Republican Team ISIS Fighters quitting their 'lost cause' fight.

. ISIL wan't in control when he came to office...................HE LOST THE FUCKING PLACE by his policy.

What policy? Name a policy that started with Obama coming into office owning Iraq whether ISIL was in control or not and then Obama losing Iraq. Did Bush hand ownership of Iraq over to Obama at some point? You appear to be making US ownership of Iraq up.

You are avoiding the question. How did Obama lose Iraq when he never possessed it? Iraq had its own Shiite dominated government under Maliki that governed Iraq by disenfranchising Sunnis. Obama's correct policy was to demand Maliki stop it. Maliki didn't so ISIS joined the Sunni battle against Maliki. Obama's policy was opposed to disenfranchising Sunnis. So you are still lying about Obama's role in creating a vacumn in Suunni areas that ISIS could exploit.
. ISIL wan't in control when he came to office...................HE LOST THE FUCKING PLACE by his policy.

What policy? Name a policy that started with Obama coming into office owning Iraq whether ISIL was in control or not and then Obama losing Iraq. Did Bush hand ownership of Iraq over to Obama at some point? You appear to be making US ownership of Iraq up.

You are avoiding the question. How did Obama lose Iraq when he never possessed it? Iraq had its own Shiite dominated government under Maliki that governed Iraq by disenfranchising Sunnis. Obama's correct policy was to demand Maliki stop it. Maliki didn't so ISIS joined the Sunni battle against Maliki. Obama's policy was opposed to disenfranchising Sunnis. So you are still lying about Obama's role in creating a vacumn in Suunni areas that ISIS could exploit.
Excuses..................Obama hauled ass and didn't even leave a intel group behind............SOFA comments coming from you..............hmmm..............and then when the nation was falling.........he waited until he was forced to act with the genocide going on.......why did he wait.................why didn't he renegotiate the deal.

Oh............that's right it's Bush's fault for the decisions he made..............
Eagle 13855247
When the current IDIOT in Chief took over they didn't have control of Iraq........

What Sunni anti-government forces and Saddam former military officers as Saddam loyalists had in January 2009 was Bush's SOFA which forced US troops out of Iraq cities by June 2009 and entirely out of Iraq by the end of 2011. They had time to plot and wait until that magical date Bush promised Maliki all US troops would be gone.

There was no way to keep US troops in Iraq after the SOFA granting immunity expired.
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eagle1462010 13855338
why didn't he renegotiate the deal.

The Iraqis would not meet the required condition to grant immunity to our troops. That is simple.

Why didn't Bush negotiate a ten year SOFA like Obama did with Afghanistan? After all it was Bush's war. Obama said it would be dumb. And it was dumb and deadly and costly,

It's not blaming Bush. It's a statement of fact.
Eagle 13855247
When the current IDIOT in Chief took over they didn't have control of Iraq........

What Sunni anti-government forces and Saddam former military officers as Saddam loyalists had in January 2009 was Bush's SOFA which forced US troops out of Iraq cities by June 2009 and entirely out of Iraq by the end of 2011. They had time to plot and wait until that magical date Bush promised Maliki all US troops would be gone.

There was no way to keep US troops in Iraq after the SOFA granting immunity expired.
And Bush was open to doing another deal if the situation warranted it. He warned of leaving to early even with the old deal in place. Iraq didn't trust Obama.........they knew he'd haul ass...........Most military advisers were against it and pushing for a smaller force for a longer period of time to ensure this didn't happen........Obama could have strong armed them if necessary to make sure this shit going on now didn't happen.

The notion that Obama is given credit for the decline of ISIS is ridiculous. Putin is the world leader that is responsible for the decline of ISIS's ability to wreck havoc, not Obama. NotfooledbyW=FooledbyO
The whining about Obama is crazy.

Here a republican (Bush) invades a country and completely fucks up the entire region.

But it's the black guys fault for not "fixing" the republican fuck up.

Don't republicans EVER take responsibility for their actions? Ever?
The whining about Obama is crazy.

Here a republican (Bush) invades a country and completely fucks up the entire region.

But it's the black guys fault for not "fixing" the republican fuck up.

Don't republicans EVER take responsibility for their actions? Ever?
Pull back on your dick,'ll never get off the ground!
Tehon 13855355
The notion that Obama is given credit for the decline of ISIS is ridiculous. Putin is the world leader that is responsible for the decline of ISIS's ability to wreck havoc, not Obama. NotfooledbyW=FooledbyO

That's weird since Putin did not get involved in Syria until recently and Putin had nothing and has nothing to do with the 18 month long US military led campaign in Irsq. Most of the ISIS retreat and slaughter of its leaders and fighters have taken place in Iraq. It was Obama not Putin that forced Maliki to step down.
Yep, the Trump "We love blowin' stuff up" crowd can't wrap their heads around a long term strategy based on an intelligent, patient, battle plan. ISIS has lost 22% of their territory in the last 15 months and the steady course of the U.S. and it's allies of cutting off financing sources and destroying supply lines is working.

