Republicans: Do you have a breaking point with Trump?

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It is amazing that none of the Moon Bat Democrats had a breaking point with that Obama asshole, given all his failures.

Maybe it is not really that amazing given that Democrats are simply not that bright.

Yeah, Obama just drove us into the ditch right?

Obama GDP growth rate
The 1.075 percent average annual growth in real GDP under Obama equals less than a third (31.57 percent) of the 3.405 percent average annual growth in real GDP the United States saw in the last two decades of the last century.
1%: Average Annual Economic Growth Under Obama

The "average" height between Shaquille O'Neal and Kevin Hart is about 6 foot 4.

Obama inherited a contracting economy during the worst recession since 1935. Naturally, when those numbers are lumped in with 2014-2017 economic growth, the resulting "average" is skewed.
You are as stupid as you sound. I just posted you a FACT, and now you have to resort to the typical liberal playbook. What is next , you are going to call me a racist?

Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
So you think we would prefer to have Hillary in charge? If she was she would be herding us all quickly down the chute to the socialist abotior. What fool would prefer that?

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No, I don't expect Trump supporters to prefer Hillary all of a sudden, unless that's the case.

It would be nice, however, if someone who is disappointed, or wishing that another candidate had run, to admit to being so. Just as a nice, refreshing change in this political climate.

The notion that some voted for Trump essentially a "fuck you" to the system is another story. If that's what they did, and they don't really care about the individual issues, that would be interesting too.

They don't admit it because they aren't disappointed.

You misjudged Trump voters. Big shock, that. And it's telling that instead of saying "I just don't understand" you say "I don't know why they aren't saying anything about the disappointment I know they must feel, but are for some reason loathe to admit!"

They aren't loathe to admit it. They AREN'T disappointed!
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.
I believe Trump is president because of who his opponent was not because of what he promised.
That's a pretty fucking sad indictment of the DEM party.
The REPs could have run Tiny Tim against Hillary and beat her.
Hillary: "If everyone would have just kept their fucking mouths shut I would have won!!!!!".

Hillary won the election by 3 million votes, so if Hillary is that pathetic...Trump is worse.

Sure, and some guy won the olympic pole vault by 3 seconds.....

I was responding to someone diagnosing the popularity of the candidate from the democratic party in the last election. Accordingly, popular vote is the litmus. By that litmus, Trump is less popular than someone he deemed to be "sad".
You are so full of shit. Maybe if this was Venezuela would your "Litmus" work, but since this is a Republic, more people in more states voted for Trump than the Bitch. But you libfucks just cant get over it. Cry me a fucking river, you whiney ass snowflakes.

LMAO, you rubes always fire off your full vocabulary of halfwit ad hominem and profanity and surrender any tangible discussion whenever you're backed in a corner. Works every time!
It is amazing that none of the Moon Bat Democrats had a breaking point with that Obama asshole, given all his failures.

Maybe it is not really that amazing given that Democrats are simply not that bright.

Yeah, Obama just drove us into the ditch right?

Obama GDP growth rate
The 1.075 percent average annual growth in real GDP under Obama equals less than a third (31.57 percent) of the 3.405 percent average annual growth in real GDP the United States saw in the last two decades of the last century.
1%: Average Annual Economic Growth Under Obama

The "average" height between Shaquille O'Neal and Kevin Hart is about 6 foot 4.

Obama inherited a contracting economy during the worst recession since 1935. Naturally, when those numbers are lumped in with 2014-2017 economic growth, the resulting "average" is skewed.
You are as stupid as you sound. I just posted you a FACT, and now you have to resort to the typical liberal playbook. What is next , you are going to call me a racist?

View attachment 123581

Once again, can't respond with anything intelligent, so you go to played-out memes and ignore the context, data, and the criticla thinking required to engage like an adult.
That's a pretty fucking sad indictment of the DEM party.
The REPs could have run Tiny Tim against Hillary and beat her.
Hillary: "If everyone would have just kept their fucking mouths shut I would have won!!!!!".

Hillary won the election by 3 million votes, so if Hillary is that pathetic...Trump is worse.

Sure, and some guy won the olympic pole vault by 3 seconds.....

I was responding to someone diagnosing the popularity of the candidate from the democratic party in the last election. Accordingly, popular vote is the litmus. By that litmus, Trump is less popular than someone he deemed to be "sad".
You are so full of shit. Maybe if this was Venezuela would your "Litmus" work, but since this is a Republic, more people in more states voted for Trump than the Bitch. But you libfucks just cant get over it. Cry me a fucking river, you whiney ass snowflakes.

