Republicans are starting to lose it


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

[ame=]House Members Issa, Cummings Clash During Ex-IRS Official Lois Lerner's Hearing - YouTube[/ame]
What a public spanking of Issa........But....but.....I already gaveled
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?
I saw another thread of the same topic. I hope this gets merged.

NOBODY, NOBODY has ever shut off the microphone on another Representative.

"Rep. Marcia Fudge wants Rep. Darrell Issa's chairmanship revoked"
Rep. Marcia Fudge wants Rep. Darrell Issa's chairmanship revoked for silencing Democrats (video) |

All the Representatives behind her are standing. This is completely unprecedented.
[ame=]Rep. Fudge Asks for the Removal of Rep. Issa as Chair of Oversight Committee - YouTube[/ame]
Funny how nobody got upset when Henry Nostrilitis broke House rules and threatened Issa physically

[ame=]Waxman Threatens to Kick Issa Out of Hearing Room - YouTube[/ame]
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

Look Republicans......just a hint here

If you want to conduct a witch hunt, try not to make it look like such a witch hunt

Not allowing the other side to speak kind of makes your intentions obvious

Thats it ......This thread is over

If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

You Sir, Have no clue as to what you are talking about. It was a hearing. The Chairman does not get to hold a hearing so he can say what he has to say for 15 minutes and then adjourn. Republicans might as well say they own the government. They need to get a grip on themselves.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

It's pointless.

dimocrap scum have gotten their 'outrage' up and there's no reasoning with them.

Cummings (D-Hissy Fit) was out of order. Issa gave him several chances to ask his question and all Cummings wanted to do was to rail against the proceedings and the committee in general.

Issa didn't cut off Cummings microphone, he cut off EVERYBODY'S.

dimocraps are some dishonest scumbags.

ALL of them.

One other thing.... I'm personally very happy to see this hit the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. Most people will be able to tell that Cummings was being an obstructionist jerkwad and maybe now, they'll take more of an interest in the proceedings.

So what could Lois Lerner be hiding as she took the 5th because her answers would incriminate her?
Aw. Issa hadda Pologize to Cummings.

Cummings was very very statesmanlike accepting Issa apology for being a world class dick.

But gotta give him a hattip: Issa DID aplogize.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

You Sir, Have no clue as to what you are talking about. It was a hearing. The Chairman does not get to hold a hearing so he can say what he has to say for 15 minutes and then adjourn. Republicans might as well say they own the government. They need to get a grip on themselves.

You're a lying bitch.

Yes, he does get to do that.

In fact, he DID it. And if you'd listen to somebody other than your usual source of news (probably Nickelodeon) you'd know that Issa ran his SCRIPTED proceedings by the House Parliamentarian and got them APPROVED before the Committee Hearing.

Lying scumbag piece of fucking shit. ALL dimocraps
So what could Lois Lerner be hiding as she took the 5th because her answers would incriminate her?

It is her legal right. Since when does the Legislative branch overrule the laws of the land. Rep. Issa might think so but then again he thinks the owns the government apparently.

I take one day away from the headlines and all Heck breaks out.
That bloviating retard Cummings had his chance to speak- he needs to follow the rules, and keep his trap shut when it is not appropriate to open it. Lerner is a guilty bitch who would inculpate Obama if she answered the questions posed. The IRS is guilty - that is factual. How a dumb ass like Cummings gets a pay check is beyond me.

How the liberals make issue of this, Trayvon Martin, and all the other meaningless BS, but our silent when the president craps all over the nation is telling.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

You Sir, Have no clue as to what you are talking about. It was a hearing. The Chairman does not get to hold a hearing so he can say what he has to say for 15 minutes and then adjourn. Republicans might as well say they own the government. They need to get a grip on themselves.

You're a lying bitch.

Yes, he does get to do that.

In fact, he DID it. And if you'd listen to somebody other than your usual source of news (probably Nickelodeon) you'd know that Issa ran his SCRIPTED proceedings by the House Parliamentarian and got them APPROVED before the Committee Hearing.

Lying scumbag piece of fucking shit. ALL dimocraps
Yeah, that's why

Issa Said Sowwwwwwwy.

Issa apologizes, skirts censure |
Look at the theater Dems are engaging in. Lerner claiming she is in fear of her life over tax issues. Cummings staging a hissy and then claiming Issa is a racist because he acted properly. The black caucus joining in. All of it to protect the most failed president in history.
Yeah, Dems are on the verge of panic. Especially ahead of a 2014 election that will reduce them to the most minority status they've ever had.

Issa apologizes, skirts censure

Vista rep says he has personally apologized for cutting off Rep. Elijah Cummings during hearing

A chastened Rep. Darrell Issa says he has apologized to a fellow senior lawmaker for abruptly cutting off his microphone during a hearing Wednesday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Issa, R-Vista, said he made a personal apology on Thursday to the man he silenced, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.
Issa apologizes, skirts censure |
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

You Sir, Have no clue as to what you are talking about. It was a hearing. The Chairman does not get to hold a hearing so he can say what he has to say for 15 minutes and then adjourn. Republicans might as well say they own the government. They need to get a grip on themselves.

You're a lying bitch.

Yes, he does get to do that.

In fact, he DID it. And if you'd listen to somebody other than your usual source of news (probably Nickelodeon) you'd know that Issa ran his SCRIPTED proceedings by the House Parliamentarian and got them APPROVED before the Committee Hearing.

Lying scumbag piece of fucking shit. ALL dimocraps

Abuse of power. Complete disregard for ethics. An insult not only to a fellow Representative but to the House of Representatives itself. An insult to every single constituent who is represented by the Representatives. An snub to all Americans. You really don't get it do you?
You Sir, Have no clue as to what you are talking about. It was a hearing. The Chairman does not get to hold a hearing so he can say what he has to say for 15 minutes and then adjourn. Republicans might as well say they own the government. They need to get a grip on themselves.

You're a lying bitch.

Yes, he does get to do that.

In fact, he DID it. And if you'd listen to somebody other than your usual source of news (probably Nickelodeon) you'd know that Issa ran his SCRIPTED proceedings by the House Parliamentarian and got them APPROVED before the Committee Hearing.

Lying scumbag piece of fucking shit. ALL dimocraps
Yeah, that's why

Issa Said Sowwwwwwwy.

Issa apologizes, skirts censure |

He was sorry Cummings was upset. Like it's his fault.
The story is why Lerner took the 5th, and what her emails said. Let's stick with that.

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