Republicans deserve what they get

You have no idea what you're talking about. You can fit more boxes, but it still takes the same amount of room. A trailer load of boxes is a trailer load of boxes no matter what size. A trailer load takes up roughly 53' X 8' of room be it ten boxes or 2,000 boxes.

And most places have systems for moving those around a plant.. Sorry to keep having to explain that to you.

Really? We didn't have too much of a problem before Ears took it over.

Except it probably didn't cover all that much, and clearly whatever plan you had wasn't ACA compliant.

Or maybe your boss just figured he could do what racists always do. Do something evil and blame it on a black guy. Was he related to Susan Smith?

In other countries, the only time you see a specialist is if the MD is incapable of treating the problem. Here, if it's anything other than cold, they ship you off to a specialist which costs a lot of money. Then the specialists run every test possible not to help them in the diagnosis, but to cover their asses in case they get sued. All this costs money--money which our insurance companies have to pay.

Ah, yes, the old "Defensive Medicine" excuse. It's a myth, buddy. Sorry.

Texas tried the same tort reform you wingnuts always preach. Medical costs didn't come down.

The reason why it's so expensive is that the pharamcuetical companies, hospitals and insurance companies make it as expensive as it is.
Except it probably didn't cover all that much, and clearly whatever plan you had wasn't ACA compliant.

Or maybe your boss just figured he could do what racists always do. Do something evil and blame it on a black guy. Was he related to Susan Smith?

What he figured is that Commie Care gave him an out. In fact small businesses were (still are) the first to drop coverage because of Commie Care.

Not Commie Care compliant? When my employer dropped our plan, we had a $1,500 deductible. What is Commie Care compliant? 7K to 10K deductible. 7K to 10K out of pocket. No dental, no prescription, no eye care. Oh! But you have birth control coverage.

My employer was paying $325.00 a month for each of us for our coverage. To get anywhere near the same on Commie Care, it's more like $725.00 a month. I hope God gets even with that big-eared freak for what he did to us in this country. The entire plan was to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Ah, yes, the old "Defensive Medicine" excuse. It's a myth, buddy. Sorry.

Texas tried the same tort reform you wingnuts always preach. Medical costs didn't come down.

The reason why it's so expensive is that the pharamcuetical companies, hospitals and insurance companies make it as expensive as it is.

Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions
What he figured is that Commie Care gave him an out. In fact small businesses were (still are) the first to drop coverage because of Commie Care.

Not Commie Care compliant? When my employer dropped our plan, we had a $1,500 deductible. What is Commie Care compliant? 7K to 10K deductible. 7K to 10K out of pocket. No dental, no prescription, no eye care. Oh! But you have birth control coverage.

Again, so either.

There were some loopholes that probably would have let him drop you if you developed anything worse than an ingrown toenail.

Or he was going to drop you anyway, Obamacare just gave him an excuse, because he knew you were too much of a loser to look for a better job.

Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions

It's still horseshit.

We spend 19% of GDP on Health Care. "Billions" isn't that impressive.

The thing is, I LIKE the fact that before I had my knee surgery (which I had to fight with both CIGNA and my employer to get) they took the extra time to make sure they were cutting on the correct knee. (Which was the left knee, not the right knee).

Cheating people out of their right to sue incompetent doctors isn't going to improve the quality of health care.
Again, so either.

There were some loopholes that probably would have let him drop you if you developed anything worse than an ingrown toenail.

Or he was going to drop you anyway, Obamacare just gave him an excuse, because he knew you were too much of a loser to look for a better job.

Right, he just dropped my insurance and nobody else. You really live in your own little world, don't you?

I've only explained this to you about sixty or seventy times now. If you still have this mental block that prohibits you from understanding very simple things, I'm not going to keep repeating the same things over and over.

It's still horseshit.

We spend 19% of GDP on Health Care. "Billions" isn't that impressive.

The thing is, I LIKE the fact that before I had my knee surgery (which I had to fight with both CIGNA and my employer to get) they took the extra time to make sure they were cutting on the correct knee. (Which was the left knee, not the right knee).

Cheating people out of their right to sue incompetent doctors isn't going to improve the quality of health care.

It will certainly lower the cost.
Right, he just dropped my insurance and nobody else. You really live in your own little world, don't you?

I've only explained this to you about sixty or seventy times now. If you still have this mental block that prohibits you from understanding very simple things, I'm not going to keep repeating the same things over and over.

YOu've explained it, but it's dumb.

Your a grown man, if you aren't sending out resumes, you aren't doing it right.

It will certainly lower the cost.

No, it won't.

