Republicans are starting to lose it

If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

i'm terribly sorry you don't follow the rules of etiquette in Congress or the deference that should be shown the ranking member of a committee.

now if we had more people who weren't self-serving, rightwing wackjobs the congress might actually start to function again.

yeah liberals never do that. Why do you argue points that are easily disprovable?
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

No... wrong TK... Cummings is BLACK, so he doesn't have to follow the rules. Just ask that filthy kenyan in the black house and his black lap dog holder. They'll tell ya flat out. They drop cases against blacks and indite whities.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

i'm terribly sorry you don't follow the rules of etiquette in Congress or the deference that should be shown the ranking member of a committee.

now if we had more people who weren't self-serving, rightwing wackjobs the congress might actually start to function again.

Eat shit you big hypocrite. You never post anything worthwhile. Or even correct. Why arent you complaining about this performance?

she is a liberal, maybe she really does have a scat fetish?
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If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

i'm terribly sorry you don't follow the rules of etiquette in Congress or the deference that should be shown the ranking member of a committee.

now if we had more people who weren't self-serving, rightwing wackjobs the congress might actually start to function again.

Eat shit you big hypocrite. You never post anything worthwhile. Or even correct. Why arent you complaining about this performance?

Oh, but that's different! .......:lol:
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Funny how nobody got upset when Henry Nostrilitis broke House rules and threatened Issa physically

Waxman Threatens to Kick Issa Out of Hearing Room - YouTube
Waxman broke no rules and was in the right. If you notice after he pointed out to Assi that he was out of order and would be removed if his violations didn't stop, Assi shut the fuck up knowing he 3was in the wrong.

No, Waxman broke the rules. That was Issa's point. He shut up rather than be removed from the proceedings, which Waxman would have done.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

i'm terribly sorry you don't follow the rules of etiquette in Congress or the deference that should be shown the ranking member of a committee.

now if we had more people who weren't self-serving, rightwing wackjobs the congress might actually start to function again.

You do realize that I cited actual rules, right? Perhaps RandomVariable can fill you in. He got edumacated. I'm terribly sorry you're too lazy to actually read through threads, jillian.
Republicans are starting to lose it

"starting to"? :rofl:

They lost it in January 2009 when this great nation inaugurated its first African American President. They REALLY lost it when 44 became a two-termer :cool: last year.
Waxman broke House Rules by threatening Issa in the first place.
How quickly the Right changes the rules for themselves!

YOU posted this earlier in this thread:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.
Waxman broke House Rules by threatening Issa in the first place.
How quickly the Right changes the rules for themselves!

YOU posted this earlier in this thread:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

Aaaand? Waxman broke house rules by attacking and deriding a witness while giving his deposition. Issa then called for a "point of order" as a result, which required him to interrupt Waxman. By Robert's Rules of order, Waxman was required to address this point of order before moving forward. He didn't. Waxman himself was out of order when he threatened to have Issa removed from the hearing room if he didn't cease his protests.

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Aw. Issa hadda Pologize to Cummings.

Cummings was very very statesmanlike accepting Issa apology for being a world class dick.

But gotta give him a hattip: Issa DID aplogize.

awwww poor eljja was cut off.......lets have a pittyparty...... 1,2,3...awwwwwwwwww
doesnt he pull this shit a couple of times a year?

He's a joke...but liberals will protect all their masters no matter how much of an asshole they are

it's how Obama got elected
Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

House Members Issa, Cummings Clash During Ex-IRS Official Lois Lerner's Hearing - YouTube
I love the part at the very end when Cummings asks Assi "what are you hiding" and someone answers "he's taking the 5th."

The irony is that Issa complained Lerner was not saying anything. When Cummings wanted to say something Issa shut him up. Lerner was also taking the 5th to specific questions Issa was asking her. She has already gone over all of this and good for her finding a way out of his harassment. In any other circumstance it would be an illegal offense but Issa is a Congressman and apparently is the law. Cummings was offering a line of questioning which would get Issa the answers he wanted by asking questions which were relevant and in a manner which was not harassment. It is called line of questioning. This is all about making the Republicans look go no matter what affect it has on anyone else. Issa is going to call witness after witness after witness because he is trying to score political points with an "IRS scandal". McCain is going to stand in the hallway in a press briefing saying how there is no information being given out about Benghazi, while he is missing a classified briefing which is being held at exactly the same time. The Republicans are despicable. They have no justification for being in public office. They should be standing on the Mall waving signs rather than causing damage to the country from inside the Congress.
For the hard of reading:

Waxman broke House Rules by threatening Issa in the first place.
How quickly the Right changes the rules for themselves!

YOU posted this earlier in this thread:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

Aaaand? Waxman broke house rules by attacking and deriding a witness while giving his deposition. Issa then called for a "point of order" as a result, which required him to interrupt Waxman. By Robert's Rules of order, Waxman was required to address this point of order before moving forward. He didn't. Waxman himself was out of order when he threatened to have Issa removed from the hearing room if he didn't cease his protests.

lol lots of left-wing nutjbos crying and deflecting the attempted coverup of obama's crimes here
Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

They may not be good for much but I'll tell ya what, The House of Reprehensibles is an awesome non-stop comedy act, heck they're almost as funny as those dinosaurs over in the Senile.

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