Republican poll watchers in Georgia cover their license plates

Of course they didn't switch over night. It took quite a while, but it did happen.
/——-/ Got a list of Dems and Republicans that switched sides? You can start with the Dems who filibustered the 1964 CRA and 65 VRA. When did Al Gore Sr, WJFullbright become a Republican?
Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.

Hey.....moron.....can you explain how it is that you say there is voter intimidation, while there is record voter turnout, especially in the black community?

You have record voter turn out, and an idiot like you is talking about voter intimidation?

How do you manage to dress and feed yourself without help?
Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.

They are covering up their plates to protect themselves from the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, and from the democrat party attempts to destroy their idiot.

You guys are the fascists, who will not simply accept losing elections, you now go after your political enemies using the FBI, DOJ, the IRS.......we know it, and now have to try to protect ourselves from your brown shirts and your stasi.....
Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.

Considering how prone to violence democrats are against the people who don't agree with them, or at least calling for violence or condoning violence against others, would also make me want to hide my identity for fear or being attacked or drug through the mud for simply having a different opinion.

So let's start with the basic examples of the left, democrats, liberals, progressives calling for, endorsing, or being violent towards republicans.

Supreme court getting death threats.

Man runs over a young man because the young man was a republican and got out for committing murder on bail.

I don't a link about kyle Rittenhouse who was labeled a right wing extremists racist because he was chased, knocked down, kicked, then had a gun drawn on him before he shot back. All because he wanted to help people being attacked by a liberal progressive blm mob where the criminals were never called criminals and got away with arson and robery and destruction of property.

Then you have people like Biden, pelosi, Clinton, etc all calling for action against republicans calling them Nazis, they hate America, want to destroy America and live in dark places, etc and encouraging attacks on republicans.

Instead of saying "you need to stop rioting and destroying people's lives and respect our legal system" she instead told rioters who were already looting and burning to "get more confrontational if you the court doesn't give you the verdict you want". Maxine waters was calling for more riots and violence.

The list goes on and on and on and on.

Republican poll watchers in Georgia cover their license plates​

Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.

No, no. They know they are being watched and if identified by the left, they'd be doxxed, tracked down, attacked on social media, banned, disenfranchised, removed from their jobs then have mobs of leftist terrorists shooting at them while mobbing their homes and families by democrat hit squads harassing their children and wife while trying to burn their houses down.

And that ain't no exaggeration.

If you are there to drop off your legitimate legal ballot(s), then how is someone just standing around watching for election cheating and irregularities possibly bothering or intimidating you?
These people think they’re saving America from Satan. And the commies. They’re at war. Fuck laws or rules
We are at war. We have been since 1861 and likely will be for at least another century.

Stupid of these people to show up in their personal vehicles. Busses, of-site drop/offs, etc… plenty of ways to get there without being identified.
Afraid of being identified while intimidating voters, these Republican poll watchers break the law by covering their license plates. They now know they're being watched themselves.

Why are you watching them? Seems like they have a reason to hide their plates.

BTW, that's not really a good way to hide a plate. If they were really trying to be inconspicuous, just take the license plate off.
No, no. They know they are being watched and if identified by the left, they'd be doxxed, tracked down, attacked on social media, banned, disenfranchised, removed from their jobs then have mobs of leftist terrorists shooting at them while mobbing their homes and families by democrat hit squads harassing their children and wife while trying to burn their houses down.

And that ain't no exaggeration.

If you are there to drop off your legitimate legal ballot(s), then how is someone just standing around watching for election cheating and irregularities possibly bothering or intimidating you?
So they’re mad that they’re being watched….


You can’t write this crap.
Oh no! The patriots sit there peacefully with their faces covered wearing body armor after the street lights come on too.


And they are filming and taking pictures!!!!!!


How do I donate?
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Then you are senile, and don't know what you are talking about.
/——-/ Nope, not yet. Of course the parties have evolved and planks have changed. The Democrats of the JFK era were far more conservative than today’s Obama and Biden brand. I’m talking about the slave owning democrats and the slave freeing republicans have not switched sides.

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