If anything, it'll probably increase the cost. When doctors don't do the extra tests, and they fuck up, they usually inflict many more times the medical bills on the patient.

So again- I really want to make sure that the doctor is cutting on the correct leg...
Sure, my businesses were small businesses. But I did build multiple companies on my own with dozens of jobs and millions in revenue. That's more than you've ever done or will do. And I'll be getting a nice monthly check from that for years to come.

Yes, I'm sure you are happy on your little dung heep... but I'm not impressed.
I am! I’m impressed with anyone who creates successful businesses (especially multiple businesses) and anyone who generates millions legally.

You’re not impressed because you’re envious. And entitled. And miserable.
No, it won't.

If anything, it'll probably increase the cost. When doctors don't do the extra tests, and they fuck up, they usually inflict many more times the medical bills on the patient.

So again- I really want to make sure that the doctor is cutting on the correct leg...

Ah yes, a typical Joe claim with no evidence.

You can feel bad for the ambulance chasers, but as far as I'm concerned, they can go to hell with their money. Funny how medical care used to be affordable before lawyers were allowed to sue doctors and facilities out of business
The box guru. You don't even know what price negotiation is for commodities. You may have had corporate agreements, but that's negotiated once and can run for years, not on a daily basis like you claim.

Again you should learn what you are talking about. The cost of PAPER was set. But when you got into the actual box design, then the prices fluctuated, based on design, print, color, board grade, die cuts and half a dozen other factors

That is such a lie. Dude, you're talking to a guy who built, owned and operated a graphic design business for seven years. The price of paper changes CONSTANTLY. Maybe you don't notice it on your home printer. But a business that uses as much paper as I did much less what you claim to have done, small price changes make a huge difference.

My operations manager went into our pricing system and updated paper prices every two months. And we were tiny compared to the business you claim to have worked for. You think paper prices were "set?" Actually, that's the biggest variable in that area

Well, actually, there is, because you had to know who could run what. Who can run three colors. Who can run lithographic labels, who can do processed colors. Who can do in line die cutting. can they use someone's existing tooling? I could go on and on, but it actually is a select skill. Who can do post gluing, taping, stapling. Last place I quit STILL hasn't replaced me. They can't find someone who knows the industry that well. (Not that they used me effectively, part of the reason I got fed up.)

That's my graphic design biz, homey. My customer service and graphic designers did most of that. We were B2B, so yes, it took training. But those are every day basic skills. Though die cutting a manager needed to review and approve it, there are more complications there

But I've never known someone who has a bad attitude in life like you do and doesn't take that into work with them. So you don't pass the smell test.

Again, you don't know me. So anything you say has no validity. The only thing you know is that I spank you on a regular basis on these boards, because I'm very tenacious and never give up. That's actually my biggest strength in working environments. (Yes, I quit the last dump, but that was after some real provocation)

This part has nothing to do with politics. I've read your posts for years. You never stop being bitter and angry. That you think that doesn't come through on message boards or at the office is delusional if you really believe that.

Even Uncensored who said he knows you and has defended you said you are angry and bitter. He just said he feels you have some reason to be angry and bitter. There's no way with that many years of angry, bitter posting that people in your life don't see it
I always like how socialists who want other people's money aren't greedy, capitalists who just want to keep our own money are.

But that's the question, whose money is it?

The fact is, the One Percent has 43% of the wealth.

Well, what is wealth? Wealth is a measure of the goods and services produced by working folks. Did the one percent do 43% of the labor, or did they just divide the proceeds to their own advantage.


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Fucking Commie Lincoln freeing the slaves? Man, that guy hated Freedom. And America! and thought that people were entitled to their own lives.

Okay, now I'm done mocking you.

Well, since I earned the money and you didn't it's my money not yours, Karl.

You need to go back to Kindergarten and learn to keep your hands off of other people's shit
No, it won't.

If anything, it'll probably increase the cost. When doctors don't do the extra tests, and they fuck up, they usually inflict many more times the medical bills on the patient.

So again- I really want to make sure that the doctor is cutting on the correct leg...

Ah yes, a typical Joe claim with no evidence.

You can feel bad for the ambulance chasers, but as far as I'm concerned, they can go to hell with their money. Funny how medical care used to be affordable before lawyers were allowed to sue doctors and facilities out of business

Joe actually doesn't grasp that he's paying for the ambulance chasers
Right, he just dropped my insurance and nobody else. You really live in your own little world, don't you?

I've only explained this to you about sixty or seventy times now. If you still have this mental block that prohibits you from understanding very simple things, I'm not going to keep repeating the same things over and over.

