Republicans are starting to lose it

Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

House Members Issa, Cummings Clash During Ex-IRS Official Lois Lerner's Hearing - YouTube
I love the part at the very end when Cummings asks Assi "what are you hiding" and someone answers "he's taking the 5th."

that was :laugh:

How many more MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER $$$ is Issa (R) going to borrow to amuse his party's Base :eusa_pray: :tinfoil: ?
Waxman broke House Rules by threatening Issa in the first place.
How quickly the Right changes the rules for themselves!

YOU posted this earlier in this thread:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

Aaaand? Waxman broke house rules by attacking and deriding a witness while giving his deposition. Issa then called for a "point of order" as a result, which required him to interrupt Waxman. By Robert's Rules of order, Waxman was required to address this point of order before moving forward. He didn't. Waxman himself was out of order when he threatened to have Issa removed from the hearing room if he didn't cease his protests.

Waxman attacked and derided no one. The lying witness was evading the question when the questioner's time ran out and Waxman was trying to get a clarification when Assi rudely interrupted to help the witness protect the corrupt president Bush. Assi's point of order was answered and Assi continued to interrupt, Waxman politely answered him each time until he finally said Assi will be removed if he continues. Waxman finally got his clarification as to whether the lying witness and the corrupt president Bush were claiming Executive Privilege.
Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

House Members Issa, Cummings Clash During Ex-IRS Official Lois Lerner's Hearing - YouTube
This is one of the lamest clashes I have ever seen, I was only able to watch 4 seconds of it, here is what a clash looks like:

[ame=]Jerry Springer: The Gay Ball! - YouTube[/ame]
wrong link. action starts at 6:45

[ame=]Jerry Springer - I Slept With A Transsexual pt. 2.flv - YouTube[/ame]

In statements after the hearing, Rep. Cummings says he believes the Democrats are being shut out of the investigation by Republicans, claiming they are “cherry picking information, sending just a few lines from various transcripts.” In other words, he is accusing Republicans of distorting the facts in such a way as to make Ms. Lerner appear guilty.

Chairman Issa told journalists, “Mr. Cummings did not raise a point of privilege or a point or order.” Issa acknowledged Cummings by allowing him to ask a question, but Issa stated, “ He went into an opening statement. Opening statements had already been completed.”

Darrell Issa Ignites Fireworks in IRS Hearing
Waxman broke House Rules by threatening Issa in the first place.

Waxman threatened to have Issa thrown out. How the Sergeant at Arms handled that would have been completely out of Waxman's control.
And Waxman controlled the committee...and this is just different, isn't it? Yeah...sour grapes. Make WHINE.
Republicans are starting to lose it

"starting to"? :rofl:

They lost it in January 2009 when this great nation inaugurated its first African American President. They REALLY lost it when 44 became a two-termer :cool: last year.

yea, it was as great day for America when our debt mushroomed to near 18 trillion. when congress instead of becoming more united became more divisive then ever. when the race card revived racism to 1960's levels. when the patriot act was strengthened and renewed. when 47% of the population became dependent on entitlements. when the gap between the rich and the poor grew at a faster rate than ever before and to its highest levels, when the healthcare industry was handed over to insurance companies and pharmaceuticals, when we signed away safe foods to GMO's to the largest corporate food giant with the Monsanto protection act. when we lost all respect from our international allies and showed our weakness to our enemies. and now the final chapter, when we opened the door to the new cold war.
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Republicans are starting to lose it

"starting to"? :rofl:

They lost it in January 2009 when this great nation inaugurated its first African American President. They REALLY lost it when 44 became a two-termer :cool: last year.

[ame=]Gov. Chris Christie -- Fightin' Words On the Jersey Shore - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]'I will break you in half like a boy' Congressman Threatens NY1 Reporter During Interview - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Issa Issues Veiled Blackwater Threat Against Waxman - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Congressman Cummings Scolds Darrell Issa - YouTube[/ame]

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