Republicans, here's your chance.

We had a 70 percent tax rate for 17 years, and revenues went up every year. And before that, we had a 90 percent tax rate, and revenues went up every year.

If you look at the links I provided, you can see for yourself.

So what other fairy tales from your propagandists do you have to parrot?

No fairy tales. True stories which you choose to ignore because you clearly aren't one of those that would be negatively affected by raising taxes on the "rich". My family pays far more than what I would call our fair share. Even after exemptions, we pay quite a bit more every year than the average family makes in a year. Sorry if I am not compelled to give more of what I earn to subsidize those who decide they would rather stay at home than work.
No fairy tales. True stories which you choose to ignore because you clearly aren't one of those that would be negatively affected by raising taxes on the "rich". My family pays far more than what I would call our fair share. Even after exemptions, we pay quite a bit more every year than the average family makes in a year. Sorry if I am not compelled to give more of what I earn to subsidize those who decide they would rather stay at home than work.
You said raising taxes increases revenues only in the short term.

That's a fairy tale told to you by your propagandists. You bleeved that horseshit is true because you wanted to.

That facts tell the actual truth. I even provided the links so you can see for yourself.

And before you make a mistake, I have made it perfectly clear I believe we should lower tax rates for everyone, and I showed how we can do that while lowering spending and the debt at the same time.
You said raising taxes increases revenues only in the short term.

That's a fairy tale told to you by your propagandists. You bleeved that horseshit is true because you wanted to.

That facts tell the actual truth. I even provided the links so you can see for yourself.

And before you make a mistake, I have made it perfectly clear I believe we should lower tax rates for everyone, and I showed how we can do that while lowering spending and the debt at the same time.
As long as Republicans can convince themselves that cutting taxes without cutting spending is sound policy, I'll not be able to take them seriously.
Fort Fun Indiana
If you're that interested you link it up. I found it so can you.
No you didn't. You found the number that the lying liars promised in new revenue. You never actually found a shred of evidence that it is true. But you don't seem to know the difference. So here you are, stating it as fact. Because you forgot where you got the number.
As long as Republicans can convince themselves that cutting taxes without cutting spending is sound policy, I'll not be able to take them seriously.
It's just an intentional ignoring of facts. If an economy is not in expansion cutting taxes and/or increasing spending can be good. What the democrats are up to is both interesting and unlike gop tax cuts hasn't been tried since LBJ. Can you send deficit dollars to workers and cause them to consume more, and thus cause corporate owners to produce more without inflation?

The gop's proven time and again we can cut taxes even in full employment and not create inflation despite rising deficits and debt .... so long workers don't get a large enough per capita increase in disposable income. The question is why do it? The effect is to increase the accumulation of capital in the 1%. Why would we want an economic policy to increase wealth disparity while creating larger deficits? That's why I find the gop's hysteria over the debt limit to be a steaming pile of horshit hypocrisy. LOL

I'm hopeful Red Bernie and AOC will allow a "piddling" stimulus of 2.5 T or so, on top of the 3T or so we already did on covid. The infrastrucure bill is, imo, a good thing, but it's aim is different from the dems reconcillation bill.
And while I've never received that tax credit, it does appear to grow larger as earnings increase.
Appearances deceive

Income has nothing to do with it unless they earn too much to qualify

Otherwise every woman gets the same amount for 3 kids
Appearances deceive

Income has nothing to do with it unless they earn too much to qualify

Otherwise every woman gets the same amount for 3 kids
Everyone gets a child tax credit for each of their kids.
nope, you are wrong and an authoritarian. You buy what you want and I will buy what I want.

Why should I be forced to by an inferior product at a higher price just because it was made here?

Because the group decides to not engage in trade that is not mutually beneficial.

Trade policy. As has been the normal practice for all nations for many centuries, if not thousands of years.
Because the group decides to not engage in trade that is not mutually beneficial.

It is mutually beneficial, they get my money and I get the product I want. What could be more mutually beneficial?
It is mutually beneficial, they get my money and I get the product I want. What could be more mutually beneficial?

It is not beneficial for the group you are a member of.

Do you feel no sense of loyalty or obligation to the group you are a member of?
It is not beneficial for the group you are a member of.

Oh, so it is about the collective, not the individual. Got it.

Do you feel no sense of loyalty or obligation to the group you are a member of?

Which group is that? I do feel loyalty and obligation to the Marines, my American Legion chapter and my golfing buddies.

Other than that I am a capitalist, and capitalisms knows no borders. I buy the best product for the best price, where is is made is never taken into account. I currently own a Ford and a Kia, both were bought because they were the best deal on the type of vehicle I was looking for at the time.

The same holds true for most of my major purchase. I have an LG washer and dryer for the same reason I have the Ford and Kia. Hell, I had to Google LG to see where it was made.
Oh, so it is about the collective, not the individual. Got it.

Which group is that? I do feel loyalty and obligation to the Marines, my American Legion chapter and my golfing buddies.

Other than that I am a capitalist, and capitalisms knows no borders. I buy the best product for the best price, where is is made is never taken into account. I currently own a Ford and a Kia, both were bought because they were the best deal on the type of vehicle I was looking for at the time.

The same holds true for most of my major purchase. I have an LG washer and dryer for the same reason I have the Ford and Kia. Hell, I had to Google LG to see where it was made.

So you feel NO LOYALTY to America?

Well there is the problem. YOu are part of a group, with no sense of loyalty to the group.
You didn't say "private". You said people would figure out how to buy insurance. We have already figured out the best way: public option.
The context was that we were talking about people buying their insurance the same way they buy their auto, home, and life insurance and that they would figure out how to buy their health insurance the same way.

That's private insurance, obviously.
The context was that we were talking about people buying their insurance the same way they buy their auto, home, and life insurance and that they would figure out how to buy their health insurance the same way.
It is bought the same way. You pay for it, then you receive a service or goods. Public option just has a bigger risk pool and more negotiating power than a smaller company. It would still be administered by private companies, just like Medicare is now.

And when is everyone going to "figure it out"? 100 years or so? I suppose everyone will also "figure out" how to buy vacation homes.
Because the group decides to not engage in trade that is not mutually beneficial.
But, apart from personal preference and convenience, what justifies forcing people to join your group?
Trade policy. As has been the normal practice for all nations for many centuries, if not thousands of years.
Lots of shitty practices were popular historically. But we moved on.

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