Republicans, here's your chance.

For the zillionth time, this thread is about 2022 and beyond.

But I wasn't expecting much.

The Republicans are being silenced for the 2022 elections, so they aren't in any position to lay forth a platform.

The key right now is to expel Sleepy Joe and return the country to greatness.

Once Biden is out, there will be plenty of time to line up a platform.
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

I have provided many times multiple ideas on exactly how to not only cut spending, but also cut tax rates for everyone, and pay down the debt all at the same time.

Unlike others who speak in overly broad terms, I have very specific details on what to do.

I will list them again:

1. Ban all tax expenditures. We spend $1.4 trillion a year on tax expenditures. Just banning those alone would balance the budget with money left over. Tax expenditures are the primary driving force behind high tax rates and high borrowing. It is total horseshit to blame our overspending on the poor. The only tax expenditure I would leave in place is the EITC. The EITC is proven to increase worker productivity.

No politician will ever campaign on banning tax expenditures because a large part of their campaign contributions come from special interests who pay them to put those expenditure in the tax code. But if we did ban tax expenditures, it would have the serendipitous effect of driving money out of politics which Dems are constantly complaining about. So this could and should be a bipartisan effort.

Banning tax expenditures would also allow us to lower tax rates for everyone.

This is why banning tax expenditures is my number one priority on the list of things we need to do.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over the age of 65. Today, about 15% of the population is over 65, and climbing. This is an unsustainable trend.

The simple fact is that we are living much longer than our ancestors and so we should be working longer.

3. Abolish the income tax and enact the Fair Tax. The income tax is a tax on production, the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption. Consumption taxes are economically superior to production taxes.

Another advantage of the Fair Tax is that our politicians are able to place hidden tax increases in the income tax code without the American people catching on. If you asked the average person how much they paid in income taxes for 2020, I would bet more than 90 percent would be unable to tell you. They might remember how much their refund was, but they won't know how much tax they actually paid, or if it was more or less than the year before.

With the Fair Tax, everyone everywhere would immediately know if their taxes increased. Politicians would have a much harder time scamming the public.

This all hinges, of course, on banning all exemptions from the Fair Tax. People seem to be under the impression, especially proponents of the flat income tax, that tax expenditures are strictly an income tax thing, but they aren't. Just ask anyone who lives in a state that has a sales tax what items are exempt. Exemptions are a type of tax expenditure which requires a higher sales tax to make up the difference. Just like tax expenditures in the income tax code require higher tax rates to make up the difference.

4. Cut defense spending. The more war toys we have, the more we want to play with them and we end up embroiled in places we shouldn't be. It's time for our allies to step up to the plate and do their fair share. They mock us for our entitlement programs not being as generous as theirs, but who do they call first when they need someone to go to war for them? Fuck. That. Shit.
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There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

You’re a fraud and a hypocrite. Elections these days are won by whomever offers the most free stuff.
The Republicans are being silenced for the 2022 elections, so they aren't in any position to lay forth a platform.

The key right now is to expel Sleepy Joe and return the country to greatness.

Once Biden is out, there will be plenty of time to line up a platform.
In other words, "Just trust us." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

That sure as shit didn't work before, but I have no doubt the rubes will fall for that bullshit again. And when they do, they will demonstrate they are as stupid and gullible as the GOP believes they are.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

"No, really! We'll cut spending and repeal and replace Obamacare this time. Honest!"
Confederate Soldier
Oh so right. The Dems haven't learned what Kennedy, Reagan and Trump learned. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

All they want to do is raise taxes. No brains.
No shit Sherlock. Apparently it is you who can't read. The responses under my post make it pretty clear that everyone BUT YOU knew exactly what I was saying.
Now stop trying to get even for the smack down I put on you a couple days ago.
Take your L, sit down and stfu
Lol, what smack down dumb fuck? You have the brains of a fucking rock. Lol hilarious You have not ever nor will you ever give any one a snack down of any type. You are only a legend in your own mind.
Lol, what smack down dumb fuck? You have the brains of a fucking rock. Lol hilarious You have not ever nor will you ever give any one a snack down of any type. You are only a legend in your own mind.
You claimed MCU gender swapping men's movie roles was and I quout "ABOUT CAPITALISM" not about wokeness.
I PROVED you wrong with all the stats about the hundreds of millions lost on those movies and you ran away like the little bitch you are.
No surprise you're pretending like that didn't happen.
In other words, "Just trust us." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

That sure as shit didn't work before, but I have no doubt the rubes will fall for that bullshit again. And when they do, they will demonstrate they are as stupid and gullible as GOP believes they are.
it is interesting. The gop will run on Trump but not on Trump:

the election wasn't stolen, but there were serious questions that needed to be asked and voting fraud that needed to be stopped;
we should have pulled out of Afgan, but left some troops behind;
we don't nation build but we need to stay the course with allies to show we are credible;
the tax cut gave us the greatest economy ever until covid came along, and it may have been a chinese attack but Biden didn't investigate while the evidence was fresh;
now we need an even bigger tax cut to make the deficits smaller and raising the debt ceiling is just what we do to pay for it
Yeah I mean why on earth would we want to allow an excluding for employee-sponsored healthcare or 401k plans? What about child tax credits? What about deductions for charitable contributions? Exclusions for capital gains at death? One thing all these have in common is that it is simply an exclusion for paying tax on money earned. This is quite different than giving people money they didn't earn, but I don't expect you to understand that.
See? You're whining like a welfare queen.

