Republicans: Do you have a breaking point with Trump?

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Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

You know this after fewer than 100 days? You're quite the soothsayer!

I haven't made any prognostications. And I've received some interesting answers.
Possibly because you are here pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis while pretending to be non partisan and it's only been 100 days. These are huge issues, we aren't talking about the Oval Office drapes. I don't recall the daily Obama report.
I'm pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis?

That's the second time you've just made something up on this thread alone.

This is why it can be difficult for me to communicate with hardcore partisan ideologues.

You just make it up as you go.
I'm not a party member, you stupid asshole. I've told you at least ten times. YOU are the party hack and it's all you can see.

I've told you at least 100 times you're an idiot, a partisan hack.
I have understood for a long time that what someone promises during a campaign and what they can do when they are elected are very different things.
I think part of his appeal may not have even specifically about issues, per se. Part of it was like a primal scream, people who have become so frustrated with the status quo that voting for him was like flipping the bird to the system. If that's the case, the individual decisions and legislation are essentially secondary.

The ballot box is not an anger management tool. Those who were primally screaming will soon find out they've been screwed over just as much as those who didn't vote for the goon from Queens.
Well, the thing is, look at some of the responses here. Trump is like a political Rorschach Test. With a couple of exceptions, most here aren't going to hold him to his campaign promises (admittedly, a couple are convinced they ARE going to actually repeal the ACA and make Mexico pay for the wall). So when he doesn't come through on specific promises, he won't be held accountable.

That's fairly normal, actually. A President's party will always bend over backward. But Trump just seems different because he has been so full of wild hyperbole and so many people seemed to buy it.

Some interesting answers here, anyway.
You know this after fewer than 100 days? You're quite the soothsayer!

I haven't made any prognostications. And I've received some interesting answers.
Possibly because you are here pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis while pretending to be non partisan and it's only been 100 days. These are huge issues, we aren't talking about the Oval Office drapes. I don't recall the daily Obama report.
I'm pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis?

That's the second time you've just made something up on this thread alone.

This is why it can be difficult for me to communicate with hardcore partisan ideologues.

You just make it up as you go.
I'm not a party member, you stupid asshole. I've told you at least ten times. YOU are the party hack and it's all you can see.

I've told you at least 100 times you're an idiot, a partisan hack.
You are nothing.
So you think we would prefer to have Hillary in charge? If she was she would be herding us all quickly down the chute to the socialist abotior. What fool would prefer that?

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No, I don't expect Trump supporters to prefer Hillary all of a sudden, unless that's the case.

It would be nice, however, if someone who is disappointed, or wishing that another candidate had run, to admit to being so. Just as a nice, refreshing change in this political climate.

The notion that some voted for Trump essentially a "fuck you" to the system is another story. If that's what they did, and they don't really care about the individual issues, that would be interesting too.

They don't admit it because they aren't disappointed.

You misjudged Trump voters. Big shock, that. And it's telling that instead of saying "I just don't understand" you say "I don't know why they aren't saying anything about the disappointment I know they must feel, but are for some reason loathe to admit!"

They aren't loathe to admit it. They AREN'T disappointed!
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.
Bush's "Read my lips, no new taxes" is a good example. He meant it when he said it, but the situation on the ground changed

Trump on the other hand, gives the appearance of someone who would say anything to get elected and then quickly reneges once he takes office. Nobody changes their mind that often in that short a time period
Well, the thing is, look at some of the responses here. Trump is like a political Rorschach Test. With a couple of exceptions, most here aren't going to hold him to his campaign promises (admittedly, a couple are convinced they ARE going to actually repeal the ACA and make Mexico pay for the wall). So when he doesn't come through on specific promises, he won't be held accountable.

That's fairly normal, actually. A President's party will always bend over backward. But Trump just seems different because he has been so full of wild hyperbole and so many people seemed to buy it.

Some interesting answers here, anyway.
You're a dipshit. I voted for Trump because he pissed libs off the most. I'm still on a winning streak. You and the rest of the libs prove it.

Nor can you comprehend no one can do all they said they'd do on the trail. Nor do you get it's only been 100 days. Nor can you get that Hillary would have taken us further down the leftist hole. Trump's nomination of Gorsuch and future Supremes alone proves I made the right choice. What makes you think your perpetual snivels will over ride that!?
Well, I'm the first to admit there's much about this I don't understand.