YOu've explained it, but it's dumb.

Your a grown man, if you aren't sending out resumes, you aren't doing it right.

It will certainly lower the cost.

No, it won't.

If anything, it'll probably increase the cost. When doctors don't do the extra tests, and they fuck up, they usually inflict many more times the medical bills on the patient.

So again- I really want to make sure that the doctor is cutting on the correct leg...

It's REALLY hard to earn a living writing resumes. To most people it's a part time job for extra money. There are two problems. The first is getting enough customers since you need a stream of people. The second is that the senior execs who grasp the importance of resume writing don't need your help. The people who do, can't and won't pay much for it. You're lucky if you make $20K a year doing that.

And it's hard to believe an angry bitter capitalism hating socialist successfully write resumes at all.

You don't make a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes. But you're not very articulate. You just throw out strawman after sweeping generalization after hyperbole
Again, so either.

There were some loopholes that probably would have let him drop you if you developed anything worse than an ingrown toenail.

Or he was going to drop you anyway, Obamacare just gave him an excuse, because he knew you were too much of a loser to look for a better job.

Right, he just dropped my insurance and nobody else. You really live in your own little world, don't you?

I've only explained this to you about sixty or seventy times now. If you still have this mental block that prohibits you from understanding very simple things, I'm not going to keep repeating the same things over and over.

It's still horseshit.

We spend 19% of GDP on Health Care. "Billions" isn't that impressive.

The thing is, I LIKE the fact that before I had my knee surgery (which I had to fight with both CIGNA and my employer to get) they took the extra time to make sure they were cutting on the correct knee. (Which was the left knee, not the right knee).

Cheating people out of their right to sue incompetent doctors isn't going to improve the quality of health care.

It will certainly lower the cost.

Yes, I think you know this, but government pushed employers to drop healthcare because they want single payer. So they made it prohibitively expensive and time consuming to keep healthcare. Healthcare is a miserable chore for business owners. There is no reason it should be. It should just be a benefit we pay the cost for and are done, it's not.

I'm glad you realize who the real culprit is
What he figured is that Commie Care gave him an out. In fact small businesses were (still are) the first to drop coverage because of Commie Care.

Not Commie Care compliant? When my employer dropped our plan, we had a $1,500 deductible. What is Commie Care compliant? 7K to 10K deductible. 7K to 10K out of pocket. No dental, no prescription, no eye care. Oh! But you have birth control coverage.

Again, so either.

There were some loopholes that probably would have let him drop you if you developed anything worse than an ingrown toenail

That's just a lie, Joe. As business owners, our choices are to end the plan or drop you below 30 hours a week. You can't just cut someone from the group plan who is full time. The government wants us to drop the plan for single payer, so they do everything in their power to get us to do that.

Dealing with healthcare is one of the most time consuming, tedious jobs of a business owner. Why would that be if government wanted us to provide our employees healthcare? They don't
No, it won't.

If anything, it'll probably increase the cost. When doctors don't do the extra tests, and they fuck up, they usually inflict many more times the medical bills on the patient.

So again- I really want to make sure that the doctor is cutting on the correct leg...

Ah yes, a typical Joe claim with no evidence.

You can feel bad for the ambulance chasers, but as far as I'm concerned, they can go to hell with their money. Funny how medical care used to be affordable before lawyers were allowed to sue doctors and facilities out of business

Joe actually doesn't grasp that he's paying for the ambulance chasers

Correct, but people like Joe are the first to complain about the cost of healthcare. Oh, give me lower rates, but don't stop phony lawsuits.
Except it probably didn't cover all that much, and clearly whatever plan you had wasn't ACA compliant.

Or maybe your boss just figured he could do what racists always do. Do something evil and blame it on a black guy. Was he related to Susan Smith?

What he figured is that Commie Care gave him an out. In fact small businesses were (still are) the first to drop coverage because of Commie Care.

Not Commie Care compliant? When my employer dropped our plan, we had a $1,500 deductible. What is Commie Care compliant? 7K to 10K deductible. 7K to 10K out of pocket. No dental, no prescription, no eye care. Oh! But you have birth control coverage.

My employer was paying $325.00 a month for each of us for our coverage. To get anywhere near the same on Commie Care, it's more like $725.00 a month. I hope God gets even with that big-eared freak for what he did to us in this country. The entire plan was to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Ah, yes, the old "Defensive Medicine" excuse. It's a myth, buddy. Sorry.

Texas tried the same tort reform you wingnuts always preach. Medical costs didn't come down.

The reason why it's so expensive is that the pharamcuetical companies, hospitals and insurance companies make it as expensive as it is.

Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions

Great point. Notice also that your employer can't keep paying $325 when the plan goes up to $750 because that would drop below the 50% threshold and we get screwed for that, we can no longer deduct the expense. Why should we not be able to just keep paying the $325?

So we either fork it up and pay more or drop the plan. And for an older worker, it may not be $725, it may be $1,500. So without any connection to performance or contribution to company, they get a big raise? Notice all government roads lead to us dropping the plan.

I had a group plan and tried to make it work. I had an employee who wasn't a star who that happened with me for, her insurance was going up like a thousand a month. I talked to her and said I couldn't just pay her another $500 a month, but if we could agree to a salary cut to keep the plan, I would keep the plan. She agreed because she said she was still better off.

But it kept happening and I couldn't keep doing that, it was a gray legal area. So I gave up and eliminated the plan. I rolled the contributions I had been paying into their salaries.

So all my employees lost their plan because of a few OK performers who's circumstances were driving my costs to unsustainable levels
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[My friend didn't want to criticize at first, but after he got to know the supervisor well enough, he asked "That guy bitches every single day. When are you going to fire him already???" The supervisor replied "When he stops bitching."

LOL. There are a lot of factors. The biggest thing is how other people react. Some people have a way of bitching that cracks people up. You really need to assess the impact of what they are doing on other people around. Good management is a science, not an art.

Though there are lines that are not to be crossed. Ironically, this morning I was talking to my sister. She's management level, but she doesn't manage very many people. She's a Math Phd, not career management like me.

Anyway, an employee in her office had a dog that bit a child. Of course there's more to the story, but she had it put down. There is another employee, who is a PETA nut job and is very, openly angry at her in the work place. I told my sister in management that is a red flag. Open anger at work doesn't happen period. Anyway, we went into more detail on how to handle it, but there are absolute limits that don't happen
[My friend didn't want to criticize at first, but after he got to know the supervisor well enough, he asked "That guy bitches every single day. When are you going to fire him already???" The supervisor replied "When he stops bitching."

LOL. There are a lot of factors. The biggest thing is how other people react. Some people have a way of bitching that cracks people up. You really need to assess the impact of what they are doing on other people around. Good management is a science, not an art.

Though there are lines that are not to be crossed. Ironically, this morning I was talking to my sister. She's management level, but she doesn't manage very many people. She's a Math Phd, not career management like me.

Anyway, an employee in her office had a dog that bit a child. Of course there's more to the story, but she had it put down. There is another employee, who is a PETA nut job and is very, openly angry at her in the work place. I told my sister in management that is a red flag. Open anger at work doesn't happen period. Anyway, we went into more detail on how to handle it, but there are absolute limits that don't happen

I could't agree more. That needs to stay out of the work place.

Years ago I worked with a company where one of the office workers was a born again Christian. Her coworker got pregnant and had an abortion. Several weeks afterwards, the Christian girl put a anti-aboritoin petition on her desk. When the woman seen it, she ran to the bathroom and cried for hours to the delight of the Christian girl.

Right there and then the Christian girl should have been fired; not only because she brought her religion/ politics into the workplace, but as an example to all the other office girls of what happens when you do devious things like that to fellow employees.
Sure, my businesses were small businesses. But I did build multiple companies on my own with dozens of jobs and millions in revenue. That's more than you've ever done or will do. And I'll be getting a nice monthly check from that for years to come.

Yes, I'm sure you are happy on your little dung heep... but I'm not impressed.
I am! I’m impressed with anyone who creates successful businesses (especially multiple businesses) and anyone who generates millions legally.

You’re not impressed because you’re envious. And entitled. And miserable.

Thanks! And as you know, we do it with the government fighting us every step of the way
Except it probably didn't cover all that much, and clearly whatever plan you had wasn't ACA compliant.

Or maybe your boss just figured he could do what racists always do. Do something evil and blame it on a black guy. Was he related to Susan Smith?

What he figured is that Commie Care gave him an out. In fact small businesses were (still are) the first to drop coverage because of Commie Care.

Not Commie Care compliant? When my employer dropped our plan, we had a $1,500 deductible. What is Commie Care compliant? 7K to 10K deductible. 7K to 10K out of pocket. No dental, no prescription, no eye care. Oh! But you have birth control coverage.

My employer was paying $325.00 a month for each of us for our coverage. To get anywhere near the same on Commie Care, it's more like $725.00 a month. I hope God gets even with that big-eared freak for what he did to us in this country. The entire plan was to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Ah, yes, the old "Defensive Medicine" excuse. It's a myth, buddy. Sorry.

