Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election

If Biden told you to shut the fuck up and just support whatever racist lies he says, you would. We know that because, you know, he did and you're doing it ...
What an absolute dumbass response. If you read my posts, you know I am not a fan of Biden. Like most citizen's we support policies not a specific politicians.
Trump trained monkey's, like you, are cult members, you follow Trump not policies.

What an absolute dumbass response. If you read my posts, you know I am not a fan of Biden. Like most citizen's we support policies not a specific politicians.
Trump trained monkey's, like you, are cult members, you follow Trump not policies.

Wow. You should read this like three times and feel really, really stupid. You have zero self awareness, and this bizarre text proves
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
Repugs didn't do nothing because that is what they do except enable Trump 2024.

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