Obama just loves blowing stuff
Theyre reacting the same way they did when our proud, two-term President got OBL

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Tehon 13855355
The notion that Obama is given credit for the decline of ISIS is ridiculous. Putin is the world leader that is responsible for the decline of ISIS's ability to wreck havoc, not Obama. NotfooledbyW=FooledbyO

That's weird since Putin did not get involved in Syria until recently and Putin had nothing and has nothing to do with the 18 month long US military led campaign in Irsq. Most of the ISIS retreat and slaughter of its leaders and fighters have taken place in Iraq. It was Obama not Putin that forced Maliki to step down.
Not sure where this 18 month meme comes from but I can tell you that Putin came in with a plan to push back the jihadists and secure the Turkish border thereby denying ISIS the ability to resupply. They also destroyed ISIS oil revenue.
It is clear to see that before the Russians arrived on the scene there was no progress being made to counter ISIS by the US. What, some 7 months since the Russian intervention ISIS is now having difficulty on the battlefield and it can be directly correlated to the efforts of the Russians to deny logistics to ISIS. That includes Iraq, since the ISIS supply lines ran from Turkey through Syria and into Iraq.
And Maliki was completely irrelevant to the situation by the time Obama came to office. Decisions on how to counter the Shia expansion had already been made and were in full swing.
The Redirection - The New Yorker
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deltex1 13855767

Had Bush listened to Obama and the Clintons in March 2003 that question would need not have been asked and Irsq would have been declared WMD FREE by UN inspectors.

But since Bush didn't listen to much wiser leaders it took Bush millions of U.S. Troops five years to lose the war to find WMD in Iraq and hand the Iran friendly Shiites their own government to rule Iraq and disenfranchise the Sunni minority. Five years and 4484 dead US troops for Bush to lose a war over WMD aNd then surrender to Maliki by agreeing to leave after 8 years there.

You loved all that Amrlerican and Irawi death and money spent.

Now you question how long it will take Obama to oversee the war to drive ISIS out if Iraq without 150,000 US troops serving there and without roughly 75 U.S. Troops dying there every month ever.

So it takes three years overall. Thank god a Republican will never ever get to send US ground combat troops into that part of the world ever again. Iraqis and other Muslins that live there have the lead in ground combat. And it's being done in half the time compared to idiot Iraq invader Bush.
deltex1 13855767

Had Bush listened to Obama and the Clintons in March 2003 that question would need not have been asked and Irsq would have been declared WMD FREE by UN inspectors.

But since Bush didn't listen to much wiser leaders it took Bush millions of U.S. Troops five years to lose the war to find WMD in Iraq and hand the Iran friendly Shiites their own government to rule Iraq and disenfranchise the Sunni minority. Five years and 4484 dead US troops for Bush to lose a war over WMD aNd then surrender to Maliki by agreeing to leave after 8 years there.

You loved all that Amrlerican and Irawi death and money spent.

Now you question how long it will take Obama to oversee the war to drive ISIS out if Iraq without 150,000 US troops serving there and without roughly 75 U.S. Troops dying there every month ever.

So it takes three years overall. Thank god a Republican will never ever get to send US ground combat troops into that part of the world ever again. Iraqis and other Muslins that live there have the lead in ground combat. And it's being done in half the time compared to idiot Iraq invader Bush.
Three years to get them out of one town...Obabble fights like he tangos...
Tehon 1385589
Not sure where this 18 month meme comes from but I can tell you that Putin came in with a plan to push back the jihadists and secure the Turkish border

Stopping the ISIS advance and defense of Baghdad and Kurdush and Shiite held territory began 18 months ago with Obama being the first and only leader on earth to start bombing ISIS targets and leaders. Putin was no where to be found.

While Putin spent 13 months developing a plan Obama had been engaged in real military actions to bomb the crap out of ISIS and stop their advance and advise and retrain the new Iraqi Army to hold the ground liberated from ISIS when that liberation occurs.

You Right Wingers long complained that defeating and holding territory depended on anti-ISIS ground troops.

While Putin wasted time 'planning' Obama softened up the targets enough to allow Putin to come in late and impress idiots like you who present the birther equivalent of the true international US led coaltion to stop defend and defeat ISIS IN Iraq and Syria.

Your Putinized version of history will not withstand the light of day as the next US national election arrives. The truth will naturally become more and more obvious as liar Trump tries to spread that falsified version you put into writing here.

You are reaching Econ Chick's standard for lying about the war against ISIS. I'll save your post 1385589 and come back to it when Mosul Iraq is liberated and Putin is no where to be found.
Maybe the crap about republicans wanting ISIS to take over anything. Every Republican I know wishes ISIS never existed and would love it if they dropped off the face of the earth.
One does have to wonder though where ISIS gets all of its expensive American-looking equipment and wardrobe from. Who is funding ISIS?
Maybe the crap about republicans wanting ISIS to take over anything. Every Republican I know wishes ISIS never existed and would love it if they dropped off the face of the earth.
One does have to wonder though where ISIS gets all of its expensive American-looking equipment and wardrobe from. Who is funding ISIS?

the equipment came from obama

when he left billions and billions of dollars worth of weapons in Iraq

also the prezbo was lying when he said that isis does produce anything

they make 100s of millions of dollars monthly on the oil fields they took over

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