Republican poll watchers in Georgia cover their license plates

Quit yer whining SNIWFLAKE!

What's a sniwflake?

And I don't understand the statement as it doesn't seem to add anything to the conversation, the topic of the thread or really make much sense. Or maybe if I understand what a sniwflake is I might understand the statement.
The “peaceful” watchers appear to have been the ones first engaging in violence in your video.
I think that is arguable.

1) The Dem thugs shined a flashing strobe flashlight in their faces. Those flashlights are intended to disorient, cause physical discomfort, and make it hard to see. It's a physical assault.
2) I don't know if one can use reasonable force in Arizona to protect one's property, but it would not surprise me if it is the case.
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I think that is arguable.

1) The Dem thugs shined a flashing strobe flashlight in their faces. Those flashlights are intended to disorient, cause physical discomfort, and make it hard to see. It's a physical assault.
2) I don't know if one can use reasonable force in Arizona to protect one's property, but it would not surprise me if it is the case.
No one was harming anyone’s property.
You can go with reason 1) alone then. It's sufficient.

But pulling the flag off the car was undoubtedly messing with another person's property in an attempt to aggravate. So, the Dem thugs win a wannabe Darwin Award. (FAFO)
The little flag was covering the license plate which is illegal.

So these poll watchers were both violent and breaking the law.
The little flag was covering the license plate which is illegal.

So these poll watchers were both violent and breaking the law.
They weren't driving, and who cares. Private citizens can't enforce license plate laws. You nuts or something?

If someone has illegal tint, you can't rip it off their window. If someone has no plate or a license plate cover of any kind, you can't do squat.

Goodness grief.
/——-/ Democrats were the slave owners, and Republicans freed them. And NO, the parties didn’t magically switch sides overnight.
Democrat were white Southerners. which party do white southerners supporters today?
/——-/ Got a list of Dems and Republicans that switched sides? You can start with the Dems who filibustered the 1964 CRA and 65 VRA. When did Al Gore Sr, WJFullbright become a Republican?
where those southern democrats or northern democrats? and which party does the south support now?
They weren't driving, and who cares. Private citizens can't enforce license plate laws. You nuts or something?

If someone has illegal tint, you can't rip it off their window. If someone has no plate or a license plate cover of any kind, you can't do squat.

Goodness grief.
So it’s okay when your guys break the law.

Tell me again what they were doing there?
where those southern democrats or northern democrats? and which party does the south support now?
/——/ I grew up in the segregated south that was run by democrats. It’s all Republican now, and no one wants to reinstate slavery, or bring back segregation. GEEEZE
So it’s okay when your guys break the law.
Excuse my frankness, but you are really getting absurd.

Now you are defending some wannabe license plate vigilantes who physically assaulted people sitting silently and peacefully in a parking lot,

Since you are being so incompetent, let me explain the lesser point about the plate...

License plates are used to identify a vehicle while being operated on public roads (AZ implies "moving"). Plates are not intended to be used to identify the driver after the driver leaves the vehicle and pursues their lawful business.

Defending thugs. That's you.
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Excuse my frankness, but you are really getting absurd.

Now you are defending some wannabe license plate vigilantes who physically assaulted people sitting silently and peacefully in a parking lot,

Since you are being so incompetent, let me explain the lesser point about the plate...

License plates are used to identify a vehicle while being operated on public roads (AZ implies "moving"). Plates are not intended to be used to identify the driver after the driver leaves the vehicle and pursues their lawful business.

Defending thugs. That's you.
/——-/ “Defending thugs. That's you.”
It’s what democrats do best.

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