Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

nodog, why did Obama wait eight months into his administration to get around to nominating someone for the post?

So, it is your position that DeMint and the rest of the Republicans are 100% responsible for some lunatic flying into the U.S. with a bomb, right? Obama and the Democrats are 0% responsible for any of this. That is your position, correct?

Look, you don't need to answer the questions because the answers are blatantly obvious to any reasonable person. Your unwillingness or, rather, inability to answer these questions intelligently says it all. So, in effect, you did answer. Thanks for playing.
Homework for Libruls:

How Unionizing the TSA would have stopped the NW253 attack.

Write a massive 10 word essay describing in vivid detail how Southers plan to unionize the TSA would have prevented the Christmas Day Terrorists Attack.

You get at least a C for handing in a blank paper like all the Libruls have done so far (Nice work Libs!)
Homework for Libruls:

How Unionizing the TSA would have stopped the NW253 attack.

Write a massive 10 word essay describing in vivid detail how Southers plan to unionize the TSA would have prevented the Christmas Day Terrorists Attack.

You get at least a C for handing in a blank paper like all the Libruls have done so far (Nice work Libs!)

GOP blocking TSA Secretary approval prevented revision of Bush policies (10 words...I did it!)
-hey Frank, what are you afraid of, your non-union folks didn't stop it either, and BTW Booooooooooooooooooosh/CHeney told you stupid fuckers it's not if , it's when,but , but they got lucky
Ok, friends, why did Obama wait 8 months to get around to nominating someone?

Why did Dodd cut funding?

Why do you hold DeMint and the Republicans 100% responsible while not placing any responsibility whatsoever for our president and his regime which had been in charge for nearly a year before this incident?
Go ahead you RETARDS name for us those FEDERAL fireman and Policeman with Unions. Come on , can't be hard, you keep claiming we have some.

About AFGE

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union representing 600,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services.
The union is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is divided into 12 geographical districts consisting of some 1,100 Locals. More than one-half of AFGE's members are consolidated into agency-wide bargaining units. Agencies with the highest concentration of union membership include the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration and the Department of Justice.

Ravi.....this is normally the part where RGS starts with the personal attacks. He hates being made to look the fool, yet does it so often.

You have to understand...this RetiredGySgt continually proves to me he was someone we used to call an E-7, not gunny. He knows why in fact, every person who served understands why.
That's all quite irrelevant to the fact that you're still an idiot who does not understand the meaning of 'spokesperson'.

I understand the meaning of the word but what you fail to grasp is that your dishonest spin does nothing to change the FACT that old falsely attributed a quote to obama that old MADE UP.

Old LIED pure and simple. Did you get that yet or do i need to spell it out for you even more? LOL

Nope did not lie.
When Gibbs speaks to the press corp, only a moron would not think he is speaking for the president.
Are you a moron?
Still diverting from the fact that Obama lied....THROUGH his spokesperson so from here on in I will view you as a child not worthy of my debate as you are way too immature to debate with.
So long little boy.

Yeah you did lie. Answer these questions for me.

Didn't YOU claim that obama made the statement that YOU attributed to him??

Did obama actually make the statement that YOU attributed to him?

Answer those questions HONESTLY, which I doubt that you can, and you will find that you in fact did LIE.

Your whole baseless attack, as you said, had nothing to do with the bow itself but instead had to do with YOUR false claim that obama lied about it and the FACT is that obama never made the statement that you claim he did and therefore obama did NOT lie.
However, YOU did lie.

So attack me and run away from the FACT that you LIED and I called you out for your dishonesty. Running away from the FACTS won't change them. LOL
And another partisan minded moron chimes in :eusa_whistle:

Yeah as if my language didn't squarely include republicans....or as if i tried to rebuke his claim in the OP. Fucking moron.

LOL coming from a self contradicting partisan hack such as yourself, your baseless attack means very little.

Oh and you had to dishonestly create a fictional justification in a lame and desperate attempt to try and shift the blame to the democrats. That exposes you as nothing but a partisan hack.

Your minor concession at the end that "both parties are fucking our security royally" is only meant to put up a facade that you are blaming both parties and yet your posts only specifically target democrats as you only vaguely mention the other "party" which shows otherwise. Where is your specificty concerning the republicans? Do you have any or are you truly as onesided as I believe you to be?