Would you say that for many this was a "fuck you" to the system, rather than being issue-based?

No, it's a return to the constitutional system. Just as Trump, and we, have said over, and over, and over.

I don't know when you people are going to start listening.
I guess we're stuck in that weird place where we don't expect Presidents to back out of major campaign promises with such lightning speed.

We're just not as smart as we should be, I reckon.

Funny, I haven't seen any of that. I haven't seen any "backing out" or anything else. I see him plugging away, and making SIGNIFICANT progress, despite the fact that leftist pigs are blocking him for all they're worth.

I guess he could just shoot them, that would let him move forward more quickly...
He promised he was going to repeal the ACA, make Mexico pay for a new wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Do those ring a bell?
You expected the wall to be built by now? WTF.
Wall built by now? That would be silly
But he could have made major strides in getting Mexico to pay for it. He could have already invoked liens, taxes and fees on Mexico that would already be accumulating money
Trump could have come up with a preliminary plan for the scope of the effort
He could have at least come up with a realistic estimate of cost

Trump has done nothing on his wall
If the Progressives here will remember (LOL), it took SEVENTEEN MONTHS for Democrats to cram Obamacare up our throats. We were told that we had to pass the monstrous law before we could know what it contained. THOUSANDS of pages of open-ended laws giving the "Secretary" discretion to do most anything.

It took SEVENTEEN MONTHS to arrange al these payoffs!

The list of payoffs that got Reid his cloture vote
This list shows why Congress wants to pass this overhaul. They want the ability to demand these favors not just now, but forever. When government controls the system, then the politicians control the spoils. This list is just the appetizers. They’ll be chowing down on pork banquets for decades if this passes into law, and doing it just as dishonestly as this process has been handled all along.

The list of payoffs that got Reid his cloture vote - Hot Air
It is amazing that none of the Moon Bat Democrats had a breaking point with that Obama asshole, given all his failures.

Maybe it is not really that amazing given that Democrats are simply not that bright.

Yeah, Obama just drove us into the ditch right?

Obama GDP growth rate
The 1.075 percent average annual growth in real GDP under Obama equals less than a third (31.57 percent) of the 3.405 percent average annual growth in real GDP the United States saw in the last two decades of the last century.
1%: Average Annual Economic Growth Under Obama

The "average" height between Shaquille O'Neal and Kevin Hart is about 6 foot 4.

Obama inherited a contracting economy during the worst recession since 1935. Naturally, when those numbers are lumped in with 2014-2017 economic growth, the resulting "average" is skewed.
You are as stupid as you sound. I just posted you a FACT, and now you have to resort to the typical liberal playbook. What is next , you are going to call me a racist?

View attachment 123581

Man your liberal playbook sounds just like the right.
You know this after fewer than 100 days? You're quite the soothsayer!

I haven't made any prognostications. And I've received some interesting answers.
Possibly because you are here pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis while pretending to be non partisan and it's only been 100 days. These are huge issues, we aren't talking about the Oval Office drapes. I don't recall the daily Obama report.
I'm pissing and moaning about Trump on a daily basis?

That's the second time you've just made something up on this thread alone.

This is why it can be difficult for me to communicate with hardcore partisan ideologues.

You just make it up as you go.
I'm not a party member, you stupid asshole. I've told you at least ten times. YOU are the party hack and it's all you can see.

I've told you at least 100 times you're an idiot, a partisan hack.

Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
Even thought you used a nonstarter filled with bullshit I will answer your overall question. YES I have a breaking point and I am closer to the middle right now with not supporting him before I was 100% in. His ENTIRE foreign policy has changed to a neo con policy and AGAINST what he ran on....that's a BIG deal with me. As for the rest. ACA will get repealed or fixed not sure how you repeal something when you want to keep 2 of the biggest things in the ACA. Mexico CAN and WILL pay for the wall 2 ways are easy. 1. Tax money sent back to Mexico 2. Use the money seized from El Chapo to start construction.He didn't back OUT he is being SMART because 1. He has no leverage against the democraps right now but get taxes and healthcare passed and come September you FORCE the budget to have the funding for the wall and let the democrats shut down the government if they want to,they will be the ones dealing with the consequences in 2018. On NAFTA Trump NEVER said he was ONLY going to pull out. He said he would try to fix it and if Canada and Mexico refused he would pull out of NAFTA. Its disgusting watching a so called independent act like a democrap.
He has no leverage against the democraps right now but get taxes and healthcare passed and come September you FORCE the budget to have the funding for the wall and let the democrats shut down the government if they want to,they will be the ones dealing with the consequences in 2018.

