Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
from the same link

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
You rube.

Had you even noticed that the only people in government who ever seem to care about spending are those out of power?

That's why the Dims blew a gasket when Trump wanted a few billion for a wall they hated saying it was too expensive, and why they stopped stimulus money to go out before the election so that Trump would lose. But now that Trump has lost, now the Dims want to pass the same stimulus they originally stopped and now why the GOP has a trouble with spending now.

Now go back under your partisan rock like the dolt you are cuz neither party has really ever given a damn.
And most tax payers won’t care till their taxes increase. Tax cuts fuel spending.
Well that's just it.

So long as the majority of voters don't' feel the oppression of taxation, then they don't care cuz they are dolts and don't realize that at some point they will all face judgement day and an end to the Republic, which means the end of the Constitution, a Progressive wet dream.

Then George Soros and his globalist pricks can come in and do what they please.
And the more tax cuts we get the sooner that will happen. Tax cuts should be the benefit of spending cuts. Repubs have made it a benefit of increased spending.
and Democrats count a lower than promised increase in spending a cut even though more money was allotted than the year before

and their sky is falling mantra about those perceived cuts is Teachers cops and firemen oh my
I’m not claiming dems are good. But they can ad spending forever as long as repubs keep cutting taxes.

the problem is one of the entire 2 party system which is why we need to add a third party to act as a wedge and prevent any single party from dominating the house , senate or both.

Then and only then will we have a shot at getting back on track
Trolls like penny,that logic never registers with her,she cannot deal with reality that the dem party is every bit as corrupt and against us as the gop party is, :cuckoo: she won’t face reality that Obama lied to the American people,saying he would reverse his policys but instead,expanded on them.:uhoh3:
From 1980 to 1985, the amount of money put into real estate limited partnerships increased six-fold, climbing from about $2 billion in 1980 to $12.7 billion in 1985, according to the investment advisory firm of Robert A. Stanger & Co. Cumulatively, the industry raised about $67.9 billion from 1979 to 1988.

But real estate investing became more popular in other circles as well. Newly deregulated savings and loan institutions, allowed to venture into commercial real estate investments for the first time, launched many projects, as did insurance companies and pension funds.

Millions Burned as Real Estate Partnerships Fizzle : Investment: All those people who benefited from depreciation now find those huge write-offs coming back to haunt them in the form of higher taxes. - Los Angeles Times (
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
you do understand that income taxes are not the only taxes people pay right?

I do. So aside from moving the Social Security tax hike from 1985 to 1984, what did he do?
The ignorance is amazing, why does many here ignore the looming budget breaking entitlements?


Entitlements Threaten The Entire Federal Budget

Feb 9, 2018,

Milton Ezrati


Much debate on tax reform focuses on implications for the government’s budget deficit. The pro-reform side of the dispute claims that the new law will promote enough additional economic growth to narrow the budget shortfall. The con side claims that tax cuts will so diminish federal revenues that the budget will soon face a painful day of reckoning. Without judging the accuracy of either forecast, such questions are small beer in the budget outlook. The big questions on Washington’s finances lie elsewhere --with entitlements spending, which continues to outgrow everything else Washington does and, worse, remains on autopilot. Next to this matter, everything else, including the contrary claims of the tax-reform debate, operates on the margins of the issue.

Budget realities are stark. Entitlements --- Social Security plus Medicaid and Medicare plus unemployment insurance and, for the time being, Obamacare --- already absorb 70% of all federal spending. These budget items grow automatically and do not even come up in Congress’ annual appropriations process. What is more, their rapid growth threatens to take over the rest of the budget.



Democrats CREATED this problem, since they are the ones who generated "Social Security plus Medicaid and Medicare plus unemployment insurance and, for the time being, Obamacare.." and that is INCREASING over time, the Republican part of the spending process is getting SMALLER over time.
They ignore it because republicans keep giving them tax cuts.

You blather this crap over and over while you keep ignoring the facts that Democrats are responsible for generating over 70% of the entire Federal Budget spending which is growing over time.

Democrats come into power generate tax increases, which Obama did.

