Republicans, here's your chance.

Here's something your propagandists don't tell you.

When Barack Obama and Bill Clinton raised taxes during their presidencies, tax revenues went UP!

They keep that fact from you. Because they are dumbing you down to the point of mental illness.

They don't have to tell us that. We know that tax revenues are going to increase in the short term if you raise taxes. The ignorant masses are the ones that can't think more than one step a time and actually think that the fact the revenues go up in the short term is something to applaud.
When it comes to any government budget, there is only one difference between Republicans and Democrats.

They both spend like sailors in a whorehouse. They actually compete to outspend each other.

The difference is that Democrats never whine about all this spending, while Republicans only whine when the president has a D after his name.

You can decide for yourselves which one makes which party the worst.
So do I

And the most unbalanced trade we have is with our number one enemy in the world

Start with them

Oh, agreed. We should really start with them. But right after that, then the EU. Then Japan. Then South Korea.

That would give them plenty of time to adjust their behavior.
but still the more one works, the more one gets.

The determining factor is how many kids she has
I am American citizen wants to buy something from China or Korea or Germany they should have the freedom to do so
Thats very short-sighted

Buying from china means more money for the chinese military and more dead Americans on the next battlefield
As i was saying...delusional xenophobes lying out loud to themselves... Thanks for the immediate illustration. I can always count on your reflexive cruelty and stupidity.

Of course he is, by and large, correct. There is that.
You claimed MCU gender swapping men's movie roles was and I quout "ABOUT CAPITALISM" not about wokeness.
I PROVED you wrong with all the stats about the hundreds of millions lost on those movies and you ran away like the little bitch you are.
No surprise you're pretending like that didn't happen.
Lol, any dumb fuck knows going to work is about fucking make ng money . If you claim any different you are a fucking child and not worth listening to. You are a dumb fuck and not worth my time I have no intention of listening to your drivel any more. Ignored.
Lol, any dumb fuck knows going to work is about fucking make ng money . If you claim any different you are a fucking child and not worth listening to. You are a dumb fuck and not worth my time I have no intention of listening to your drivel any more. Ignored.
Ahh there's the whimpering from the smackdown lol
I think my post had to do with Obamacare putting workers on medicaid. I thought the Bennett/Wyden approach was best where people were "given" tax credits with which to buy private insurance.

But the problems arise when medicaid is a better benefit program than private insurance, and with public sector and healthcare industry employees, they work in part to be placed in giant HMO type "creations."
The overarching solution is to drive down healthcare costs so that everyone can afford insurance. We need to address those things which are driving the cost ever upward.

I provided one example with the employer provided health insurance deduction. It needs to go.

And if you were allowed to call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance options you want, that would force prices down through competition. Both political parties have worked very hard to prevent that. They have established no-compete zones and mini monopolies. Because they get a shit ton of campaign money from insurance companies.

That's the other side of money in politics. One side is the tax code which special interests pay our politicians to tweak in their favor. The other side is money they pay politicians to tweak regulations to their favor.

The last thing insurance companies want is for health care costs to go down.

If you have a ten percent profit margin, you make more profit from a $5000 payout to a hospital than you do from a $1000 payout to a hospital.
You clearly have not read any of my other posts. I guess that's why you made the hilarious ASS-U-mption I am a Democrat.

I don't care if you vote Democrat or not, your ideas of expanding the economy are just as ignorant and coalesce with theirs for the most part.
Oh, agreed. We should really start with them. But right after that, then the EU. Then Japan. Then South Korea.
I’m not against international trade

Nor do I insist that America always have the trade surplus

Particularly when trading with friends and allies

Bit china is not pur friend and its a real threat to our economic health and freedom
The difference is that Democrats never whine about all this spending, while Republicans only whine when the president has a D after his name.

Yeah, the Democrats only whine about who should pay for all their spending. Of course it is never the people getting all the stuff, it is those of us footing the vast majority of the bill via higher taxes.
Yes, it should. YOur pretense that being a "capitalist" requires opposition to normal trade policy, is wrong.

nope, you are wrong and an authoritarian. You buy what you want and I will buy what I want.

Why should I be forced to by an inferior product at a higher price just because it was made here?

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