Either way none of your spin will change the FACT that you just tried to create a justification to shift the blame to the democrats which shows you to be both dishonest and partisan.


You gotta love this guy's lack of comprehension.

Oh really?? what did I fail to comprehend?? I know I won't get an answer just like the last time you attacked me and then ran away but I will ask anyway. Do you have anything specific or are you just attacking me personally in an attempt to CYA?

How about the fact that you are so desperate to try and shift the blame to obama that you made up a fictional situation in a dishonest attempt to accomplish your goal? How did I fail to comprehend that?? LOL

I just love the fact that the righties on this board believe that engaging in character assassination is a valid way to counter an argument or validate one of their own failed and dishonest arguments. LOL
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Yes..the person Obama has appointed has very good credentials but he is being stonewalled by the Republicans.

The acting administrator doesn't have any real power to make changes.
In eleven months Obama cannot get a TSA director. Of course not, our safety is not a priority.

Apparently, DeMint thinks it's not. He would rather play political games. Seems to be the way of the GOP these days.
The party of NO was meeting as Obama was being sworn in to plan how they'd put roadblocks in Obama's way at every opportunity. They did the same with Clinton by investigating him, although President Clinton maintained approval ratings in the 70s during that process.
LOL coming from a self contradicting partisan hack such as yourself, your baseless attack means very little.

Oh and you had to dishonestly create a fictional justification in a lame and desperate attempt to try and shift the blame to the democrats. That exposes you as nothing but a partisan hack.

Your minor concession at the end that "both parties are fucking our security royally" is only meant to put up a facade that you are blaming both parties and yet your posts only specifically target democrats as you only vaguely mention the other "party" which shows otherwise. Where is your specificty concerning the republicans? Do you have any or are you truly as onesided as I believe you to be?

Either way none of your spin will change the FACT that you just tried to create a justification to shift the blame to the democrats which shows you to be both dishonest and partisan.


You gotta love this guy's lack of comprehension.

He likes to talk in cirlces.
He is afraid to debate.
I have now tried twice....and boith times the debate turned into an attack on HOW I said what I was saying...and not the crux of what I was saying.
Found him to be one big waste of time.

And yet YOU are the one trying to change the topic of this thread to be about ME as you avoid debating the FACTS. LOL

The crux of what you tried to was that you BELIEVE obama lied and then you FALSELY attributed a quote to obama when obama didn't say what you claim he did and then after being called out for your dishonesty you tried to spin it and claim out of sheer desperation that gibbs saying something is the same as if obama said it himself and that is beyond retarded and shows how desperate you truly are.

Fact is that gibbs made the statement based on his own belief, obama NEVER said what you falsey claimed he said and nothing you say will change the fact that you lied when you tried to attack obama for something he NEVER said.

You see that? I am talking about the debate where as all you can do is attack me personally. So it would seem that it is YOU who is afraid of the deabte since you are the one avoiding it and the facts. LOL
And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going need to look under the hood.

Oh, he's the only CT expert in the entire Obama Administration, gotcha.

Was he going to call for strip searches of all Muslim males?

Please tell everyone what he was going to do that would have kept the Islamist off the plane

LOL It's funny how you demand specifics of others and yet I didn't see any specifics in your claims about how you believe the POSSIBILITY of allowing TSA employees to unionize is a bad thing?? Or is it will be bad because you say so the best argument that you have to offer?

So do you believe that having a department without someone is charge is a good thing or a bad thiing?? I am not saying that his appoinment would have prevented the attack because sometimes crazy people do crazy things and you can't really hold anyone accountable because there is no one at fault. However, I do think it's ridiculous that the right is crowing about how obama waited 8 months as they ignore the last few months that he could have been doing his job but was prevented from doing so because of republican obstruction based on demint's belief that southers didn't answer one of his questions how he wanted him to answer.
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In eleven months Obama cannot get a TSA director. Of course not, our safety is not a priority.
Not for the Republicans, apparently.
The burden is on Obama to get a director. He hasn't done his job in this area. Transportation safety is not a priority for him. It doesn't get much simpler than that, regardless of any spin.

