Republicans are complaining about Harris “not getting any primary votes!” before becoming the nominee, but let’s be honest here…


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
Biden/Harris were ONE item. Who care what the ignorant conholes cry about.
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
I stopped reading at "….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump."
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
And she didn’t get any. Why do this thread when the answer is five words long?
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

Of course. But it's still true. Tulsi Gabbard excoriated her in a debate and she fell apart, lost finding and didn't even make it to Iowa. Totally defeated. Yet you nominated her. You can't hide from that.
It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy.

That would be wrong as there is nothing in any bylaws concerning this (of which I am aware). And it's convenient since she gets all of Biden's money. What is subversion on a personal level is Nancy Pelosi pushing him out. And she's lied her botox heavy ass off about it every day. She's a bitch. He said he was staying and she would not accept that.
Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

Yes, well that is a pesky little fact. BIDEN WON THE PRIMARY. Did Joe not intend to run ? Of course he did. Amdist calls from the elite class for him to step aside (because he was going to get his ass kicked.....despite all your (as in you personally) lying to the contrary) he was pushed out. It's pretty significant that a party says...hey primary is over, but we are going to lose bigly so we need to screw the primary and go to plan B. Totally legal. Totally power hungry. Totally nullified the primary. Tell you what...don't bother having one next time. Just got to your power brokers and say.."who do you want." In essence that happened this time. Many in your sad party were saying Joe had to go. And Hindenburg Harris needed to go too. Or are you going to deny that ?

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris.

You constantly pul your head out of your ass (where your crystal ball is located) to tell us things that "would have happened". But we know you are full of s**t and your Ouija board is worthless. Nobody knows what would happened. So STFU and quit making things up to argue against.

They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.
On that point you are wrong. We have four years to point out to democrats how the their party leadership usurped their vote and threw them out with the old ballots. Along with their super delegates, their power players get what they want and voters don't matter.

We will be rubbing your noses in that hard and often.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy.

Yes, this isn't about democrats and their legal coup. This is about republicans. You don't do this very well, you moron.

All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.

Which is why we pushed our candidate out after the primary and replaced him with no votes (except amongst the cabal). Do you see how stupid you are ?

Or are you drunk....again ?
And I simply don’t care she didn’t. Of course, it’s a ridiculous point also because she technically did just as the VP on the SAME ticket.
Meanwhile, as Vice President Kamala Harris receives additional scrutiny amid the talk about whether Biden should bow out, the poll found that her favorability rating is similar to his — but the share of Americans who have an unfavorable opinion of her is slightly lower.

At that time 7 in 10 wanted him gone.

Which means 7 in 10 wanted her out too.

You simply suck.....
Of course. But it's still true. Tulsi Gabbard excoriated her in a debate and she fell apart, lost finding and didn't even make it to Iowa. Totally defeated. Yet you nominated her. You can't hide from that.

That would be wrong as there is nothing in any bylaws concerning this (of which I am aware). And it's convenient since she gets all of Biden's money. What is subversion on a personal level is Nancy Pelosi pushing him out. And she's lied her botox heavy ass off about it every day. She's a bitch. He said he was staying and she would not accept that.

Yes, well that is a pesky little fact. BIDEN WON THE PRIMARY. Did Joe not intend to run ? Of course he did. Amdist calls from the elite class for him to step aside (because he was going to get his ass kicked.....despite all your (as in you personally) lying to the contrary) he was pushed out. It's pretty significant that a party says...hey primary is over, but we are going to lose bigly so we need to screw the primary and go to plan B. Totally legal. Totally power hungry. Totally nullified the primary. Tell you what...don't bother having one next time. Just got to your power brokers and say.."who do you want." In essence that happened this time. Many in your sad party were saying Joe had to go. And Hindenburg Harris needed to go too. Or are you going to deny that ?

You constantly pul your head out of your ass (where your crystal ball is located) to tell us things that "would have happened". But we know you are full of s**t and your Ouija board is worthless. Nobody knows what would happened. So STFU and quit making things up to argue against.

On that point you are wrong. We have four years to point out to democrats how the their party leadership usurped their vote and threw them out with the old ballots. Along with their super delegates, their power players get what they want and voters don't matter.

