Republicans :Don't Say Gay Goes National

Then why do you need me to paste the text when all you have to do is look up the section I referenced?
i did l, and that why i know it doesn’t say what you have claimed. It’s just funny highlighting your are a liar
Because saying that some families have two dads has nothing to do with sexual knowledge.
and the law doesn’t forbid saying that some families have two dads. Not sure why you continue to law and says it does

And doesn't mean what you think it means.
This is literally what it says

"or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects.”"
This is literally what it says

"or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects.”"
Lol, if you want to take one bit, and ignore the context and ide of the whole bill, be my guest. It doesn't mean that, it means discussion in an educational sense.

But, you either don't want to see the truth, or you are intentionally misrepresenting the bill for the purpose trying to keep the attack on the right going.

Have at it.

That and a national abortion ban are what Congress will focus on if they win the House

NOT inflation

Don't buy the bullshit.

Last time they had the House they "passed" a repeal of the ACA about 47 times

That's the kind of shit they waste their time on
Your dishonesty is why everyone is abandoning the Democrats.

Don't Teach Perverted Sex (or ANY kind) to prepubescent children.
Your dishonesty is why everyone is abandoning the Democrats.

Don't Teach Perverted Sex (or ANY kind) to prepubescent children.
Noo ne is doing that and "everyone" isn't leaving shit.

You people are batshit crazy and if we aren't careful we will have a Congress that is half batshit (like MTG) and half bending over to the batshit crazy bastards like you
Make no mistake folks

This is the kind of garbage Republicans will focus on if we elect them to Congress

Nothing that will make our lives better

No, this is the kind of stuff the LEFT focuses on to inspire their coalition of freaks to get out and vote
Lol, if you want to take one bit, and ignore the context and ide of the whole bill, be my guest. It doesn't mean that, it means discussion in an educational sense.

But, you either don't want to see the truth, or you are intentionally misrepresenting the bill for the purpose trying to keep the attack on the right going.

Have at it.
That "one bit' is there and is very real. It can't be ignored.
Why do you say being gay isn't normal?

Because it isn't, that's why.

Normal is what most people are or do. Most men are attracted to women. The body parts of men and men and women and women don't match up. It's why God didn't allow gays to have children, because it's not normal. Only normal couples can naturally have children.

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