Republican Party Losing White Educated People

“Educated” people are the left, idiot.

Colleges are to leftists what churches are to Christians.

Professors today are little better than fucking televangelists.

Up until a few years ago, educated whites supported Republicans more than Democrats. But in 2016, they started moving the other way.

Hmm, what happened in 2016? Hmm, I wonder what that would have been?

And that's not people who are in college. Those are college-educated. Most college-educated are out of college, and have been for years.

It's because your white nationalist footsy-playing Orange God is offensive to most educated people, even if you worship him like a deity.
No idiot, they are mostly recent college graduates who are overwhelmingly Democrats because most colleges are run from top to bottom by the extreme left.

When more than 90% of college grads are Democrats it is going to easily tip the scales in just a few years, and it did.

The fact remains though, you can’t be a smart white person and vote Democrat. Just as you can’t be a smart white person and vote for the ANC or EFF in South Africa.
My “town” is completely representative of America as a whole. In fact it is doing better than America as a whole.

Millennials do drugs regularly as a whole, just accept it and move on.

Yeah, you keep using that as an excuse.

Meanwhile, college-educated people continue to make more than uneducated people.
“Educated” people are the left, idiot.

Colleges are to leftists what churches are to Christians.

Professors today are little better than fucking televangelists.

Up until a few years ago, educated whites supported Republicans more than Democrats. But in 2016, they started moving the other way.

Hmm, what happened in 2016? Hmm, I wonder what that would have been?

And that's not people who are in college. Those are college-educated. Most college-educated are out of college, and have been for years.

It's because your white nationalist footsy-playing Orange God is offensive to most educated people, even if you worship him like a deity.
No idiot, they are mostly recent college graduates who are overwhelmingly Democrats because most colleges are run from top to bottom by the extreme left.

When more than 90% of college grads are Democrats it is going to easily tip the scales in just a few years, and it did.

The fact remains though, you can’t be a smart white person and vote Democrat. Just as you can’t be a smart white person and vote for the ANC or EFF in South Africa.


Yeah, you keep making excuses for your Orange Jesus.

But make sure you are stocking up on ammo and canned goods for the inevitable "race war," all the while complaining about others.

My “town” is completely representative of America as a whole. In fact it is doing better than America as a whole.

Millennials do drugs regularly as a whole, just accept it and move on.

Yeah, you keep using that as an excuse.

Meanwhile, college-educated people continue to make more than uneducated people.
Because businesses aren’t hiring according to the modern market. They are still treating college education as evidence of a competent worker when some people are basically making a living on making fun of “educated” people today because college grads are getting more and more stupid.
Because businesses aren’t hiring according to the modern market. They are still treating college education as evidence of a competent worker when some people are basically making a living on making fun of “educated” people today because college grads are getting more and more stupid.



What color is the sky in your world?
Because businesses aren’t hiring according to the modern market. They are still treating college education as evidence of a competent worker when some people are basically making a living on making fun of “educated” people today because college grads are getting more and more stupid.



What color is the sky in your world?
It isn’t blue....

If you were actually educated you would know that.
Educated will become the next politically incorrect word. It promotes that we are superior which hurts the dummies feelings.
who cares we got the pilots

Not "anti-education" but anti-indenture. Look at the student loans kids are burdened with. What if they can't find a good job to pay that loan back? We're for prosperity, if its college fine, if its a needed job skill fine.

^Dopey logic like this is a prime example of why.

Who is working to make education affordable for all?
Certainly not the moonbats...."Free" federal student loan money has predictably made college vastly more expensive....Anyone who has the most tenuous grasp of basic econ can tell you why.
Enlighten us, professor.
1) There are a relatively static number of colleges.

2) The pool of money to be thrown at those colleges has been made practically limitless.

Using what one learns in hour one, of day one, of econ 101 (i.e. supply & demand), which direction do you think the prices to attend those schools are going to go?

Hint: not down.
Student loans, available from both federal and private lenders, have been around a long time. I would argue the need for loans grew as a result of increasing cost to students.

I would argue that tax cuts and the resulting cuts in subsidies to public universities as well as flat wages for forty years is what's behind the increasing need for tuition assistance. Simply, wages have not kept pace with the growth in cost. Forty years ago a student could earn enough in a summer job to pay for tuition. Not today.
How The Cost Of College Went From Affordable To Sky-High
Then you're arguing against an economic principle that is a proven fact for centuries.

And that partisan hack boilerplate about tax cuts is entirely irrelevant.

College educated is not a good thing any more lol




Educational Attainment and Lifetime Earnings

Wow... the PHD already has much higher income level before even obtaining the PHD.

It's almost like your chart refutes itself.

This is the leftist lie, they actually believe that if you put a retarded person like the above to a PHD program, he will come out a genius. What actually happens is that he falls flat on his face and takes on drugs.


You can't be this stupid thinking that uneducated people generally make more than educated people.

Oh wait, do you believe Obama was born in Kenya? Well maybe you are that stupid!

Toro, I am quite sure that someone studying in college makes less than someone in full time job.

Real question is whether you pretend to be stupid in not getting what I said, or whether you actually are downright retarded.
Wow. I have never heard of any political party in any country be so against education.That is why the Chinese will win.

What a retarded comment. Obviously for any policy there are limits, same with education. There can be too much or too little education. But that's besides the point, what people here argue against is shitty education, designed only for the purpose of indoctrination to left wing bullshit. We aren't going to win with gender studies degrees when China is focusing their education on making 200 IQ babies.

Indoctrination to left wing bullshit should not be funded by tax dollars, and should contain a warning that there are no jobs, and only total losers take the degree.
Wow. I have never heard of any political party in any country be so against education.That is why the Chinese will win.

What a retarded comment. Obviously for any policy there are limits, same with education. There can be too much or too little education. But that's besides the point, what people here argue against is shitty education, designed only for the purpose of indoctrination to left wing bullshit. We aren't going to win with gender studies degrees when China is focusing their education on making 200 IQ babies.

Indoctrination to left wing bullshit should not be funded by tax dollars, and should contain a warning that there are no jobs, and only total losers take the degree.
You just confirmed my comment. You are just a partisan loser clinging to a few soundbites that you feel comfortable with.
Wow. I have never heard of any political party in any country be so against education.That is why the Chinese will win.

What a retarded comment. Obviously for any policy there are limits, same with education. There can be too much or too little education. But that's besides the point, what people here argue against is shitty education, designed only for the purpose of indoctrination to left wing bullshit. We aren't going to win with gender studies degrees when China is focusing their education on making 200 IQ babies.

Indoctrination to left wing bullshit should not be yoby tax dollars, and should contain a warning that there are no jobs, and only total losers take the degree.
You just confirmed my comment. You are just a partisan loser clinging to a few soundbites that you feel comfortable with.

So, you think there should be no limit to the money that should be put towards education?

Can you inform us again on the job prospects of a gender studies major? What are the odds he will get a job from a relevant field and have those loans paid down?

Wait, you actually thought that completely fact free comment was going to validate your bullshit view? Let me guess, sociology degree?
College-educated whites are now supporting the Republican Party at the lowest rate in at least 20 years. For much of the past two decades, white, college-educated Americans supported the GOP. But no more. And that is almost exclusively because of Trump.


Conversely, support for the GOP by non-college educated whites has never been higher. And that too is almost exclusively due to Trump.


Non-College Whites Had Affinity for GOP Before Trump

Intelligent people remain dedicated to the constitution. Only the indoctrinated useful idiots go to the left.


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