If you haven't been paying attention he doesn't have much leverage with his own party.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

1. He wasn't elected out of policy platforms, Hillary was defeated, there is a difference.

2. The Republican/independent voters are tired of the promises the Republicans made to them, and never followed through. Trump was the best of the non-politicians running on the Repub side, and Hillary was the worst politician from either side. Ergo, Trump pulled a rabbit out of the proverbial hat.

3. Being a non politician, I give him leeway. He obviously didn't know what he can, and can not do. And, when he is told he can do something, the Democrats take him to court......a very lefty court, and stop him. That is not his fault, just like it was not Obama's fault the court stopped him from closing GITMO.

4. His ideas on foreign policy were likely to HAVE to change.


Because their isn't a regular citizen I know who is privy to the intel that Washington gets. Most all of those foreign policy positions were put forth, long before he got any briefs. Donald Trump had the same thought processes on the matter most of us have, because he had the same INFORMATION we had too. Now he doesn't, he knows what is really going on. We still don't know, although I see a lot of people on here try and pretend they do. If I have to defer to someone who now has all the facts, I would rather defer to someone who held MY position to start with, because if they changed their mind after seeing all the facts, they must have very good reason.

5. The wall.......which seems to be a big deal to most people! Do I think Trump has the same position on illegal immigration I do? Yes I do! Do we actually need a wall to stop illegal immigration, or at least bring it close to a standstill? I don't think so.

So when somebody says wall to me, I ask would I rather have a wall with Hillary as President and her views on illegal immigration, or no wall and Trump as President; for just the immigration issue alone!

A wall doesn't stop anyone if the people on this side of it make those bricks the only barrier. Obama proved that! So I am of the opinion that the wall is just a symbol; a very expensive symbol, but a symbol just the same.

I would ask both Democrats and Republicans a pertinent question, and they would give absolutely opposing answers, watch----------> What would you rather have in the next 24 months, and you MUST choose one, which means you will NOT get the other, but whichever you DO choose, the other doesn't happen--------->

QUESTION-----------> Choose 1 of the two, and the other does not happen, but you MUST choose 1----------> Wall starts being built, or...............criminal deportations down to and including DUI begin happening!

6. Repeal Obamacare. Excuse me, but that is NOT what he said, he said, "repeal and replace." Now I have another question-------> if he is to keep his word, what can he possibly replace it with that is cheaper, and better? What was the number 1 thing every conservative on this board insisted upon when Obamacare was winding its way through congress?

Let me refresh your memories Republicans-----------> (and I am paraphrasing here) THERE is NO way by the law of economics, that you can cover more people, for LESS money, and get better healthcare.

Do you Republicans REMEMBER saying that, yes or no!

Well Republicans, it was ECONOMICS, not President Obama that made your statements accurate. So now then, does Trump not go by the same law of economics? Do you actually believe that ANY politician (or businessperson/politician) is going to remove healthcare from even 5 million people who will now INSTANTLY vote against him/her, and their party?

So the reality is-----------> you can call it Obamacare, you can call it Trumpcare, or you can call it Martiancare, because it makes NO DIFFERENCE. We are STUCK with some form of this, and if we were just to repeal it, the House, Senate, and Presidency would turn quickly after all those pissed off people went to the polls, and the leftists would put it back in, and worse! You have got to face reality! I am not suggesting you have to like it, but face reality you must.

