Republican Leaders Declare Trump Dead

Republican leaders who have watched Donald Trump’s summer surge with alarm now believe that his presidential candidacy has been contained and may begin to collapse because of his repeated attacks on a Fox News Channel star and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

Trump — whose strident opposition to illegal immigration helped him amass a 2-to-1 polling lead over his nearest GOP rivals — was characteristically defiant and confident in a series of phone calls Saturday with The Washington Post. He vowed to reboot his campaign amid a staff shake-up and said he could capture the White House because “millions of people everywhere” who feel alienated by the political class are standing by him.

Matthew Dowd, strategist, said there was considerable chatter on Friday about pairing Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio: old and young, white and Latino, executive and legislator, swing-state Ohio and swing-state Florida. “Maybe that’s the ticket.”

GOP leaders say erratic attacks hurt Trump but he vows to fight and win - The Washington Post
I guess that is the message, Republicans just think they are picking a candidate. It's all Party Bosses and strategists. The same thing is probably happening in the Democrat's office. It's just a bunch of backroom deals.

Trump says he's going to fight on...should we tell him there's no point?
Anyone who would believe Republicans leaders is an idiot. How many times must they lie before we all will admit they are liars? Just like the Ds, the Rs are liars for the establishment.
Ahahaha isn't this like the 4th time they have declared his candidacy dead. I read a report minutes ago that said he's surging again. lol
Well toss a link would you? Thanks.
P.S. Kelly is getting hammered on her face book. FULL attack on ALL of her threads.
And fox is loving every bit of it cuz it gets them what they so desperately want. Attention. More viewers.
I really don't think so. Many are turning off Fox now.

Fox News/MSNBC I don't see any difference.

That was an important comment. Did it make you feel better?

What is different about the two is the level of intellect of their target audience. It forces one of them to tone down the rhetoric. It entices the other to see how far it can go and still maintain viewership.

Translation blah blah liberals are smarter blah blah liberal talking point blah blah. You are boring the hell out of me find some new material hell impress me by saying something original.
Well toss a link would you? Thanks.
P.S. Kelly is getting hammered on her face book. FULL attack on ALL of her threads.
And fox is loving every bit of it cuz it gets them what they so desperately want. Attention. More viewers.
I really don't think so. Many are turning off Fox now.

Fox News/MSNBC I don't see any difference.

That was an important comment. Did it make you feel better?

What is different about the two is the level of intellect of their target audience. It forces one of them to tone down the rhetoric. It entices the other to see how far it can go and still maintain viewership.

Translation blah blah liberals are smarter blah blah liberal talking point blah blah. You are boring the hell out of me find some new material hell impress me by saying something original.

Just the facts.
When you realize the Party Bosses have declared him dead when he is the front runner, you know the fix in to terminate him and call for a nominee, taking it out of the hands of the voters. A strategist has already said, Kasich - Rubio "That's the ticket." I don't mind those candidates, I just feel that it should be the voters selecting the winners and losers. Not the party bosses. I'm bummed.
Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much

I'm afraid you are incorrect. Being a flash in the pan has little to do with donors drying up. It has to do with people being too big, too loud, too flashy, and ultimately self destructing. Donors drying up is just a symptom of the disease. It's like's caused by what's making you sick and it can be the best thing for you sometimes.

People like Trump roar out to early leads because they offer the most appeal to people's base emotions and animalistic impulses. But the reason they are so good at this is because they themselves are driven by their most base animal cravings. It creates huge connection with a contingent of very loud people. But eventually they are recognized as the low life scum they are. That trump can fund his entire campaign completely on his own will not give him better opportunity to success simply because he can linger. The longer he is in this thing, the more drawn out the shit show becomes, the more of an ass he will make out of himself. And the longer he fails to realize how much of a fool he's making out of himself, the more foolish he will be seen by the majority of people. He just won't be able to notice the majority, over the roar of his own echo chamber and the happy feeling of full belly.
Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much

I'm afraid you are incorrect. Being a flash in the pan has little to do with donors drying up. It has to do with people being too big, too loud, too flashy, and ultimately self destructing. Donors drying up is just a symptom of the disease. It's like's caused by what's making you sick and it can be the best thing for you sometimes.

People like Trump roar out to early leads because they offer the most appeal to people's base emotions and animalistic impulses. But the reason they are so good at this is because they themselves are driven by their most base animal cravings. It creates huge connection with a contingent of very loud people. But eventually they are recognized as the low life scum they are. That trump can fund his entire campaign completely on his own will not give him better opportunity to success simply because he can linger. The longer he is in this thing, the more drawn out the shit show becomes, the more of an ass he will make out of himself. And the longer he fails to realize how much of a fool he's making out of himself, the more foolish he will be seen by the majority of people. He just won't be able to notice the majority, over the roar of his own echo chamber and the happy feeling of full belly.
I don't disagree with much of that, but I think it's simpler: He has both the money and the ego to continue for quite a while.