LMAO, you rubes always fire off your full vocabulary of halfwit ad hominem and profanity and surrender any tangible discussion whenever you're backed in a corner. Works every time!
I just get real tired of Nitwits like this guy, who cant pull his head out of his ass. I can only take so much of liberal stupidity. I know that is a redundant statement.

I believe Trump is president because of who his opponent was not because of what he promised.
That's a pretty fucking sad indictment of the DEM party.
The REPs could have run Tiny Tim against Hillary and beat her.
Hillary: "If everyone would have just kept their fucking mouths shut I would have won!!!!!".

Hillary won the election by 3 million votes, so if Hillary is that pathetic...Trump is worse.

Sure, and some guy won the olympic pole vault by 3 seconds.....

I was responding to someone diagnosing the popularity of the candidate from the democratic party in the last election. Accordingly, popular vote is the litmus. By that litmus, Trump is less popular than someone he deemed to be "sad".

had you said she won the popular vote by 3 million that would make more sense. saying she won the election, on the other hand, makes no sense in any context, as obviously she did not.

This is why statists embrace nationalized education. To allow them to stupidify our citizens.
So you think we would prefer to have Hillary in charge? If she was she would be herding us all quickly down the chute to the socialist abotior. What fool would prefer that?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
No, I don't expect Trump supporters to prefer Hillary all of a sudden, unless that's the case.

It would be nice, however, if someone who is disappointed, or wishing that another candidate had run, to admit to being so. Just as a nice, refreshing change in this political climate.

The notion that some voted for Trump essentially a "fuck you" to the system is another story. If that's what they did, and they don't really care about the individual issues, that would be interesting too.

They don't admit it because they aren't disappointed.

You misjudged Trump voters. Big shock, that. And it's telling that instead of saying "I just don't understand" you say "I don't know why they aren't saying anything about the disappointment I know they must feel, but are for some reason loathe to admit!"

They aren't loathe to admit it. They AREN'T disappointed!
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
No, I don't expect Trump supporters to prefer Hillary all of a sudden, unless that's the case.

It would be nice, however, if someone who is disappointed, or wishing that another candidate had run, to admit to being so. Just as a nice, refreshing change in this political climate.

The notion that some voted for Trump essentially a "fuck you" to the system is another story. If that's what they did, and they don't really care about the individual issues, that would be interesting too.

They don't admit it because they aren't disappointed.

You misjudged Trump voters. Big shock, that. And it's telling that instead of saying "I just don't understand" you say "I don't know why they aren't saying anything about the disappointment I know they must feel, but are for some reason loathe to admit!"

They aren't loathe to admit it. They AREN'T disappointed!
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
It is amazing that none of the Moon Bat Democrats had a breaking point with that Obama asshole, given all his failures.

Maybe it is not really that amazing given that Democrats are simply not that bright.

Yeah, Obama just drove us into the ditch right?


Yes the sonofabitch did with increased poverty, decreased family income, dismal economic growth, tremendous debt, failed healthcare and a weak cowardly foreign policy that was the laughing stock of the world.

The Kenyan Catastrophe was without a doubt the worst President ever elected. You Moon Bats should get down on your knees and beg the American people for forgiveness for for electing a dumbass unqualified lazy affirmative action asshole that was an embarrassment to this country. What the hell were you idiots thinking, that an extreme Left Wing nobody community organizer was going to somehow do a good job? How could you be that stupid?
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Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
"We" don't know the ACA won't be repealed or replaced. It's only been 100 days and there's a lot of opposition and it a very complicated situation since they don't have the votes to create new law so can only modify parts via budgeting.

I voted for him but am not a party member. It always amazing to me how you literally cannot see anything beyond partisanship. If you knew ANYTHING about the subject matter you'd know that his "Art of the Deal" method is go full bore and then negotiate from a position of strength. In the case of NAFTA he's promised to kill it. Mexico and Canada's leaders called and said they were willing to renegotiate rather than do that.

The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
They don't admit it because they aren't disappointed.

You misjudged Trump voters. Big shock, that. And it's telling that instead of saying "I just don't understand" you say "I don't know why they aren't saying anything about the disappointment I know they must feel, but are for some reason loathe to admit!"

They aren't loathe to admit it. They AREN'T disappointed!
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
WTF, where did I day that, precisely?
The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
I have no expectations of Trump.

