Republican Leaders Declare Trump Dead

So...what UNBIASED reporting website (with links, please) do y'all recommend? One that leans neither left or right, lib or con, and reports that way?
AND another you think women don't talk trash about men? They do it all the time why the double standard?
Of course they do,
Too bad they didn't bother to ask him such questions at the debate. They were too concerned about Rosie and his bankruptcies.
I actually like his ideas apart from the gun control. (His old ideas)
Don't think you're going to find a candidate agreeing with all of your stances.
I already have, I'm ok with a couple of things that we disagree on, as long as it's not literal stupidity. (republicans are this to me, I'm sorry, but their positions are stupid.)
Well if you agree with Trumps issues and he goes 3rd party, you can vote for him. He close to a Democrat.
Err, I wasn't talking about trump, I was asked if I found a candidate, I'm referring to bernie.
Oh, sorry...
So...what UNBIASED reporting website (with links, please) do y'all recommend? One that leans neither left or right, lib or con, and reports that way?
I never said a website was free of bias, I just like the perspective news sources give that are outside of america, since the majority of american media is corporate owned.
So...what UNBIASED reporting website (with links, please) do y'all recommend? One that leans neither left or right, lib or con, and reports that way?
All the rest are liberal. I guess for straight news, I'll just go on Drudge. Just google Drudge Report.
So...what UNBIASED reporting website (with links, please) do y'all recommend? One that leans neither left or right, lib or con, and reports that way?
All the rest are liberal. I guess for straight news, I'll just go on Drudge. Just google Drudge Report.
Everything has a "liberal bias" if it doesn't fit someone's specific criteria, I just like the perspective, the sources are there to evaluate on your own.
Republican leaders who have watched Donald Trump’s summer surge with alarm now believe that his presidential candidacy has been contained and may begin to collapse because of his repeated attacks on a Fox News Channel star and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

Trump — whose strident opposition to illegal immigration helped him amass a 2-to-1 polling lead over his nearest GOP rivals — was characteristically defiant and confident in a series of phone calls Saturday with The Washington Post. He vowed to reboot his campaign amid a staff shake-up and said he could capture the White House because “millions of people everywhere” who feel alienated by the political class are standing by him.

Matthew Dowd, strategist, said there was considerable chatter on Friday about pairing Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio: old and young, white and Latino, executive and legislator, swing-state Ohio and swing-state Florida. “Maybe that’s the ticket.”

GOP leaders say erratic attacks hurt Trump but he vows to fight and win - The Washington Post
I guess that is the message, Republicans just think they are picking a candidate. It's all Party Bosses and strategists. The same thing is probably happening in the Democrat's office. It's just a bunch of backroom deals.

Trump says he's going to fight on...should we tell him there's no point?

Gee, imagine that. Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out. Some of the specially retarded morons on this board will continue to trump up Trump right on up to the day before the election. One or two might even put a wager down, with the promise for the loser to forever leave USMB....and then ignore the outcome of course.
Republican leaders who have watched Donald Trump’s summer surge with alarm now believe that his presidential candidacy has been contained and may begin to collapse because of his repeated attacks on a Fox News Channel star and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

Trump — whose strident opposition to illegal immigration helped him amass a 2-to-1 polling lead over his nearest GOP rivals — was characteristically defiant and confident in a series of phone calls Saturday with The Washington Post. He vowed to reboot his campaign amid a staff shake-up and said he could capture the White House because “millions of people everywhere” who feel alienated by the political class are standing by him.

Matthew Dowd, strategist, said there was considerable chatter on Friday about pairing Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio: old and young, white and Latino, executive and legislator, swing-state Ohio and swing-state Florida. “Maybe that’s the ticket.”

GOP leaders say erratic attacks hurt Trump but he vows to fight and win - The Washington Post
I guess that is the message, Republicans just think they are picking a candidate. It's all Party Bosses and strategists. The same thing is probably happening in the Democrat's office. It's just a bunch of backroom deals.

Trump says he's going to fight on...should we tell him there's no point?
OK this is a lie. No GOP leader declared Trump dead. No one is telling you what to think.
Gee, imagine that. Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out. Some of the specially retarded morons on this board will continue to trump up Trump right on up to the day before the election. One or two might even put a wager down, with the promise for the loser to forever leave USMB....and then ignore the outcome of course.

Gee.. whadda ya know, Jerk Fakey's sock account is right on time to attack Trump supporters and call out people who didn't go offline after his messiah won re-election in 2012.

I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
And not just ANY Socialist but a full on total government control socialist...
Ahahaha isn't this like the 4th time they have declared his candidacy dead. I read a report minutes ago that said he's surging again. lol
Well toss a link would you? Thanks.
P.S. Kelly is getting hammered on her face book. FULL attack on ALL of her threads.
And fox is loving every bit of it cuz it gets them what they so desperately want. Attention. More viewers.
I really don't think so. Many are turning off Fox now.

Fox News/MSNBC I don't see any difference.

That was an important comment. Did it make you feel better?

What is different about the two is the level of intellect of their target audience. It forces one of them to tone down the rhetoric. It entices the other to see how far it can go and still maintain viewership.
Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much.

I'd love to know what he has actually spent on his "campaign" so far. He's received about a zillion dollars in free publicity, that's for sure. Maybe the real test will be when he has to start writing the big checks, who knows. Right now, I see no reason for him to quit, not even close.

Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much.

I'd love to know what he has actually spent on his "campaign" so far. He's received about a zillion dollars in free publicity, that's for sure. Maybe the real test will be when he has to start writing the big checks, who knows. Right now, I see no reason for him to quit, not even close.

I wonder how much the Clinton's PAID Kelly for the hatchet job?
the only thing Fox has done is make my decision easy. if its not trump or rand paul as the nominee im voting for hillary.
Anyone with a minimum 25 brain cells knows that the early flash in the pan always fizzles out.
The thing that's different here is that this flash in the pan is financially independent, so having donors dry up doesn't mean nearly as much.

I'd love to know what he has actually spent on his "campaign" so far. He's received about a zillion dollars in free publicity, that's for sure. Maybe the real test will be when he has to start writing the big checks, who knows. Right now, I see no reason for him to quit, not even close.


The American people are tired of lying corrupt politicians of both parties. Hence the attraction to Trump who is not a politician and not beholden to the .01%. He may turned out to be fraud like the rest or he might not.
the only thing Fox has done is make my decision easy. if its not trump or rand paul as the nominee im voting for hillary.


Yes i am. I WILL NEVER allow the ass licking establishment pigs to win ever again. I clearly remember last time in 2012 whenever romney was threatened FOX, THE NETWORK OF PIGS, came to the rescue with a torrent of negativity about his challenger. FOX PIGS GO TO HELL!!

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