Did you graduate from Elementary school yet?
Obviously not. :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
from the same link

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Those had better be some huge fucking loopholes to reverse the top
rate moving from 70% to 50%.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate

Yup. Moved the scheduled 1985 hike from 5.4% to 5.7% into 1984.
That hardly seems equivalent to the huge cuts in 1981-82.
From 1980 to 1985, the amount of money put into real estate limited partnerships increased six-fold, climbing from about $2 billion in 1980 to $12.7 billion in 1985, according to the investment advisory firm of Robert A. Stanger & Co. Cumulatively, the industry raised about $67.9 billion from 1979 to 1988.

But real estate investing became more popular in other circles as well. Newly deregulated savings and loan institutions, allowed to venture into commercial real estate investments for the first time, launched many projects, as did insurance companies and pension funds.

Millions Burned as Real Estate Partnerships Fizzle : Investment: All those people who benefited from depreciation now find those huge write-offs coming back to haunt them in the form of higher taxes. - Los Angeles Times (
Same ole same ole,talk about the gops corruption but evade facts thst Obama not only lied to the people that he would reverse bush’s dreconian policys,but not only contiuned them,but expanded on them as well. :uhoh3: Everybody on this thread except the op troll and a few shills that have penatrated this site,is all aware of these facts and will tell you the same thing paid dnc shill.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
you do understand that income taxes are not the only taxes people pay right?

I do. So aside from moving the Social Security tax hike from 1985 to 1984, what did he do?

read the fucking article
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
from the same link

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Those had better be some huge fucking loopholes to reverse the top
rate moving from 70% to 50%.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate

Yup. Moved the scheduled 1985 hike from 5.4% to 5.7% into 1984.
That hardly seems equivalent to the huge cuts in 1981-82.
he also doubled what self employed people paid in Social Security taxes.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
from the same link

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.
He had cut taxes so bad when he took office it was still a large tax cut.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
you do understand that income taxes are not the only taxes people pay right?

I do. So aside from moving the Social Security tax hike from 1985 to 1984, what did he do?

read the fucking article

I did. It was really, really short on details.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Tramp cared,
Trump touts tax law he previously called a disaster - YouTube

Min 120 on
no one else did
Republicans loved Reagan, he cut taxes twice and he raised the lowest bracket.

Remember tramp wanted them to invest in real estate, and he was a Democrat for a long time.

Anything that he felt it was good for him. Now he wants tax cuts, but he didn't back in the 80's.
Reagan passed the largest peace time tax hike in history which basically clawed back all the money from the income tax cuts.

Trump wasn't complaining about the tax cuts he was complaining about the tax increases Reagan signed into law after the first rounds of cuts

No he didn't, he twice cut taxes. Reagan only raised the lowest bracket in 1986.

Tramp was bitching about people playing the market instead of investing in real estate.

The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,

Sounds awful!!

What were the rates before Reagan increased them? What were the rates after?
from the same link

The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

"What people forget about Ronald Reagan was that he very much converted to base broadening as a means of reducing deficits and as a means of tax reform," said Eugene Steuerle, an Institute Fellow at the Urban Institute who had helped lay the groundwork for tax reform in 1986 and served as a deputy assistant Treasury secretary during Reagan's second term.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Those had better be some huge fucking loopholes to reverse the top
rate moving from 70% to 50%.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate

Yup. Moved the scheduled 1985 hike from 5.4% to 5.7% into 1984.
That hardly seems equivalent to the huge cuts in 1981-82.
he also doubled what self employed people paid in Social Security taxes.

he also doubled what self employed people paid in Social Security taxes.


Social Security History (

From 83-89, that was only projected to raise $18 billion.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 lowered the top tax rate for ordinary income from 50% to 28% and raised the bottom tax rate from 11% to 15%. This was the first time in U.S. income tax history that the top tax rate was lowered and the bottom rate was increased at the same time.

Tax Reform Act of 1986 Definition (

Yup. And it increased the standard deduction, raised exemptions and indexed both to inflation.
And created the Earned Income Tax credit.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

show me in this , your very first post where you said anything ab out the ratio of the debt to GDP.
You are just babbling stupidly and don’t understand economics.

so you can't show me where in your opening "arguments" that you said debt only matters if it reaches a certain level then?
It wasn’t discussed. Seems unnecessary since we are so deeply in debt. But you keep babbling stupidly...

you mean you didn't mention that it was one of the most important parts of your argument don't you?

