Republicans, here's your chance.

I dont think korea has many if any unfair trade advantages

Its a first world nation that builds good stuff

And they are on our side

When we trade with china we are trading with the Red Army which will use the money to but weapons to kill Americans with

I've stopped caring as to "why". I want balanced trade or close to it, or I want to dial it back, way back.
Clinton raised taxes in 1993. Tax revenues between 1993 an d1994 went up 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes in 2001. Tax revenues between 2001 and 2002 went DOWN 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes again in 2003. Tax revenues between 2003 and 2004 went up 9.4 percent.

Obama increased taxes in 2013. Tax revenues between 2013 and 2014 went up by 9.2 percent.

Trump cut taxes in 2018. Tax revenues between 2018 and 2019 went up 9.6 percent.

Short term robot thinking. Yes, tax revenues will increase in the short term if you raise taxes. Even you brain dead Democrats can figure that out. The long term effect however is not as positive as it stifles growth. What you are talking about is inorganic, forced tax revenue growth. The way for a country to succeed is through organic, natural economic growth which is spurned by lower taxes and less entitlements. Again, you morons will never figure it out. Move to Greece or Venezuela.
Holy shit, some good stuff there. What a refreshing detour from the rest of the thread. While I disagree with the tax stuff (to be explained) that's an interesting mix that isn't full of partisan talking points.

Yes, Social Security and Medicare have simply outlived their original structures and must be addressed. I don't see a way around that. Other possible options are accelerating the retirement age increases and increasing/eliminating the payroll tax on SS. And as we've been discussing here, it's hard to imagine that tech advances haven't improved military efficiencies that should produce savings.

Regarding taxes: I spend a lot of time dealing with clients on their taxes, both during tax season and proactive tax planning, personal and business. At this moment (and admittedly subject to change) most of the various incentives (expenditures) built into the tax system are a net positive in my book. In other words, the behaviors they incentivize are largely appropriate and constructive.

That said, your point is rarely addressed in the discussion. This isn't just about marginal rates, it's about what happens when you dig deeper. It's those more behind-the-scenes tweaks that can make a huge difference.
Your clients would not need your services if tax expenditures were banned. ;)

Every tax expenditure has to be offset with either higher tax rates or borrowing. In our case, it's both.

Your clients would be better served with lower tax rates and no federal debt.
Clinton raised taxes in 1993. Tax revenues between 1993 an d1994 went up 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes in 2001. Tax revenues between 2001 and 2002 went DOWN 9.2 percent.

Bush cut taxes again in 2003. Tax revenues between 2003 and 2004 went up 9.4 percent.

Obama increased taxes in 2013. Tax revenues between 2013 and 2014 went up by 9.2 percent.

Trump cut taxes in 2018. Tax revenues between 2018 and 2019 went up 9.6 percent.

None of this takes into account all the other variables. The pumping of trillions of dollars had no affect on revenues?
That's g500 he's the smartest guy in the room. Just ask him. Cutting taxes raises more money then raising them ever did.
Short term robot thinking. Yes, tax revenues will increase in the short term if you raise taxes. Even you brain dead Democrats can figure that out. The long term effect however is not as positive as it stifles growth. What you are talking about is inorganic, forced tax revenue growth. The way for a country to succeed is through organic, natural economic growth which is spurned by lower taxes and less entitlements. Again, you morons will never figure it out. Move to Greece or Venezuela.
You clearly have not read any of my other posts. I guess that's why you made the hilarious ASS-U-mption I am a Democrat.
It always makes me laugh when Libertarian posts one of those quizzes which supposedly shows where on the political spectrum you fall, and they use a diamond-shaped figure to plot where you are.

The push poll gives Libertarians the mistaken impression that a lot of people are Libertarians and just don't know it.

Then I post the wackjob beliefs Libertarians have to show that the American people rightly laugh them out of the ring.

What beliefs would these be?
It takes very little effort for a single mom to collect thousands at tax time

Just work a few pay periods and she’s home free
But doesn't the tax credit increase with the amount earned? I believe it gradually phases out till there is no credit, but still the more one works, the more one gets. I thought it was a basically a tax subsidy that raises what people (usually a single mom) earns.

It started under Nixon, back when the gop had some interest in working families besides wedge issues like "them folks don't work at'all"
Not that there aren't dems like Red Bernie and AOC who actually believe "from each according to their ability to pay and to each depending on their need"
What beliefs would these be?
The ones you posted, for starters.

Abolishing laws against child labor, for another.

Shrinking our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. Yes, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

Libertarian Party on Jobs

We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives.

Healthcare - Libertarian Party

If the US were to pursue a policy of defending its own borders while avoiding foreign intervention, we could realistically reduce our defense budget to as little as $125 billion over the next five years.

Libertarian Party on Defense

How do you feel about legalizing crack cocaine?

We favor the repeal of all laws creating "crimes" without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.

Platform | Libertarian Party

Eliminate all federal environmental regulations:

Pollution of other people's property is a violation of individual rights. Strict liability, not arbitrary government standards, should regulate pollution. We demand the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Libertarian Party on Environment

They would end all workplace safety regulations:

We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This law denies the right to liberty and property to both employer and employee, and it interferes in their private contractual relations.

National Platform of the Libertarian Party

More fun stuff:

We oppose all so-called "consumer protection" legislation which infringes upon voluntary trade, and call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

1972 Libertarian Party Platform - LPedia

We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration, which has jeopardized safety by arrogating to itself a monopoly of safety regulation and enforcement. We call for privatizing the air traffic control system and transferring the FAA's other functions to private agencies.

1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party - Critiques Of Libertarianism

We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration and particularly its policies of mandating specific nutritional requirements and denying the right of manufacturers to make non-fraudulent claims concerning their products.

1992 National Platform of the Libertarian Party - Critiques Of Libertarianism
Solid advice about fiscal responsibility to cut spending before cutting taxes. Why doesn't the democrat party follow it?
Trump cut taxes and then raised spending enormously. Do you think that is a good plan?
It is supported with data.

the claim is not supported with data. I want to know what experts and what their predictions were. That is the data that would support the claim. Do you have that data

If not for his favorable policies, one could surmise that the numbers would have been inline with the projections. If he had continued Obama's policies, those projections may have been right on the money.

What was right on the money is that his job numbers were no different than Obama's, so what difference did those policies make?
None of this takes into account all the other variables. The pumping of trillions of dollars had no affect on revenues?
What do you mean by "the pumping of trillions of dollars"?
As i was saying...delusional xenophobes lying out loud to themselves... Thanks for the immediate illustration. I can always count on your reflexive cruelty and stupidity.
Do you really not know what happens to most of tje EITC money?

Thats sad
Why would a family man/woman who buys their insurance the same way as they buy their home/auto/life insurance be getting the same insurance as a welfare mother?

I am not following.
I think my post had to do with Obamacare putting workers on medicaid. I thought the Bennett/Wyden approach was best where people were "given" tax credits with which to buy private insurance.

But the problems arise when medicaid is a better benefit program than private insurance, and with public sector and healthcare industry employees, they work in part to be placed in giant HMO type "creations."
I want balanced trade or close to it, or I want to dial it back, way back.
Who are you to dictate who buys what?

I am American citizen wants to buy something from China or Korea or Germany they should have the freedom to do so
I've stopped caring as to "why". I want balanced trade or close to it, or I want to dial it back, way back.
So do I

And the most unbalanced trade we have is with our number one enemy in the world

Start with them
The ones you posted, for starters.

Abolishing laws against child labor, for another.

Shrinking our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. Yes, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

I posted? If you have to exaggerate, you don't have an argument.

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