I knew this going in! Think I am wrong? Well then, give me a plan that saves money, (good luck with that alone) keeps most everyone insured, and the government isn't involved in a very heavy manner. Try it! Can't do it! As far as lower drug prices, how are you going to do that without government involvement?
So this repeal of Obamacare should be a non starter. Make it better, yes. More involvement from the private sector, yes. But, we allowed the Democrats to basically create a new entitlement, and now someone can just snap their fingers and take it away. Change it from Obamacare to Social Security or Medicare, and you will see exactly how absurd demanding this is. Of course Trump was full of it for making it seem as if he could do it, but then Bernie was telling everyone he was going to give them free college, and Hillary was going single payer, so I suppose non of them were very upfront, now were they.

So finally, let me answer your original question Mac!

Yes, I could easily turn and have enough of Trump. How? Easy! Each and every time he does something, I ask myself---------> What would Obama or Hillary do in the same situation! We have 8 years of Obama's choices, and Hillary was going to give us 4 more of that by her own campaign speeches.

And so--------->when he starts making choices that Hillary and Obama would make, then I have had enough because going back to my 1st paragraph---------->the only reason he was elected was to stop Hillary and a 3rd term of Obama. As another wise poster said--------->we would have elected Tiny Tim over Hillary, and that about sums it up. Everything positive Trump gives us over and above is just icing on the cake!
More importantly for Repubs is the tax cuts that will drive up the deficit. That one alone should be a non-starter.

The massive tax INCREASES of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama drove the DEBT FROM $10 TRILLION TO $20 TRILLION.

How could it be worse?
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

You're sounding like the typical regressive. Trump is in his first hundred days, not his last. NATO partners have agreed to up their defense spending to the required levels in the treaty and agreed to do more on terrorism. Trumps trade rep just got confirmed and hasn't even had time to get acquainted with his office. ACA replacement may be voted on as early as this week. Your crap is as weak as nats.
He said he was going to REPEAL the ACA, have Mexico pay for the wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Are any of those going to happen?

Probably not. He can't just just change the ACA he has to fully repeal and Mexico isn't paying for any wall and he back tracked on NAFTA yesterday. Not to mention his daughter and son-in-law wants him to accept Syrian refugees.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

1. He wasn't elected out of policy platforms, Hillary was defeated, there is a difference.

2. The Republican/independent voters are tired of the promises the Republicans made to them, and never followed through. Trump was the best of the non-politicians running on the Repub side, and Hillary was the worst politician from either side. Ergo, Trump pulled a rabbit out of the proverbial hat.

3. Being a non politician, I give him leeway. He obviously didn't know what he can, and can not do. And, when he is told he can do something, the Democrats take him to court......a very lefty court, and stop him. That is not his fault, just like it was not Obama's fault the court stopped him from closing GITMO.

4. His ideas on foreign policy were likely to HAVE to change.


Because their isn't a regular citizen I know who is privy to the intel that Washington gets. Most all of those foreign policy positions were put forth, long before he got any briefs. Donald Trump had the same thought processes on the matter most of us have, because he had the same INFORMATION we had too. Now he doesn't, he knows what is really going on. We still don't know, although I see a lot of people on here try and pretend they do. If I have to defer to someone who now has all the facts, I would rather defer to someone who held MY position to start with, because if they changed their mind after seeing all the facts, they must have very good reason.

5. The wall.......which seems to be a big deal to most people! Do I think Trump has the same position on illegal immigration I do? Yes I do! Do we actually need a wall to stop illegal immigration, or at least bring it close to a standstill? I don't think so.

So when somebody says wall to me, I ask would I rather have a wall with Hillary as President and her views on illegal immigration, or no wall and Trump as President; for just the immigration issue alone!

A wall doesn't stop anyone if the people on this side of it make those bricks the only barrier. Obama proved that! So I am of the opinion that the wall is just a symbol; a very expensive symbol, but a symbol just the same.

I would ask both Democrats and Republicans a pertinent question, and they would give absolutely opposing answers, watch----------> What would you rather have in the next 24 months, and you MUST choose one, which means you will NOT get the other, but whichever you DO choose, the other doesn't happen--------->

QUESTION-----------> Choose 1 of the two, and the other does not happen, but you MUST choose 1----------> Wall starts being built, or...............criminal deportations down to and including DUI begin happening!

