Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election

Trump knows Progs cheat. Big time cheating. We make criminals heroes and cheating in elections seem honorable. the COVID payoffs from the printing machines has a year or so left in this environment. Many people will use up their savings in that time period also. What the hell do you think this is? America with a timed honored Constitution. The Progs took back power and almost immediately the anguish started. The swamp and the globalist direction has continued. And we need to be knocked down a few pegs and are.

Trump doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He's only interested in how much money he can convince fools like you to send him.

REPUBLICANS have made cheating in elections a thing because they can no longer win fair and free elections.
And you keep voting for the functional retards that are spending this country into bankruptcy. Sheep.

A Bidenista that votes for Biden is more of an American than you.
Since you no longer participate in our given system, then this just makes you a drag on the system.
Why don't you man up and GTFO instead of hanging around and being a clinger??
A Bidenista that votes for Biden is more of an American than you.
Since you no longer participate in our given system, then this just makes you a drag on the system.
Why don't you man up and GTFO instead of hanging around and being a clinger??
Whatever sheep.
And you keep voting for the functional retards that are spending this country into bankruptcy. Sheep.

Functional retards continue to be elected because you won't do anything to stop them. You continue to allow politicians to lie to you with impunity, and then when the truth is exposed, you deny that they've been caught lying to you.

Republicans haven't been "conservatives" since Eisenhauer.
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Then you're shit outta luck, Cluck.

Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.

GIVE IT UP, asshole. Everyone here is aware that while trying to accuse Trump of trying to heist our elections, THAT IS EXACTLY what the Left has been doing, and now Biden and Susan Rice with the help of Demos, are trying to orchestrate just that: the federal takeover of all 50 state's election control and voting activities before this Fall despite no congressional authority, in secret, while running from lawsuit after lawsuit to provide details or answer any questions to check legality in violation of all federal law.

Functional retards continue to be elected because you won't do anything to stop them. You continue to allow politicians to lie to you with impunity, and then when the truth is exposed, you deny that they've been caught lying to you.

Republicans haven't been "conservatives" since Eisenhauer.
The great thing about the US is I'm not forced to choose between bad and worse I'll let you sheeple fuck up the country by continuing to vote for people who will spend us into poverty. And I'm no hypocrite like yourself politicians can't lie to me because I know better.
Obviously all the craven Republicans who have enabled and profited from this madness have no shame. But yeah, we've now seen several who really were and are willing to put the country before their party and refuse to play along to save their bacon.

Thank goodness for them.
Let's not give them too much credit. At least two of them, Bowers & Barr said that they would vote for that madman again.

Bowers talked about God at the hearing then turned around & said he still supports Trump.

Once a cultist, always a cultist.

There's no way out of this. The Country as we knew it is doomed.
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
It's tough watching a hearing where nothing is refuted and just taken as fact. :smoke:
Scarborough praised this guy to high heaven yesterday and denounced him as a Trump cultist today.
He can't be both!
We'll never know as he wasn't cross-examined!!
He deserved to be denounced knowing full well that Trump is a criminal but still supports him.

And he had the balls to talk about God at the hearing.

Cult 101
Functional retards continue to be elected because you won't do anything to stop them. You continue to allow politicians to lie to you with impunity, and then when the truth is exposed, you deny that they've been caught lying to you.

Republicans haven't been "conservatives" since Eisenhauer.
All politicians lie, darling.
It has been a very long time since there has been true conservatives running the camp.
But, I believe you would be bitching more if there were true conservatives running the camp, don't you think?
Trump knows Progs cheat. Big time cheating. We make criminals heroes and cheating in elections seem honorable. the COVID payoffs from the printing machines has a year or so left in this environment. Many people will use up their savings in that time period also. What the hell do you think this is? America with a timed honored Constitution. The Progs took back power and almost immediately the anguish started. The swamp and the globalist direction has continued. And we need to be knocked down a few pegs and are.
The "progs" took back nothing. It's called an election. And I defy any one of you Trumptards to PROVE, yes PROVE that the election was stolen.