We will be rubbing your noses in that hard and often.

Yes, this isn't about democrats and their legal coup. This is about republicans. You don't do this very well, you moron.

Which is why we pushed our candidate out after the primary and replaced him with no votes (except amongst the cabal). Do you see how stupid you are ?

Or are you drunk....again ?
Let me sum this up for you because you’re making it too complicated for some reason: Harris’s nomination was completely legal. Republicans are butthurt that she is winning in the polls so they are pretending it is some miscarriage of justice. They wouldn’t be pretending such a thing if she was losing.

All of the above is true and I’m glad I could simplify it for you this time.
And I simply don’t care she didn’t. Of course, it’s a ridiculous point also because she technically did just as the VP on the SAME ticket.
No, this is like some retarded trans men are women thinking by an idiot. She didn’t win shit by being the moron in the corner to the main guy. The democrats made sure nobody could challenge the Alzheimer’s patient by not letting them run and then switched to the dumb broad giving head in the corner when that went to shit.

All the while claiming to be about democracy.
Meanwhile, as Vice President Kamala Harris receives additional scrutiny amid the talk about whether Biden should bow out, the poll found that her favorability rating is similar to his — but the share of Americans who have an unfavorable opinion of her is slightly lower.

At that time 7 in 10 wanted him gone.

Which means 7 in 10 wanted her out too.

You simply suck.....
You’re still talking about the circumstances of Biden bowing out like it at all matters anymore. I don’t care who or what made Biden leave the race. Who the fuck cares what Pelosi did or didn’t do? None of it matters because he is gone either way. You’re harping on this because you want to make some criticism of Harris taking over but it’s completely hollow and pointless.
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
Also, Republicans have no say-so in how Democrats choose their say-so. There is that too.
No, this is like some retarded trans men are women thinking by an idiot. She didn’t win shit by being the moron in the corner to the main guy. The democrats made sure nobody could challenge the Alzheimer’s patient by not letting them run and then switched to the dumb broad giving head in the corner when that went to shit.

All the while claiming to be about democracy.
Just face it: you’re butthurt because Harris has a good chance of winning. You’re butthurt Biden left the race because you assumed Trump had it in the bag at that point.
Let me sum this up for you because you’re making it too complicated for some reason: Harris’s nomination was completely legal.

I said that in my post you stupid asshole.

Republicans are butthurt that she is winning in the polls so they are pretending it is some miscarriage of justice.
There is not getting around what happened. It's all legal and we are going to use it against you for the next four years. Why bother voting when your power elite won't honor it.

They wouldn’t be pretending such a thing if she was losing.

Wrong asshole. We'll be using it for four years. Even if she was 10 points down. It's going to be fun dredging this up at the next primary. Why bother going to the polls...the choice has been made. We add this to your super delegates screwing Bernie Sanders.....and we have quite the case. So suck on it and stop being such an unthinking moron.

All of the above is true and I’m glad I could simplify it for you this time.

You and your crystal ball need to find a new gig. You suck at this. You don't know what would happen because we are not there. Claiming you do know only outs you as an ignorant, arrogant, drunk, lonely pissant left-winger.

Your little fairy tale won't go away for a long long time.

We are going to ram down your oversized mouth in 2028.

Now GFY. It's what you are good at.
Just face it: you’re butthurt because Harris has a good chance of winning. You’re butthurt Biden left the race because you assumed Trump had it in the bag at that point.
I’m not butthurt I just think you’re an idiot. You’re the people crying about losing democracy when you haven’t picked your own leaders with democracy for 12 years.
You’re still talking about the circumstances of Biden bowing out like it at all matters anymore. I don’t care who or what made Biden leave the race. Who the fuck cares what Pelosi did or didn’t do? None of it matters because he is gone either way. You’re harping on this because you want to make some criticism of Harris taking over but it’s completely hollow and pointless.

Just wait until 2028. We'll be telling democratic voters....

Hey, you wanted Bernie....but your power elite wanted Hillary.

Hey, you wanted Joe....but you got Kamala.

Both lost.

Why worry about even trying this time around.

So no you stupid son-of-a-bitch, it isn't pointless.

Now, GFY.

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