Republicans are starting to lose it

I love how I just got dodged RV and RW... when I start citing parliamentary procedures to them. They conveniently forgot about what Henry Waxman threatened to do to Issa in a 2008 EPA hearing involving Stephen Johnson. House Rules say you cannot demean or berate a witness during questioning.

Rules are for Republicans, not for dimocrap scum

Rules are for everybody, contrary to what the liberals on this thread believe.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

Look Republicans......just a hint here

If you want to conduct a witch hunt, try not to make it look like such a witch hunt

Not allowing the other side to speak kind of makes your intentions obvious

Thats it ......This thread is over


A good chuckle in the am is great,witch hunt and pleading the 5th somehow just don't mesh.

She is PLEADING the 5th,why would she do that,if its just a baseless witch hunt?
So, instead of citing any rules that Issa broke by shutting off Cumming's mic, all Democrats and the Black Caucus could do was call him racist. For pete's sakes, the oldest trick in the book, when you have no substantive charge to bring against someone. Seriously? Racist?

I challenge any of you liberals to defend this argument, despite it being absolutely preposterous on it's face.
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

Look Republicans......just a hint here

If you want to conduct a witch hunt, try not to make it look like such a witch hunt

Not allowing the other side to speak kind of makes your intentions obvious

Thats it ......This thread is over


A good chuckle in the am is great,witch hunt and pleading the 5th somehow just don't mesh.

She is PLEADING the 5th,why would she do that,if its just a baseless witch hunt?

rightwing has lost all sense of being a thinker and now just spouts leftwing talking points
If you don't follow the rules of order, you don't speak. I'm terribly sorry Cummings didn't have a firm grasp on the rules. Perhaps if we had more congressmen who did, we wouldn't have so many problems, now would we?

Look Republicans......just a hint here

If you want to conduct a witch hunt, try not to make it look like such a witch hunt

Not allowing the other side to speak kind of makes your intentions obvious

Thats it ......This thread is over


A good chuckle in the am is great,witch hunt and pleading the 5th somehow just don't mesh.

She is PLEADING the 5th,why would she do that,if its just a baseless witch hunt?

Could be she sees the kangaroo court she is up against where Democrats are not allowed to speak
Abuse of power. Complete disregard for ethics. An insult not only to a fellow Representative but to the House of Representatives itself. An insult to every single constituent who is represented by the Representatives. An snub to all Americans. You really don't get it do you?
Hyperbole much? A snub to Americans. Like the iRS scandal isn't. The IRS scandal is a threat to American Democracy. One party using the bureaucracy to silence the opposition is unprecedented. And unAmerican. Democrats should be grossly ashamed and demand resignations.

Americans. You know? Those people who are citizens of America. The people who have fought and died for our way of life? Remember them? Ya, well this is their government. Not the Republicans and sure as Hell not Rep. Isaa's.

Issa is not an American? Republicans are not Americans?
Why are you not outraged that the rights of Americans are being suppressed by the IRS? Just answer that question please.
This is the very SAME Darrell Issa (R-CA) who refused to release transcripts of the IRS/Tea party hearing because it was revealed that the IRS manager behind the extra review of Tea Party groups described himself as a conservative Republican during the interviews?

Issa is a partisan HACK.

^^Lo-Lo post from Lo-Lo poster.
Look Republicans......just a hint here

If you want to conduct a witch hunt, try not to make it look like such a witch hunt

Not allowing the other side to speak kind of makes your intentions obvious

Thats it ......This thread is over


A good chuckle in the am is great,witch hunt and pleading the 5th somehow just don't mesh.

She is PLEADING the 5th,why would she do that,if its just a baseless witch hunt?

Could be she sees the kangaroo court she is up against where Democrats are not allowed to speak

Or more likely she has something to hide, which is why she took the 5th to begin with.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and should be treated as such.

Fuck you
That's a good post for a thread titled "Republicans Are Losing It".

Republicans actually don't know how to lose. They lost the war on drugs in 1972 when the Shafer Commission told Nixon to legalize weed, so Nixon started the war on drugs. They lost the abortion debate with Roe v Wade in 1973 but are still complaining about it in 2014. They buy more guns every time Glen Beck says that Obama is coming for their guns, but they still complain that Obama is coming to take their guns. Republicans also started The War Against Terrorism without any intention of ever ending it.

Progressives just have to do what we've always done- drag these simple-minded buffoons into the new age, generation after generation.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and should be treated as such.

Fuck you
That's a good post for a thread titled "Republicans Are Losing It".

Republicans actually don't know how to lose. They lost the war on drugs in 1972 when the Shafer Commission told Nixon to legalize weed, so Nixon started the war on drugs. They lost the abortion debate with Roe v Wade in 1973 but are still complaining about it in 2014. They buy more guns every time Glen Beck says that Obama is coming for their guns, but they still complain that Obama is coming to take their guns. Republicans also started The War Against Terrorism without any intention of ever ending it.

Progressives just have to do what we've always done- drag these simple-minded buffoons into the new age, generation after generation.

So, isn't calling us "simple minded buffoons" an example of Democrats losing it? "New Age"? What's with the preaching dude?
I saw another thread of the same topic. I hope this gets merged.

NOBODY, NOBODY has ever shut off the microphone on another Representative.

Right as usual, leftists.



