Republicans, here's your chance.

The overarching solution is to drive down healthcare costs so that everyone can afford insurance. We need to address those things which are driving the cost ever upward.

I provided one example with the employer provided health insurance deduction. It needs to go.

And if you were allowed to call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance options you want, that would force prices down through competition. Both political parties have worked very hard to prevent that. They have established no-compete zones and mini monopolies. Because they get a shit ton of campaign money from insurance companies.

That's the other side of money in politics. One side is the tax code which special interests pay our politicians to tweak in their favor. The other side is money they pay politicians to tweak regulations to their favor.

The last thing insurance companies want is for health care costs to go down.

If you have a ten percent profit margin, you make more profit from a $5000 payout to a hospital than you do from a $1000 payout to a hospital.
Oh I agree. But imo we can't just let employers keep more profit and not pay employees. So the tax credit to individuals that was floated back in 2008 seems the only option imo.

I do think that "giving' public employees a tax credit would be a new public expense not covered by the savings from eliminating the expenditure.

Some will say old people and the unwashed poor are not "sophisticated" enough to choose plans. But AARP and state insurance commissioners do good jobs, imo.
They don't have to tell us that. We know that tax revenues are going to increase in the short term if you raise taxes. The ignorant masses are the ones that can't think more than one step a time and actually think that the fact the revenues go up in the short term is something to applaud.
We had a 70 percent tax rate for 17 years, and revenues went up every year. And before that, we had a 90 percent tax rate, and revenues went up every year.

If you look at the links I provided, you can see for yourself.

So what other fairy tales from your propagandists do you have to parrot?

The determining factor is how many kids she has
Thats very short-sighted

Buying from china means more money for the chinese military and more dead Americans on the next battlefield
That's not entirely accurate. And why do we care how many kids a person has so long as they work.

I don't see how anyone could not support the EITC
I don't care if you vote Democrat or not, your ideas of expanding the economy are just as ignorant and coalesce with theirs for the most part.
Really? The Democrats want to lower tax rates for everyone? They want to increase the retirement age? They want a free market for health insurance?

Last I heard, the Democrats want to tax the rich more. And they want to LOWER the retirement age. And they want universal health care.

What are you smoking, man? It must be good stuff!
Buying from china means more money for the chinese military and more dead Americans on the next battlefield
Buying from China has led to China moving more and more to a market economy. That's creating more stability, not less.
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Oh I agree. But imo we can't just let employers keep more profit and not pay employees. So the tax credit to individuals that was floated back in 2008 seems the only option imo.

I do think that "giving' public employees a tax credit would be a new public expense not covered by the savings from eliminating the expenditure.

Some will say old people and the unwashed poor are not "sophisticated" enough to choose plans. But AARP and state insurance commissioners do good jobs, imo.
Americans already figure out how to buy auto, home, and life insurance. They can figure out how to buy health insurance.

As for employers keeping the money they save by not providing health insurance, that would be temporary. Employees will demand their cut.

My company pays me extra for having my own health insurance.
there’s a fine line between a good guy and a goddamn fool. Republicans need to be careful not to get rolled
Americans already figure out how to buy auto, home, and life insurance. They can figure out how to buy health insurance.

As for employers keeping the money they save by not providing health insurance, that would be temporary. Employees will demand their cut.

My company pays me extra for having my own health insurance.
I don't think every employer faces any bargaining by employees. I don't see how to do this without govt "coercing" capital to provide something to employees, like workers comp or UI or a min wage or safe working conditions ......
And obviously public sector employees get no benefit from the employer tax expenditure.

Roughly, I thought this would have been preferable to Obamacare ... of course Bob Bennett was primaried by a sometimeLibertarian who has been employed by the federal govt except for two relatively short terms with large law firms.
And why do we care how many kids a person has so long as they work.
The more kids she has the more money she gets

Up to $6600 with 3 children

And there is no minimum income requirement.
Buying from China has led to China moving more and more to a market economy. That's creating more stability, not less.
That was yesterdays news

Today the dictatorship is moving back to its maoist communist roots
The more kids she has the more money she gets

Up to $6600 with 3 children

And there is no minimum income requirement.
So what? She's working. The more she works, the more she gets ... until the tax credit phases out. I'm supposed to mind if I pay more in taxes than someone who doesn't earn as much? I'm not! I'm annoyed that people who make A LOT more than I do pay less a percentage of what they make than I do, though.
I'm for anything that increases the incentive to work and helps kids have decent food and lives.
Why the hell would that be the FIRST thing to cut?
There are tons of frivolous programs to cut.
There are redundant departments to cut.
Massive amounts of foreign aid.

Your post is ridiculous
Right be specific...

Tell us what you will cut and the actual savings...

I am not going to be an asshole... I will give you the 2019 budget

$4.448 trillion

Here is a good resource...

Just for a start... Obama gave this to Trump when it was 4 Trillion... Get us down to that number...

If you want to get it back to Bush it will be 3.5 Trillion.....

This to give you a help...
That was yesterdays news

Today the dictatorship is moving back to its maoist communist roots
I think it's more like National Socialism, but whatever it is, we should be looking at supply chains outside of China. And we should be doing so with the EU, but if we are going to treat them as an equal partner in security, we probably shouldn't be telling them who they can trade with.
You will never get a Republican to commit to any specifics on how they would cut spending.

That's how you know they will always, and I mean always, increase spending.

No one ever asks a Democrat how to cut spending because Democrats don't lie about cutting spending.
I it's more like National Socialism, but whatever it is, we should be looking at supply chains outside of China

There no economic or political reason to buy from china

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