Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

From what i just heard on Fox they dont have mandates and the cadillac tax will be eliminated.
Lets see what the freedom caucus says about this bill. If it doesn't begin with what they passed last year i don't see why we should be excited about it
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Obamacare - It came directly from the Heritage Foundation in 1989.
I just finished reading i
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I just finished reading it and it is a shit burger.
According to "Congress Faggot Schumer",,,the new bill is racist and all Americans will eventually die or be viciously attacked by giant lobsters.
I just finished reading i
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I just finished reading it and it is a shit burger.

Just a smaller shit burger than Commie Care???
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Obamacare - It came directly from the Heritage Foundation in 1989.

The Heritage Foundation is a foundation--they are lot legislatures nor do they have any authority in our country. That straw man doesn't hold up in the wind.
From what i just heard on Fox they dont have mandates and the cadillac tax will be eliminated.

The most important is getting rid of the fines that have stressed our job creators and steals money from everyday citizens. The federal government has kept billions of dollars in tax refunds because of this idiotic un-american law.
No way it passes. The dems and far right won't go for it . Talk about irony ! Strange bed fellows indeedy!
I just finished reading i
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I just finished reading it and it is a shit burger.

Just a smaller shit burger than Commie Care???

You may not like it but they will never be able to simply take it all away. The Pub Bill dumps more Medicaid expense back on the states (go figure), it also lowers the qualification standards for Medicaid. The Bill emphasizes HSA's and High Deductible plans, they are also emphasizing Tax Credits. None of that will help those who can't afford anything in the first place, the cat is out of the bag here and it's not going back in.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.
I just finished reading i
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I just finished reading it and it is a shit burger.

Just a smaller shit burger than Commie Care???

You may not like it but they will never be able to simply take it all away. The Pub Bill dumps more Medicaid expense back on the states (go figure), it also lowers the qualification standards for Medicaid. The Bill emphasizes HSA's and High Deductible plans, they are also emphasizing Tax Credits. None of that will help those who can't afford anything in the first place, the cat is out of the bag here and it's not going back in.

I don't see it that way. I see this being debated for quite a long time until it's final version. Then it goes to the Senate for even more batting around.

Once they reveal everything they have on the table, then it's open for debate. But no matter what is in there this week, it's likely not to look anywhere near what it looks like today once passed into law.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.

So what's in the mandate? All people did was ignore it, got a waiver, or just let the government keep their income tax refund check. I wouldn't doubt people restructured their taxes so they don't get a refund, that way the IRS has nothing to keep.

I haven't suffered the loss of one refund check yet. I file for a waiver, they send me the number, and I'm free and clear from paying any kind of penalty.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.

So what's in the mandate? All people did was ignore it, got a waiver, or just let the government keep their income tax refund check. I wouldn't doubt people restructured their taxes so they don't get a refund, that way the IRS has nothing to keep.

I haven't suffered the loss of one refund check yet. I file for a waiver, they send me the number, and I'm free and clear from paying any kind of penalty.

It doesn't mean they won't ever show up at your door to collect. But again the entire problem is, they're not addressing the cost of health care. It's just another plan, that will turn out to be another disaster, and then we'll get on this merry go round that when Democrats take over they'll trash this plan write another plan, again not addressing the issue--and this will go on forever. All the while premiums are skyrocketing until there comes a point where no one can afford it.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.

So what's in the mandate? All people did was ignore it, got a waiver, or just let the government keep their income tax refund check. I wouldn't doubt people restructured their taxes so they don't get a refund, that way the IRS has nothing to keep.

I haven't suffered the loss of one refund check yet. I file for a waiver, they send me the number, and I'm free and clear from paying any kind of penalty.

It doesn't mean they won't ever show up at your door to collect. But again the entire problem is, they're not addressing the cost of health care. It's just another plan, that will turn out to be another disaster, and then we'll get on this merry go round that when Democrats take over they'll trash this plan write another plan, again not addressing the issue--and this will go on forever. All the while premiums are skyrocketing until there comes a point where no one can afford it.

Well......... Isn't that happening under Commie Care? Premium rates doubled this year alone in Arizona.

You complain about no cost cutting measures, but there were none in Commie Care either, and I'm sure you had no problem with that.

At least the Republicans are addressing some of the cost problems. For one, a healthcare savings account. If you read any stories with interviews of insurance company big-wigs, they say how these nickel and dime doctors visits cost them a ton of money. A doctors visit is around $75.00. The provider has to send the paperwork to the insurance company, it has to be reviewed, then they have to process the paperwork and payment back to the provider. It costs more in paperwork pushing than the doctors fee itself.

But again, I anxiously await the final proposal to see how many costs cutting measures are actually in there.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Funny, they're forced to buy a product they "don't want", like people don't want healthcare. Er..... They can't afford healthcare, doesn't mean they don't want it.

Maybe if they made healthcare cheaper, by having a proper system that doesn't require people to pay ridiculous amounts of money for profits for unnecessary people, or for corruption, then they'd actually "want" healthcare.

There are people that don't want insurance. Some hospitals cover their own employees with their own services. Do you think that Trump, Gates, or Soros need insurance plans?

There are a lot of things that contribute to the cost of healthcare. Probably one of the largest is government. Government only pays about two thirds of the bill for their patients. Hospitals and doctors recoup the loss by increased pricing that leads to huge premium increases every year for private insurance patients. They also create countless regulations for the provider and insurance companies alike.

Sent from my iPhone using

No, it's not that they don't want insurance, it's that they want healthcare, and if they're getting healthcare, then they're happy.