Here's my (wild ass) guess: Once GOP opponents start dropping out and (assuming) those voters move to other candidates, his lead will decrease and at some point the few remaining candidates will catch up. That's when the clock starts ticking.

That's when he'll have to start making excuses for not being so far out in front and the pressure will mount. At some point he'll say "well, fuck this, I don't need this bullshit" and it'll finally, mercifully be over.

But in the meantime, he'll keep doing damage to the GOP on multiple levels.

Hence the attraction to Trump who is not a politician and not beholden to the .01%.

Are you fucking kidding me? It's Donald fucking Trump. That's like saying a man isn't beholden to his own stomach.
You fail to understand national politics in this age. All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

It is the biggest problem of our time.
Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much

I'm afraid you are incorrect. Being a flash in the pan has little to do with donors drying up. It has to do with people being too big, too loud, too flashy, and ultimately self destructing. Donors drying up is just a symptom of the disease. It's like's caused by what's making you sick and it can be the best thing for you sometimes.

People like Trump roar out to early leads because they offer the most appeal to people's base emotions and animalistic impulses. But the reason they are so good at this is because they themselves are driven by their most base animal cravings. It creates huge connection with a contingent of very loud people. But eventually they are recognized as the low life scum they are. That trump can fund his entire campaign completely on his own will not give him better opportunity to success simply because he can linger. The longer he is in this thing, the more drawn out the shit show becomes, the more of an ass he will make out of himself. And the longer he fails to realize how much of a fool he's making out of himself, the more foolish he will be seen by the majority of people. He just won't be able to notice the majority, over the roar of his own echo chamber and the happy feeling of full belly.
I don't disagree with much of that, but I think it's simpler: He has both the money and the ego to continue for quite a while.

Here's my (wild ass) guess: Once GOP opponents start dropping out and (assuming) those voters move to other candidates, his lead will decrease and at some point the few remaining candidates will catch up. That's when the clock starts ticking.

That's when he'll have to start making excuses for not being so far out in front and the pressure will mount. At some point he'll say "well, fuck this, I don't need this bullshit" and it'll finally, mercifully be over.

But in the meantime, he'll keep doing damage to the GOP on multiple levels.


Of course, all this is assuming that he's actually a true, serious GOP candidate and not a Democratic troll.
All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

Oh, sure. Because being the billionaire class makes him so determined to do anything but his own bidding. *rolls eyes*
All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

Oh, sure. Because being the billionaire class makes him so determined to do anything but his own bidding. *rolls eyes*
Which would you prefer? A POTUS owned by Wall Street and others of the .01%, like the current and most recent POTUS. Or, one who is not controlled by them.
All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

Oh, sure. Because being the billionaire class makes him so determined to do anything but his own bidding. *rolls eyes*
I think the point being made is that he would not be beholden to others in his so-called 'class' - mostly because he's richer than God, and doesn't need money from others.
All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

Oh, sure. Because being the billionaire class makes him so determined to do anything but his own bidding. *rolls eyes*
I think the point being made is that he would not be beholden to others in his so-called 'class' - mostly because he's richer than God, and doesn't need money from others.
Bernie and Donald agree....
Bernie Sanders Basically Agrees With Donald Trump About Big Money In Politics The Daily Caller
All the candidates but Trump, need the big money from the billionaire class to fund their campaigns. Once the money is accepted, they do the bidding of the billionaire class, which is completely adverse to the interests of the people.

Oh, sure. Because being the billionaire class makes him so determined to do anything but his own bidding. *rolls eyes*
I think the point being made is that he would not be beholden to others in his so-called 'class' - mostly because he's richer than God, and doesn't need money from others.


That's like saying a mercenary is more dedicated to killing your wife than you are, since you don't need anyone's money to influence your behavior. The very fact that Trump is himself the person who normally buys off politicians will not make him less inclined to do what the bought off politicians would be doing if he had bought them. He's going to be even more dedicated to the very same things he was buying them for!

For fuck's sake people, when the guard to the hen house is taking bribes from the wolf, you don't go hiring the wolf to replace him and expect the wolf to do a better job!
Which would you prefer? A POTUS owned by Wall Street and others of the .01%, like the current and most recent POTUS. Or, one who is not controlled by them.


Trump is Wall Street. For fuck's sake, you morons really think they best way to get the influence of money out of politics is to cut out the middle man and elect the money directly?

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