We're not supposed to take him seriously. Or literally. Or both. Or whatever.

So we can just watch what happens, which includes his backing off his specific campaign promises.
The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
I have no expectations of Trump.

We're not supposed to take him seriously. Or literally. Or both. Or whatever.

So we can just watch what happens, which includes his backing off his specific campaign promises.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
WTF, where did I day that, precisely?
You were pouting that the wall isn't built yet. I can't be more precise.
My words are right there on the screen: "Make Mexico pay for a new wall", not that it hasn't been built yet.

I can't make you understand clear English.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
Even thought you used a nonstarter filled with bullshit I will answer your overall question. YES I have a breaking point and I am closer to the middle right now with not supporting him before I was 100% in. His ENTIRE foreign policy has changed to a neo con policy and AGAINST what he ran on....that's a BIG deal with me. As for the rest. ACA will get repealed or fixed not sure how you repeal something when you want to keep 2 of the biggest things in the ACA. Mexico CAN and WILL pay for the wall 2 ways are easy. 1. Tax money sent back to Mexico 2. Use the money seized from El Chapo to start construction.He didn't back OUT he is being SMART because 1. He has no leverage against the democraps right now but get taxes and healthcare passed and come September you FORCE the budget to have the funding for the wall and let the democrats shut down the government if they want to,they will be the ones dealing with the consequences in 2018. On NAFTA Trump NEVER said he was ONLY going to pull out. He said he would try to fix it and if Canada and Mexico refused he would pull out of NAFTA. Its disgusting watching a so called independent act like a democrap.
The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
I have no expectations of Trump.

We're not supposed to take him seriously. Or literally. Or both. Or whatever.

So we can just watch what happens, which includes his backing off his specific campaign promises.
Like all politicians. But he's done a lot too. You simply can't see what your political filters keep out. Let me know when he turns into Hillary and I'll drop my support.
The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
I have no expectations of Trump.

We're not supposed to take him seriously. Or literally. Or both. Or whatever.

So we can just watch what happens, which includes his backing off his specific campaign promises.
Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
WTF, where did I day that, precisely?
You were pouting that the wall isn't built yet. I can't be more precise.
My words are right there on the screen: "Make Mexico pay for a new wall", not that it hasn't been built yet.

I can't make you understand clear English.
You can't make a point, period. I said it's only been 100 days and here you are slinging your soiled diapers around.

Obama inherited a contracting economy during the worst recession since 1935. .

That was caused by the Democrat sponsored CRA and exacerbated by the terrible management of that 2006 elected Democrat Congress with assholes like Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy, Tits Pelkosi and that piece of shit Muslim Senator from Illinois.

Not only did the Democrats create the problem that Bush had in his last two years in office but they failed miserably at the recovery. Democrats are always disaster for this country.

Obama had eight years (no thanks to you dumbass Moon Bats) and he had increasing poverty, more people on welfare, millions of illegals. racial strife, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth, declining family income, higher taxes, out of control Federal spending and failed health care. A terrible record. In addition to all that he transformed higher paying American jobs into part time minimal wage jobs and that helped to increased the poverty.

Why didn't you Moon Bats have a breaking point with that massive level of failure? Were you too dumb to know that he failed because you got your news from Comedy Central and Rachael Maddow? Maybe you just didn't give a shit the country was going down the toilet because you were still getting your welfare checks and Obamacare subsidies. Is that it?.
The end game is fair and better trade deals for the US. He's done quite a lot I like, why would you think people would abandon him because he didn't meet your lame expectations?
I have no expectations of Trump.

We're not supposed to take him seriously. Or literally. Or both. Or whatever.

So we can just watch what happens, which includes his backing off his specific campaign promises.
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
WTF, where did I day that, precisely?
You were pouting that the wall isn't built yet. I can't be more precise.
My words are right there on the screen: "Make Mexico pay for a new wall", not that it hasn't been built yet.

I can't make you understand clear English.
You can't make a point, period. I said it's only been 100 days and here you are slinging your soiled diapers around.
That's okay. Other Trump supporters understood my question perfectly and answered civilly and reasonably.

I would have been surprised if you had done the same. No problem.
One problem is that he has to spend so much time fighting traitors, I don't see how he has gotten anything done.

It is NOT the job of congress critters to support the President's agenda, it is the job of congress critters to do right by THEIR constituents. If their constituents oppose the new health care act, if should be defeated.
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