Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election

Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
Trump knows Progs cheat. Big time cheating. We make criminals heroes and cheating in elections seem honorable. the COVID payoffs from the printing machines has a year or so left in this environment. Many people will use up their savings in that time period also. What the hell do you think this is? America with a timed honored Constitution. The Progs took back power and almost immediately the anguish started. The swamp and the globalist direction has continued. And we need to be knocked down a few pegs and are.
LOL you are that much in denial since it covers anyone under oath you idiot!

"The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states."
Congress doesn't have the authority to deprive life, liberty, or property. That authority rest with the DOJ and the judicial branch. It's funny that you spout terms like due process without having an idea to what it applies.
Congress doesn't have the authority to deprive life, liberty, or property. That authority rest with the DOJ and the judicial branch. It's funny that you spout terms like due process without having an idea to what it applies.

It applies to anyone under investigation as Trump is who is being deprived of defending himself against all those witnesses who speaks against him under oath there is no one allowed to provide Counter examination questions which is why the J6 is being called a Dog and Pony show a public show trial.

Really are you that clueless?
Would be relevant if this is a trial. This isn't. You supposedly have no problem understanding that when you opened the 8th investigative committee on Benghazi. Or the idea that a congressman will advise the president on impeachment strategy while at the same time being expected to serve as a juror on whether or not to impeach.

Due process only counts in a trial setting.
There are people who did not like the Watergate fiasco. And it has not ended from there. When we see all the reporters from then that are Prog shills as we see them today, we can see that the break in turned from something minor into something not so. The then President maybe was not that smart how he handled it, but the Prog shills went in for the kill.
Overriding our elections? Since lefties seem to want to talk about everything except Biden, wouldn't you think they would welcome overriding the last election?
It applies to anyone under investigation as Trump is who is being deprived of defending himself against all those witnesses who speaks against him under oath there is no one allowed to provide Counter examination questions which is why the J6 is being called a Dog and Pony show a public show trial.

Really are you that clueless?
Nope, he's not deprived of that chance. If ever he actually is put in the position that his life, liberty, or property are in jeopardy he can avail himself of all the advantages a defendant is awarded under the law. Including due process and the presumption of innocence. He might and probably will argue that his chance of a fair trial is made impossible on account of this highly public investigation. And if a judge finds the argument has merit the case might even get dismissed. That doesn't mean the right to due process is applicable to congressional investigations.
Nope, he's not deprived of that chance. If ever he actually is put in the position that his life, liberty, or property are in jeopardy he can avail himself of all the advantages a defendant is awarded under the law. Including due process and the presumption of innocence. He might and probably will argue that his chance of a fair trial is made impossible on account of this highly public investigation. And if a judge finds the argument has merit the case might even get dismissed. That doesn't mean the right to due process is applicable to congressional investigations.

Admit it!
Pelosi F'ed up from the get-go.
Nope, he's not deprived of that chance. If ever he actually is put in the position that his life, liberty, or property are in jeopardy he can avail himself of all the advantages a defendant is awarded under the law. Including due process and the presumption of innocence. He might and probably will argue that his chance of a fair trial is made impossible on account of this highly public investigation. And if a judge finds the argument has merit the case might even get dismissed. That doesn't mean the right to due process is applicable to congressional investigations.

Ha ha ha you don't know what a Show Trial is:


A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt or innocence of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors.[2]

Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes.[3] When aimed at individuals on the basis of protected classes or characteristics, such trials are examples of political persecution. The term was first recorded in 1928.[4]



Your disdain for Due Process is well exposed here.

It looks like you are another victim of Public Education system.
Admit it!
Pelosi F'ed up from the get-go.
Why? Because Trump might get off? The idea is first and foremost to shine a light on exactly what was done and why. This might or might not result in people going to jail. that doesn't mean it's a failure if nobody who actually orchestrated it goes to jail. The idea is to bring everything out in the open so it will be harder to accomplish in the future.
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
Because they care more about trump than they do about the truth.
Ha ha ha you don't know what a Show Trial is:


A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt or innocence of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors.[2]

Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes.[3] When aimed at individuals on the basis of protected classes or characteristics, such trials are examples of political persecution. The term was first recorded in 1928.[4]



Your disdain for Due Process is well exposed here.

It looks like you are another victim of Public Education system.
I respect due process a hell of a lot more than you do more than likely. For starters, I've got an idea of what due process is and isn't.
Why? Because Trump might get off? The idea is first and foremost to shine a light on exactly what was done and why. This might or might not result in people going to jail. that doesn't mean it's a failure if nobody who actually orchestrated it goes to jail. The idea is to bring everything out in the open so it will be harder to accomplish in the future.

One sidedness does not mean openness.
Are you really this stupid??
I respect due process a hell of a lot more than you do more than likely. For starters, I've got an idea of what due process is and isn't.

No, you are supporting a show trial which is done right in front of you.

Meanwhile it appears that J6 isn't going anywhere with this farce because the DOJ who has all the shit in their possession isn't going to indict Trump because they will have to obey the DISCOVERY process the very thing being denied in your loved show trial.

Trump will not be indicted or prosecuted.
And you still did bad?
Don't brag about it....
I've pretty much done the same I have a skilled job that pays pretty good in a town where the cost of living is low. Everything but my Jeep is payed for and now that the economy is taking a turn the Democrats in charge are trying to deflect attention. When the Republicans win the elections they will do the same shit. They will waste tax payer money fucking with the Biden administration the same way Democrats did with Trump.

It will never change unless a true Conservative government is voted in. Unfortunately that will never happen because the brain dead masses continue to elect Republicans and Democrats.
I've pretty much done the same I have a skilled job that pays pretty good in a town where the cost of living is low. Everything but my Jeep is payed for and now that the economy is taking a turn the Democrats in charge are trying to deflect attention. When the Republicans win the elections they will do the same shit. They will waste tax payer money fucking with the Biden administration the same way Democrats did with Trump.

It will never change unless a true Conservative government is voted in. Unfortunately that will never happen because the brain dead masses continue to elect Republicans and Democrats.

You're just another untouchable clown caught up in clown world.
Please continue not to vote.
Thank you. Thank you, very much!
You're just another untouchable clown caught up in clown world.
Please continue not to vote.
Thank you. Thank you, very much!
And you keep voting for the functional retards that are spending this country into bankruptcy. Sheep.

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