House Dems Turn Out The Lights But GOP Keeps Talking - CBS News

House Dems Turn Out The Lights But GOP Keeps Talking

By/ CBSNews/The Politico/August 1, 2008, 1:15 PM

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats adjourned the House and turned off the light and killed the microphones, but Republicans are still on the floor talking gas prices.

At one point, the lights went off in the House and the microphones were turned off in the chamber, meaning Republicans were talking in the dark. But as Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz..) was speaking, the lights went back on, and the microphones have been turned on as well.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and should be treated as such.

Fuck you
That's a good post for a thread titled "Republicans Are Losing It".

Republicans actually don't know how to lose. They lost the war on drugs in 1972 when the Shafer Commission told Nixon to legalize weed, so Nixon started the war on drugs. They lost the abortion debate with Roe v Wade in 1973 but are still complaining about it in 2014. They buy more guns every time Glen Beck says that Obama is coming for their guns, but they still complain that Obama is coming to take their guns. Republicans also started The War Against Terrorism without any intention of ever ending it.

Progressives just have to do what we've always done- drag these simple-minded buffoons into the new age, generation after generation.

So, isn't calling us "simple minded buffoons" an example of Democrats losing it? "New Age"? What's with the preaching dude?
You're going to talk to me about preaching while you have some gay ass armored God picture for a profile image? No, calling you simple-minded buffoons isn't "losing it". That's a simple statement of fact.

You Republican Teabaggers cheered Bush for signing the USAPATRIOT Act and torturing POWs in Iraq, but as soon as a black man was elected, the GOP unleashed the least informed, most racist, most idiotic members of their base as the modern day Tea Party. The entire GOP plan was to whip up the easily-led, mouth-breathing gun owners from the backwoods of Everywhere, USA, to make Obama's presidency a complete clusterfuck, so that the Republicans could "make Obama a one-term President."

You failed at that and you still don't know how to lose.
Since some of you righties continue to explain what happened without apparently watching the incident I have taken the trouble to transcribe. If anyone know how much I dislike transcribing they will know the significance of this event.

[at the end of Issa's opening questioning] Ladies and Gentlemen, Seeking the truth is the obligation of this committee, I can see no point in going further. I have no expectation Ms. Lerner will cooperate with this committee. Therefor we stand adjourned.​

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I have a statement. I have a procedural question Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I have a procedural question. [Issa starts collecting his things while ignoring Cummings.] Mr. Chairman, you can not run a committee like this. This, We are better than that as a country. We are better than that as a committee. [Issa turns away and stands up.] I have asked for a few minutes to ask.. [Issa turns off Cummings' microphone and turns to walk out of the room. Issa turns back to Cummings and the two talk for about 15 seconds. Issa sits back down. Issa turns Cummings' microphone back on.] May I ask my question?​

[Turning to the right side of the House.]You are all free to leave. We have adjourned but the Gentleman may ask his question. [turning back to Cummings.]​

Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman, I have one procedural question and it goes to trying to help you get the information by the way just asked.​

What is your question?​

Let me say what I have to say. I have listened to you for the last fifteen to twenty minutes. Let me say what I have to say. Mr. Chairman, I have one procedural question.​

[Interrupting Cummings and speaking to Ms. Lerner, the questionee.]Ms. Lerner, you're released. You may leave.​

But first I would like to use my time to make some brief points. For the past year, The central Republicans accusations... [Issa stands up and turns off Cummings' microphone for the second time.]​

We're adjourned. Close it out. [Cummings continues to speak with his microphone off. Issa turns to Cummings and repeats that they are adjourned. Issa turns to the right, makes a couple chopping motions across his neck, and says, "Thank you." Cummings is continuing to speak. Issa turns to Cummings scowling and says something. Shortly after Issa walks out of the room.]​
The hearing wasn't to get the views of the members. It was to question Lois Lerner. Once it was ascertained that Lerner was too much of a criminal to answer any questions, the appropriate thing was to adjourn. Cummings, being black automatically assumed that the rules didn't apply to him and he didn't have to stop speaking so the mikes were shut off.

Blacks think rules do not apply to them?

All the rules apply to blacks.
I saw another thread of the same topic. I hope this gets merged.

NOBODY, NOBODY has ever shut off the microphone on another Representative.

Right as usual, leftists.


Do these people ever post anything without lying?

Doubtful. It has been clear for a very long time, that the truth NEVER serves their agenda.


House Dems Turn Out The Lights But GOP Keeps Talking - CBS News

House Dems Turn Out The Lights But GOP Keeps Talking

By/ CBSNews/The Politico/August 1, 2008, 1:15 PM

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats adjourned the House and turned off the light and killed the microphones, but Republicans are still on the floor talking gas prices.

At one point, the lights went off in the House and the microphones were turned off in the chamber, meaning Republicans were talking in the dark. But as Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz..) was speaking, the lights went back on, and the microphones have been turned on as well.
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RandomVariable channeling his inner Cummings.

Is RandomVariable channeling? I am channeling anyone who has every believed in "justice and liberty for all." When one side is silenced by another there is not justice, equity, there is not liberty, the right to express oneself, there is tyranny, absolute power.
Rep. Issa decides House Oversight Committee meeting is not going the way he wants it to go. He adjourns the meeting and walks out, while Rep. Cummings is speaking.

Wow, Cummings was an ass. You're seriously proud of that? You thought that clip made ... Republicans ... look bad? Wow.

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