I would have thought that since debt to GDP ratio was your standard of whether debt is "good " or "bad" you would have at least mentioned it.

but you didn't until you got caught with your pants down and your arguments that only republicans cut taxes and increase the debt failed
It’s common in economics. We are so bad mentioning where we should be seems pointless. You don’t understand economics.

keep bobbing and weaving you still lost this fight

Guess which party is responsible for more of the biggest debt increases in history.


so stop with the partisan bullshit and start speaking the truth.

We are where we are because both parties contributed to the mess and we will not get out of this mess any time soon. The debt doesn't really matter that much because a third of it is one government branch owing money to another government branch and most of the rest is owned by American banks, insurance companies and individual investors and the interest paid on the bonds those banks, insurance companies and investors own acts as a stabilizing agent in the market place.

maybe you should study up on a little economics before you tell me to huh?
Only one party cuts taxes and increases spending. That fuels debt.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
That’s because it is true
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
That’s because it is true

You won't understand this, because you are brainless -

A reduction in tax rates - Increases revenue to the Treasury.

Does not lower - has never lowered, has always increased.

Reagan, Bush43, Trump - cut rates, increased revenue.

(that doesn't work to infinity, but it has worked every time so far.)
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.
History and politics not strong with you is it cum breath?
And yet you can’t deny any of the facts.
Deny what you don't know the facts.

Reagan had to compromise with tippy

Newt is the one who balanced the budget for a few
Fact is that repubs fuel increased spending with tax cuts.

so democrats take no responsibility for their increased spending they just blame republicans for cutting taxes.

got it.

Doesn't it seem to be the rationale that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault?
Tax payers don’t care about spending because it goes on the credit card and they get tax cuts.

now you're finally getting it

No one cares about the debt.

And it ain't gonna matter before I'm dead so i don't care either
I get it, it’s the point of the OP . Nobody will care till we increase taxes, cuts are making people care less and less.

presidents have increased taxes and still no one cared.

Reagan passed the single largest peacetime tax hike in history and no one cared that he grew the debt

Clinton raised taxes and no one cared that he raised the debt

Bush #1 raised taxes and no one cared that he increased the debt

how can you keep saying that people will care when taxes are raised when they have shown just the opposite?
Deficits decreased under Clinton. Increasing taxes is the only way. You are talking small increases. If taxes increased as much as spending then people would take notice.

no they wouldn't.

because it will never happen.

No politician will ever get elected if he says he's going to increase taxes to cover all spending.

what fantasy land do you call home?
That is the problem. And repubs are worse cause they cut taxes and increase spending.

Biden said he was increasing some taxes and was elected. It’s a start.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and increased spending
Extending the cuts means the rate was not changed. Had they expired rates would have increased.
but you said he should have raised taxes to cover all the spending he initiated he didn't and he still doubled the debt
I’m not saying either party is good, just that repubs are worse. Trump quickly increased Obama deficits.

and Obama doubled the debt. Democrat senators and congress men voted for republican tax cuts too you know

you are saying that it's somehow worse to die from getting strangled than getting shot when you wind up dead either way.

what you want will never happen and no democrat will do it just as no republican will.

so when you buy your ticket back to reality let me know
And trump increased Obama deficits. Bad and worse.

you need to do some homework
Republicans always start the cuts.


JFK started cutting the top rate of the income tax
We didn’t have a debt problem then.
That's because we had automatic tax increases then.
And now repubs cut taxes when deeply in debt.

You keep saying that -

You won't answerer my question.
That’s because it is true

You won't understand this, because you are brainless -

A reduction in tax rates - Increases revenue to the Treasury.

Does not lower - has never lowered, has always increased.

Reagan, Bush43, Trump - cut rates, increased revenue.

(that doesn't work to infinity, but it has worked every time so far.)
The trump tax cuts lowered the rate of increase of revenue. Meanwhile Trump drastically increased deficits and nobody cares cause they got a tax cut.

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