6. Repeal Obamacare. Excuse me, but that is NOT what he said, he said, "repeal and replace." Now I have another question-------> if he is to keep his word, what can he possibly replace it with that is cheaper, and better? What was the number 1 thing every conservative on this board insisted upon when Obamacare was winding its way through congress?

Let me refresh your memories Republicans-----------> (and I am paraphrasing here) THERE is NO way by the law of economics, that you can cover more people, for LESS money, and get better healthcare.

Do you Republicans REMEMBER saying that, yes or no!

Well Republicans, it was ECONOMICS, not President Obama that made your statements accurate. So now then, does Trump not go by the same law of economics? Do you actually believe that ANY politician (or businessperson/politician) is going to remove healthcare from even 5 million people who will now INSTANTLY vote against him/her, and their party?

So the reality is-----------> you can call it Obamacare, you can call it Trumpcare, or you can call it Martiancare, because it makes NO DIFFERENCE. We are STUCK with some form of this, and if we were just to repeal it, the House, Senate, and Presidency would turn quickly after all those pissed off people went to the polls, and the leftists would put it back in, and worse! You have got to face reality! I am not suggesting you have to like it, but face reality you must.

I knew this going in! Think I am wrong? Well then, give me a plan that saves money, (good luck with that alone) keeps most everyone insured, and the government isn't involved in a very heavy manner. Try it! Can't do it! As far as lower drug prices, how are you going to do that without government involvement?
So this repeal of Obamacare should be a non starter. Make it better, yes. More involvement from the private sector, yes. But, we allowed the Democrats to basically create a new entitlement, and now someone can just snap their fingers and take it away. Change it from Obamacare to Social Security or Medicare, and you will see exactly how absurd demanding this is. Of course Trump was full of it for making it seem as if he could do it, but then Bernie was telling everyone he was going to give them free college, and Hillary was going single payer, so I suppose non of them were very upfront, now were they.

So finally, let me answer your original question Mac!

Yes, I could easily turn and have enough of Trump. How? Easy! Each and every time he does something, I ask myself---------> What would Obama or Hillary do in the same situation! We have 8 years of Obama's choices, and Hillary was going to give us 4 more of that by her own campaign speeches.

And so--------->when he starts making choices that Hillary and Obama would make, then I have had enough because going back to my 1st paragraph---------->the only reason he was elected was to stop Hillary and a 3rd term of Obama. As another wise poster said--------->we would have elected Tiny Tim over Hillary, and that about sums it up. Everything positive Trump gives us over and above is just icing on the cake!
Good stuff, thanks. I had forgotten about #2, there was certainly a lot of anger from many in the party that their elected officials had let them down, and they wanted to give those people a wake up call.

And yes, when a conservative is comparing most of what Trump does to most of what Hillary or Bernie would have done, I can see where that would be a net positive, certainly.

There seems to be a separation between the individual issues taken as a whole, and the overall message Trump represents. The message (and I admit I still don't really get, when his behaviors are included) seems to be more important than the issues, so he's more likely to be forgiven for going back on his promises.

I don't know. I guess we'll know it if it happens, if it happens.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

You're sounding like the typical regressive. Trump is in his first hundred days, not his last. NATO partners have agreed to up their defense spending to the required levels in the treaty and agreed to do more on terrorism. Trumps trade rep just got confirmed and hasn't even had time to get acquainted with his office. ACA replacement may be voted on as early as this week. Your crap is as weak as nats.
He said he was going to REPEAL the ACA, have Mexico pay for the wall, and get out of NAFTA.

Are any of those going to happen?

Probably not. He can't just just change the ACA he has to fully repeal and Mexico isn't paying for any wall and he back tracked on NAFTA yesterday. Not to mention his daughter and son-in-law wants him to accept Syrian refugees.
Well, regarding the ACA, I suspect there's more going on there than we know. I think Trump was fed a bowl of crap about being able to repeal it, and was just let loose to run with it. Those on the inside had to know damn well they couldn't do a full repeal. So now he's left out there to dangle in the wind. But it looks like he'll be forgiven for it.
Whats the breaking point for democrats when the OWS rabble disrupted traffic, slimed a public park with filth and drug paraphenalia and it was considered "free speech" but little 90 pound Ann Coulter is such a threat that there might be riots in Berkeley if she gives a speech?
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