You can't because it's a lie.
Ha ha ha you don't know what a Show Trial is:


A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt or innocence of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors.[2]

Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes.[3] When aimed at individuals on the basis of protected classes or characteristics, such trials are examples of political persecution. The term was first recorded in 1928.[4]



Your disdain for Due Process is well exposed here.

It looks like you are another victim of Public Education system.
This is an investigation, not a trial...

In an investigation you don't get to cross examine... Just like when the Police are investigating the drug dealer isn't allowed to cross examine in interrogation .

What the witnesses are allowed to have is legal council..

Now Mr. Trump can come and give evidence under oath with a high priced lawyer sitting beside him... He has been offered... The Committee has they would love to see him come and clear up a number of things...

It is not a trial.. And it is all very constitutional...

Personally I don't think Trump should be given Executive Privilege in a number things as he wasn't doing government business when he was pushing the Big Lie..
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
There was no Trump effort to override the election. You idiot.

And disagreeing with a sub-imbecile such as you is evidence that most people are far more intelligent than you have an ability to comprehend.

Go toddle off now, Elmo.
Democrats are the most responsible for sealing an election from the American people.
Let's not give them too much credit. At least two of them, Bowers & Barr said that they would vote for that madman again.

Bowers talked about God at the hearing then turned around & said he still supports Trump.

Once a cultist, always a cultist.

There's no way out of this. The Country as we knew it is doomed.
Well, this particular case has to play out and accountability has to be issued.

That said, even this story is a small part of the big picture. One guy is not the problem, and never has been. This is sociological/cultural. I never, ever thought I would see this happen here.

So yeah, we appear to be heading into a dark period. Here's hoping we're wrong.
Part of the post 16 election autopsy was the irony of some of Obama 08 voters and the rejection of Ws policies led to some voters deciding on "neither."

Bannon viewed Trump as a timely though imperfect messenger for his anti-democratic message. And then there's Trump's psychological pathology of needing to personalize whatever snake oil he's selling at a given time, from casinos, hotels, for profit education, steaks and vodka .....

So there's a witches brew of Proud Boy types and folks who "bought" Trump as the path to prosperity. With the new deal or fair deal or reaganomics .... the policy could be implemented by a successor. The same for civil or glbt or womens rights.

From what I have read about the hearings, they've fairly exposed that Trump's attempts to overturn the election were carried out by third string actors, who were turned back by the people who were actually competent, and not tied to Trump simply to further their failing careers or just find anyone who'd let them into the limelight.
Republicans are most responsible for stopping Trump from overriding our election.
Trump turned to his Republican staff, Republican congressman, Republican members of the Justice department, Republican office holders on the state level, to help confirm his lies about a rigged election.
Many spineless politicians agreed to support the false accusations without any proof.
But many Republicans, who voted for Trump, said they would not support the claims without evidence. Trump could not provide proof.
These strong Republicans stood up for the US and our Constitution.
Why doesn't the Republican party get behind these strong Republicans rather than spineless, self-serving Trump minions.

Those not willing to watch the hearing and make their own conclusions, yet they say it is a sham, are spineless.
All of those people of integrity who stopped Trump from stealing the election have been targeted with death threats and targeted to be voted out of office.

That's how batshit insane the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has become.

It's a cult of personality now.
I've been watching.
And I see no cross-examination.
Therefore, it is an infomercial where all of the user's say it really works!

This is not Democracy.
There is no cross examination because Trump sabotaged any attempts to investigate his crimes. He had the original plan of an independent commission killed. And McCarthy killed the assignment of Republicans to the committee.

So the dumb shits brought this on themselves.

And we all know what the "cross-examination" would have consisted of. It would have been all red herrings about gas prices and inflation and Joe Biden and squirrels. Trump's lickspittles would have done everything they could to distract from the evidence of his crimes.

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