the power structure always pits the masses against each other? My guess is we'll see more.

And in no where did you recognize Democrats participation in words and tone?

Of course, it's the entire situation, all of it. But partisanshitheads have taken up so much oxygen no one can imagine some of us haven't bought into that. And I'm sorry if you have, but yes, Trump's mouth is gasoline to the fire.
That sounds a bit partisan but he, unlike BLM is not calling for violence. Yes, he obviously hurts you but growing a backbone is part of the maturing process. Liberals struggle with the whole growing up thing.

If Trump is what you call maturity I have no intention of every growing "up".
You can't're a democrat....
Trump should learn to watch his mouth, that kind of crap he ran to never ends well. In this current environment I doubt this is the last we'll see of this kind of thing. Be sure to be aghast at every incident as opposed to "certain" ones.
The GOP establishment deserves to be firebombed... they have destroyed the country
Trump should learn to watch his mouth, that kind of crap he ran to never ends well. In this current environment I doubt this is the last we'll see of this kind of thing. Be sure to be aghast at every incident as opposed to "certain" ones.
The GOP establishment deserves to be firebombed... they have destroyed the country
Obama has been president the last 8 years. He has destroyed it along with the Democrats and Jews.
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Yes, that act is deplorable.....but why would the clown Trump tweet this?

In a tweet, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump blamed “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina.

Read more here: Pat McCrory: Firebombing ‘an attack on democracy’

Should he have blamed Obama?
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Yes, that act is deplorable.....but why would the clown Trump tweet this?

In a tweet, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump blamed “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina.

Read more here: Pat McCrory: Firebombing ‘an attack on democracy’
Because they are animals representing Hillary.
The left-wing which espouses the greatest lies ever about their being open-minded and tolerant showed how they are no different than ISIS in their real behavior. Terrorism and the left-wing are nothing new though, going all the way back to Ted Kaczinsky, Bill Ayers and further.

So the give peace a chance, tolerant open-minded left fire bombed a N. Carolina GOP headquarters.

Leftism - a cult of hate, intolerance, violence and death

Breaking: Terrorists Firebomb GOP Campaign Office

I heard it may have been NaziCon terrorists trying to make it look like Democrats. We shall see...

:eusa_doh:... :disbelief:... :eusa_snooty:
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed
I had said before that the US of America was going into a civil war, and was called a loon. When the left starts to panic they go out and use their intimidation to get people on their side. The problem that the left is seeing, is that this country isn't 1930's Germany but full of good Christians who despise evil when they see it. More Us citizens will be out to vote against evil.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Most liberals are uninformed and misguided, those who will vote for Hillary are just plain EVIL....
And now this...

This is the left on full display! This is why CNN is dying. The left wing media has no idea how out of step they are with "Fly-Over Country"

According to authorities “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” was spray-painted on a building close to the attack, but that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from concluding Donald Trump’s “over heated the rhetoric” was what caused the attack.

CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump's 'Over Heated' Rhetoric
This is the left on full display! This is why CNN is dying. The left wing media has no idea how out of step they are with "Fly-Over Country"

According to authorities “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” was spray-painted on a building close to the attack, but that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from concluding Donald Trump’s “over heated the rhetoric” was what caused the attack.

CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump's 'Over Heated' Rhetoric
More likely he ordered it. Playing the victim card is one of the GOP's only viable strategies these days.

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