Republicans, a bridge too far

No actual argument, just stupid name calling and insults. There are plenty of proud GOP racists on USMB, and of course the polite ones that I'm surrounded with here in 65% GOP country. See sig, last line. Totally misinformed and quiet racists...The New BS GOP is a disgrace.
You jump from 'the GOP' to 'YOU'. We are talking about the tendencies of members of that party. If YOU aren't then good.
That party has and still does represent many people that only want one race to win. Guess which one. I'll wait.

When you generalize you call out the individuals you lump in with generalization. You are being called out, and you have no answer except, "Well I don't mean YOOOOUUUUU".

You are a true whiner. You look for misery where there is none. Carry on, only you know what your mind needs.

Calling out other's bullshit is not whining. Thank you for losing the argument.

So you're the authority of the universe! Oh so glad we found you.

You can't make an argument. Your entire modis operandi is to say 'what about me'. You sound just like Kanye West.

Maybe instead of pissing off people by calling them racists you should just defend your policies and positions based on their merits?

OMG!! I can't believe I was able to type that thought my tears of laughter!

I was just kidding. I know you libs can't do that.

Still, funny to pretend for a second, huh?:muahaha::rofl::D
We do that all the time. Your party is a bought off, FOS disgrace at this point. Their obstruction is so mindless and hateful that bigotry and racism is the only explanation. And 30 years of brainwashing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
You do understand that this is a ploy aimed at forcing Obama to nominate a moderate, correct?

Obama will nominate a moderate anyway

Unless he wants to send a liberal sacrificial lamb to force Republicans to vote him down....then come back with a moderate to show how unreasonable Republicans are
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

Are you really going to say the majority of Republicans are racists?

Got any proof?
The Republicans are about to once again over-reach in their never-ending-we-don't -compromise-on-anything-for-any-reason strategy they have employed the last 7 years.

They've already announced they plan to block WHOEVER the president nominates to the Supreme Court. Some of them saying "we should let the people decide in an election". Problem is the people already decided, in the 2012 election they elected Barack Obama who is charged by the Constitution to nominate a new Supreme Court justice when a vacancy comes open, which he is going to do. Republicans though, still in "we won't call it racism but Obama won't get anything passed ever at any time" mode, seem to think they run the government themselves, that there was no election in 2012. Sorry, there was. The people's voice HAS been heard and this president was given powers by the people to choose the next Supreme Court justice.

Elizabeth Warren unloads on Republicans for saying they'll block Obama's attempt to replace Scalia
kudos for the literary reference
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

When David Duke ran for the Republican Presidential nomination, he got less than one percent of the vote.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

When David Duke ran for the Republican Presidential nomination, he got less than one percent of the vote.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
And was almost elected Gov. of LA? lol
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

When David Duke ran for the Republican Presidential nomination, he got less than one percent of the vote.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
And was almost elected Gov. of LA? lol

Back before his background connections were well know.
I have plenty of friends here that are ignorant misinformed GOP, call blacks the n word, and would never vote for one. They seldom actually KNOW any...

REally? You hang out with such people?

None of my friends use the n-word. And all of them have or had friends that are/were black.

I think the vast majority would have voted for Colin POwell, back before he betrayed us.
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

When David Duke ran for the Republican Presidential nomination, he got less than one percent of the vote.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
And was almost elected Gov. of LA? lol

Back before his background connections were well know.
Wrong AGAIN...

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Loses Louisiana...
... was roundly defeated by Edwin Edwards, the former governor of ... Duke Loses Louisiana Governor ... of Louisiana, possibly trying to run for a ...
I have plenty of friends here that are ignorant misinformed GOP, call blacks the n word, and would never vote for one. They seldom actually KNOW any...

REally? You hang out with such people?

None of my friends use the n-word. And all of them have or had friends that are/were black.

I think the vast majority would have voted for Colin POwell, back before he betrayed us.
Sure. lol.

By telling the truth LOL?
Says the guy shocked that someone should be offended that he calls them racists.

If you can't discern between discussion of the racism exhibited by the majority of members of a political party and your individual racism or lack of racism I can't help you.

You seem to be trying to say there are no racists in the Republican party. At which most people would have a good belly laugh.

You aren't? Good for you, spread the word.

When David Duke ran for the Republican Presidential nomination, he got less than one percent of the vote.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
And was almost elected Gov. of LA? lol

Back before his background connections were well know.
Wrong AGAIN...

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Loses Louisiana...
... was roundly defeated by Edwin Edwards, the former governor of ... Duke Loses Louisiana Governor ... of Louisiana, possibly trying to run for a ...

Once his background was well know, and he ran for office again, this time the Presidency, he got less than one percent.

THat is the power of racists in the GOP.

And really, when your numbers are that low, you really have to consider the number that could be from people to drunk to vote correctly.

Why are you so afraid to try to defend your policies and positions based on their merits instead of smearing your ideological opponents with untrue personal attacks?
I have plenty of friends here that are ignorant misinformed GOP, call blacks the n word, and would never vote for one. They seldom actually KNOW any...

REally? You hang out with such people?

None of my friends use the n-word. And all of them have or had friends that are/were black.

I think the vast majority would have voted for Colin POwell, back before he betrayed us.
Sure. lol.

By telling the truth LOL?

By endorsing the democratic presidential nominee.

And yes.
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

It's a straight forward question, Isaac...tell us the last "moderate" Supreme Court Justice named to the Court by a Democrat! You've made the claim that it's the GOP that's extreme...yet they are the only side that nominates how can that be?
What's amusing is listening to the constant liberal refrain about how "extreme" the Republican Party is...and yet when you look at who Republicans run for's always the most moderate candidate from the GOP side. Some of you clowns actually think Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush were far right!
You trolls of message boards, it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you always claim 'victory' and then slither on to the next thread so you can feel good.

Whatever makes you feel good. Go with it.

It's a straight forward question, Isaac...tell us the last "moderate" Supreme Court Justice named to the Court by a Democrat! You've made the claim that it's the GOP that's extreme...yet they are the only side that nominates how can that be?

You'll have to refresh me on where I said whatever it is you are talking about. Some days I am lazy as hell and don't remember what I've posted or where.

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