You really are this stupid, aren't you?
Libruls are funny. It's so obvious they're in wayyyyyyyyy over their heads trying to run things. They do much better throwing Molotov cocktails from the rear and fucking up our educational system.

I'm enjoying this to no end. Fucking crybabies and idiots.

Wahhh Wahhh Republicans Wahhhhh


Being agitators and instigators is when they are at their best.

While in power they specialize in secrecy and blame-throwing.

Funny but that describes republicans perfectly. LOL The righties are currently acting as agitators and instigators and when they were in power they specialized in secrecy and blame-throwing. LOL
Ok, friends, why did Obama wait 8 months to get around to nominating someone?

Why did Dodd cut funding?

Why do you hold DeMint and the Republicans 100% responsible while not placing any responsibility whatsoever for our president and his regime which had been in charge for nearly a year before this incident?

Probably because a little thing like the economy going off the cliff had his attentioni for the first few months. God! Are you people REALLY this stoopid or are you just doing partisian debating????
And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going to need to look under the hood - VERY carefully.

I'm sorry, you're very light on specifics. What was Southers going to do? He's a counter terrorism expert. Bravo. Him and Jack Bauer have that in common

What was he going to do differently? Was he bringing Hope and Change to TSA?




Well since he was blocked from taking his position we will never know what he WAS going to do. I don't know about you but personally, I lack the ability to see into alternate realities to know what southers COULD have done if he wasn't blocked by demint.
Oh and as I said before, it's funny how righties always demand specifics from others when they fail to provide them to substantiate their own arguments. LOL Still waiting on specifics concerning what unions could do IF southers would allow TSA employees to unionize.
Furthermore, it's not written in stone that southers would do that but the belief that he COULD is the whole reason demint is blocking his appointment.

I already tried showing people that both the democrats and republicans are responsible for cutting or screwing with (in a bad way) some of our security issues.

Those who are blaming it all on bush or not puttin any onus on Obama freaked out and said I was wrong.

Those who want to blame it all on obama told me i'm wrong.

Even though BOTH of them were wrong since both parties have indeed either cut funding, delayed appointements, or voted down legislation that would have provided more security.

All of you in this thread trying to put the blame on a single party are showing that you are true partisans only interested in what is best for your party of interest. Shameful, just shameful and intellectually dishonest to boot.

Funny but you only offered a specific FICTIONAL rant that did not apply in attempt to shift the blame to only democrats and made a lame vague generalized "republicans did it too" statement lacking anythign specific in an attempt to put up the facade that you are balanced when that is not the case.

Furthermore, I don't remember any righty telling you that you were wrong so when and where did that happen in this thread??
Libruls are funny. It's so obvious they're in wayyyyyyyyy over their heads trying to run things. They do much better throwing Molotov cocktails from the rear and fucking up our educational system.

I'm enjoying this to no end. Fucking crybabies and idiots.

Wahhh Wahhh Republicans Wahhhhh


Being agitators and instigators is when they are at their best.

While in power they specialize in secrecy and blame-throwing.

Funny but that describes republicans perfectly. LOL The righties are currently acting as agitators and instigators and when they were in power they specialized in secrecy and blame-throwing. LOL

Is the world about to end? DRSmith actually made a sensible post??!?!?!!? Wait who hijacked his account?

I already tried showing people that both the democrats and republicans are responsible for cutting or screwing with (in a bad way) some of our security issues.

Those who are blaming it all on bush or not puttin any onus on Obama freaked out and said I was wrong.

Those who want to blame it all on obama told me i'm wrong.

Even though BOTH of them were wrong since both parties have indeed either cut funding, delayed appointements, or voted down legislation that would have provided more security.

All of you in this thread trying to put the blame on a single party are showing that you are true partisans only interested in what is best for your party of interest. Shameful, just shameful and intellectually dishonest to boot.

Funny but you only offered a specific FICTIONAL rant that did not apply in attempt to shift the blame to only democrats and made a lame vague generalized "republicans did it too" statement lacking anythign specific in an attempt to put up the facade that you are balanced when that is not the case.

Furthermore, I don't remember any righty telling you that you were wrong so when and where did that happen in this thread??

There is a new invention online, its called a PRIVATE MESSAGE

ZOMG Its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


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