Tax expenditures cause everyone to pay higher tax rates. Everyone is being robbed to pay for your deductions, exemptions, and credits.

In terms you understand, you are getting "free shit", and everyone else has to pay for it by paying more taxes. You are stealing from other tax payers.

Just like food stamps.

And it is a fact that the employer provided health insurance deduction drives the cost of healthcare UP. It needs to go away. You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance, and you should be asking yourself why both parties are preventing you from doing that.
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Its a sneaky version of welfare

Just like the unEarned Income Tax Credit
The EITC is the only tax expenditure which has been proven to make workers more productive and incentivized to earn more.
Confederate Soldier
Oh so right. The Dems haven't learned what Kennedy, Reagan and Trump learned. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

All they want to do is raise taxes. No brains.
Here's something your propagandists don't tell you.

When Barack Obama and Bill Clinton raised taxes during their presidencies, tax revenues went UP!

They keep that fact from you. Because they are dumbing you down to the point of mental illness.
I have provided many times multiple ideas on exactly how to not only cut spending, but also cut tax rates for everyone, and pay down the debt all at the same time.

Unlike others who speak in overly broad terms, I have very specific details on what to do.

I will list them again:

1. Ban all tax expenditures. We spend $1.4 trillion a year on tax expenditures. Just banning those alone would balance the budget with money left over. Tax expenditures are the primary driving force behind high tax rates and high borrowing. It is total horseshit to blame our overspending on the poor. The only tax expenditure I would leave in place is the EITC. The EITC is proven to increase worker productivity.

No politician will ever campaign on banning tax expenditures because a large part of their campaign contributions come from special interests who pay them to put those expenditure in the tax code. But if we did ban tax expenditures, it would have the serendipitous effect of driving money out of politics which Dems are constantly complaining about. So this could and should be a bipartisan effort.

Banning tax expenditures would also allow us to lower tax rates for everyone.

This is why banning tax expenditures is my number one priority on the list of things we need to do.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward. When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4% of the population was over the age of 65. Today, about 15% of the population is over 65, and climbing. This is an unsustainable trend.

The simple fact is that we are living much longer than our ancestors and so we should be working longer.

3. Abolish the income tax and enact the Fair Tax. The income tax is a tax on production, the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption. Consumption taxes are economically superior to production taxes.

Another advantage of the Fair Tax is that our politicians are able to place hidden tax increases in the income tax code without the American people catching on. If you asked the average person how much they paid in income taxes for 2020, I would bet more than 90 percent would be unable to tell you. They might remember how much their refund was, but they won't know how much tax they actually paid, or if it was more or less than the year before.

With the Fair Tax, everyone everywhere would immediately know if their taxes increased. Politicians would have a much harder time scamming the public.

This all hinges, of course, on banning all exemptions from the Fair Tax. People seem to be under the impression, especially proponents of the flat income tax, that tax expenditures are strictly an income tax thing, but they aren't. Just ask anyone who lives in a state that has a sales tax what items are exempt. Exemptions are a type of tax expenditure which requires a higher sales tax to make up the difference. Just like tax expenditures in the income tax code require higher tax rates to make up the difference.

4. Cut defense spending. The more war toys we have, the more we want to play with them and we end up embroiled in places we shouldn't be. It's time for our allies to step up to the plate and do their fair share. They mock us for our entitlement programs not being as generous as theirs, but who do they call first when they need someone to go to war for them? Fuck. That. Shit.

I have a better idea.

Lets cut all welfare, subsidies, grants, bailouts and entitlements.

Lets phase out Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Lets abolish all the stupid worthless departments like Education, HUD, FEMA, Transportation, Energy etc.

Cut the Federal government down to the basic functions like Defense, Courts, Intelligence, State Department, VA etc.

Stop fighting other people's wars for them. No foreign welfare.

I'll go for building roads providing the contracts do not have a Davis Bacon stipulation.

If we can't do those things because of all the welfare queens crying and moaning their little greedy hearts out then we least should start with Ron Paul's Restore America budget that easily cut a trillion a year without harming anything.

See? You're whining like a welfare queen.

Tax expenditures cause everyone to pay higher tax rates. Everyone is being robbed to pay for your deductions, exemptions, and credits.

In terms you understand, you are getting "free shit", and everyone else has to pay for it by paying more taxes. You are stealing from other tax payers.

Just like food stamps.

And it is a fact that the employer provided health insurance deduction drives the cost of healthcare UP. It needs to go away. You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance, and you should be asking yourself why both parties are preventing you from doing that.
I'd agree, but I don't see how we do that with govt and health care industry employees. And telling man/woman who works for his/her family that he'll get the same insurance as woman with no jobs and kids from mult fathers ... is an insult
I have a better idea.

Lets cut all welfare, subsidies, grants, bailouts and entitlements.

Lets phase out Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Lets abolish all the stupid worthless departments like Education, HUD, FEMA, Transportation, Energy etc.

Cut the Federal government down to the basic functions like Defense, Courts, Intelligence, State Department, VA etc.

Stop fighting other people's wars for them. No foreign welfare.

I'll go for building roads providing the contracts do not have a Davis Bacon stipulation.

If we can't do those things because of all the welfare queens crying and moaning their little greedy hearts out then we least should start with Ron Paul's Restore America budget that easily cut a trillion a year without harming anything.

Those are very stupid ideas and will never happen. Rand Paul is a moron and knows even less than his moron father about modern economics.

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