Texas tried the same tort reform you wingnuts always preach. Medical costs didn't come down.

The reason why it's so expensive is that the pharamcuetical companies, hospitals and insurance companies make it as expensive as it is.

Philip K. Howard - Medical Tort Reform Could Save Billions

Great point. Notice also that your employer can't keep paying $325 when the plan goes up to $750 because that would drop below the 50% threshold and we get screwed for that, we can no longer deduct the expense. Why should we not be able to just keep paying the $325?

So we either fork it up and pay more or drop the plan. And for an older worker, it may not be $725, it may be $1,500. So without any connection to performance or contribution to company, they get a big raise? Notice all government roads lead to us dropping the plan.

I had a group plan and tried to make it work. I had an employee who wasn't a star who that happened with me for, her insurance was going up like a thousand a month. I talked to her and said I couldn't just pay her another $500 a month, but if we could agree to a salary cut to keep the plan, I would keep the plan. She agreed because she said she was still better off.

But it kept happening and I couldn't keep doing that, it was a gray legal area. So I gave up and eliminated the plan. I rolled the contributions I had been paying into their salaries.

So all my employees lost their plan because of a few OK performers who's circumstances were driving my costs to unsustainable levels

Me and my employer talked in lengths about it. I told him that I would be willing to take a dollar less an hour to keep our plan, and I would take two dollars less per hour if he could get us even a better plan. He didn't go for it. His carrier told him that because of Commie Care, plans were likely to go up 40% the next year which for us was about three months away.

The nefarious plot behind this is that medical benefits are not taxable. So by having employers drop the plan, it would force employees to pay for a plan with after tax money; more money in the government coffers by screwing the little guy.

That aside, even if they included a tax waiver for employers to pay medical insurance money direct to the employee, I would have been able to afford my own plan. But my employer had to take deductions out of that $325.00 a month he was paying. The only way to transfer that money was in a pay increase which we got. But as you know, with pay increases comes other costs. A pay increase would mean higher SS and Medicare contributions that my employer has to match. It would cost him more to pay me while ill or on vacation. It upped his workman's compensation and unemployment rates. By the time all was said and done, I got about $175.00 before taxes.

This was no accident. As you pointed out, the man behind the curtain had this all figured out. The goal was not to have everybody insured, the goal was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
[My friend didn't want to criticize at first, but after he got to know the supervisor well enough, he asked "That guy bitches every single day. When are you going to fire him already???" The supervisor replied "When he stops bitching."

LOL. There are a lot of factors. The biggest thing is how other people react. Some people have a way of bitching that cracks people up. You really need to assess the impact of what they are doing on other people around. Good management is a science, not an art.

Though there are lines that are not to be crossed. Ironically, this morning I was talking to my sister. She's management level, but she doesn't manage very many people. She's a Math Phd, not career management like me.

Anyway, an employee in her office had a dog that bit a child. Of course there's more to the story, but she had it put down. There is another employee, who is a PETA nut job and is very, openly angry at her in the work place. I told my sister in management that is a red flag. Open anger at work doesn't happen period. Anyway, we went into more detail on how to handle it, but there are absolute limits that don't happen

I could't agree more. That needs to stay out of the work place.

Years ago I worked with a company where one of the office workers was a born again Christian. Her coworker got pregnant and had an abortion. Several weeks afterwards, the Christian girl put a anti-aboritoin petition on her desk. When the woman seen it, she ran to the bathroom and cried for hours to the delight of the Christian girl.

Right there and then the Christian girl should have been fired; not only because she brought her religion/ politics into the workplace, but as an example to all the other office girls of what happens when you do devious things like that to fellow employees.

Totally agree, particularly since it was obvious that it was to be hostile. Allowing workplace hostility like that is a complete management failure.

While there are certainly skills that benefit managers, overall, management is a learned skill. And unfortunately many companies teach it poorly. Or maybe fortunately, they pay me a lot of money to come in as a management consultant and fix it, LOL.

I had a similar situation in a restaurant that I owned between ironically a leftist and a vegetarian Indian where the leftist was goading the Indian with meat grease from the grill and his vegetarian food. I mean it was similar not in the issue of course, but that it was a serious issue to him and he was very upset. I didn't fire her, but I suspended her without pay for a week. I didn't feel giving her just a strike was sufficient. I told her to think about if she wants to be here.

People like that are so clueless. She came in mid-week and quit. She lectured me that somehow I hadn't anticipated she might do that, she was deciding if she wanted to come back. I just said OK and processed her resignation. At least I didn't have to fight her on unemployment and argue I fired her for cause

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