The problem here is that they've created this whole massive expensive system that they can siphon money out of at will, and they don't want it to change.

No, Trump doesn't need an insurance plan because he can afford to deal with any issue that comes along. But that isn't my point. I'm not making a case for demanding that people have insurance. I'm making the case that people get HEALTHCARE. Do you see the difference here?

Yes, there are lots of things that cost money in healthcare, like dealing with patients and treating them. Cancer costs, on average, something like $55,000 per person, half of this is out patient care. That's not the point.

The UK NHS costs half the US system. The US federal govt actually spends about the same on healthcare as the UK govt does. And yet for that money the UK gets a comprehensive system that will treat and UK resident. The US gets what? A system that will leave millions to rot and die. How come?

The other half of the money in the US comes from insurance. US citizens and residents pay the same amount of money for their insurance as UK citizens and residents pay in taxes for their healthcare.

US citizens pay 7% their healthcare insurance money just on the insurance company, so it can employ people to do an unnecessary job (the job hardly exists in the UK) and for the profits for a company that doesn't need to exist, and doesn't act in the interests of the patients, but in the interests of the hospitals who take a percentage of that money, the pharma companies who charge way too much because they can get away with it in the US, and the doctors taking a cut through corruption etc etc etc etc.

How anyone can be happy to be pay something like 40%-50% of their insurance money for NOTHING USEFUL I will never know.
But that isn't my point. I'm not making a case for demanding that people have insurance. I'm making the case that people get HEALTHCARE. Do you see the difference here?

No, I don't. In this country, you need insurance in order to get any major healthcare unless it's an emergency situation. The two are directly related.

The UK NHS costs half the US system. The US federal govt actually spends about the same on healthcare as the UK govt does. And yet for that money the UK gets a comprehensive system that will treat and UK resident. The US gets what? A system that will leave millions to rot and die. How come?

The US is the innovator of new medical technology. You can't get much of that in Socialist care countries. Sure, after we come out with new procedures, new medication, new technologies, they can come along and steal it, but they can't create it.

Canada spends a billion dollars a year to pay for the care of their citizens that come here because they can't get treated there. As a truck driver up north, I get to discuss this subject with many Canadian drivers. The younger men boast about their healthcare system. The older ones? They told me to keep what we have if we can.

I'ma patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and let me tell you, when you go to the Clinic, you are the one that feels like the foreigner. Doctors and patients alike are all from other countries--yes, those social healthcare countries. It's like walking into the UN.

We have the best care in the world. Because we pay our doctors so well, we have the best doctors in the world. So having the best care is not the issue; we have the best care. The problem we have is that the best care costs a lot of money.

US citizens pay 7% their healthcare insurance money just on the insurance company, so it can employ people to do an unnecessary job (the job hardly exists in the UK) and for the profits for a company that doesn't need to exist, and doesn't act in the interests of the patients, but in the interests of the hospitals who take a percentage of that money, the pharma companies who charge way too much because they can get away with it in the US, and the doctors taking a cut through corruption etc etc etc etc.

How anyone can be happy to be pay something like 40%-50% of their insurance money for NOTHING USEFUL I will never know.

Then let me ask, why do you have car insurance? Why do you have renters or house insurance?

Up until Commie Care came along, insurance companies would take your premium money, invest it to offset the claim costs, and provide a service to you. Insurance companies are not the problem. The problem is government, regulations, and educational costs. Unions of past played a huge role in educational costs because kids out of school didn't want to invests tens of thousands of dollars only to make as much as an assembly line worker at GM, or a UPS driver, or a steel worker.

If the government is so efficient with our money, why does it cost us billions in fraud every year for government programs? If the government was so efficient with our healthcare money, why did they hire private insurance to handle government claims and pay their bills?
But that isn't my point. I'm not making a case for demanding that people have insurance. I'm making the case that people get HEALTHCARE. Do you see the difference here?

No, I don't. In this country, you need insurance in order to get any major healthcare unless it's an emergency situation. The two are directly related.

The UK NHS costs half the US system. The US federal govt actually spends about the same on healthcare as the UK govt does. And yet for that money the UK gets a comprehensive system that will treat and UK resident. The US gets what? A system that will leave millions to rot and die. How come?

The US is the innovator of new medical technology. You can't get much of that in Socialist care countries. Sure, after we come out with new procedures, new medication, new technologies, they can come along and steal it, but they can't create it.

Canada spends a billion dollars a year to pay for the care of their citizens that come here because they can't get treated there. As a truck driver up north, I get to discuss this subject with many Canadian drivers. The younger men boast about their healthcare system. The older ones? They told me to keep what we have if we can.

I'ma patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic, and let me tell you, when you go to the Clinic, you are the one that feels like the foreigner. Doctors and patients alike are all from other countries--yes, those social healthcare countries. It's like walking into the UN.

We have the best care in the world. Because we pay our doctors so well, we have the best doctors in the world. So having the best care is not the issue; we have the best care. The problem we have is that the best care costs a lot of money.

US citizens pay 7% their healthcare insurance money just on the insurance company, so it can employ people to do an unnecessary job (the job hardly exists in the UK) and for the profits for a company that doesn't need to exist, and doesn't act in the interests of the patients, but in the interests of the hospitals who take a percentage of that money, the pharma companies who charge way too much because they can get away with it in the US, and the doctors taking a cut through corruption etc etc etc etc.

How anyone can be happy to be pay something like 40%-50% of their insurance money for NOTHING USEFUL I will never know.

Then let me ask, why do you have car insurance? Why do you have renters or house insurance?

Up until Commie Care came along, insurance companies would take your premium money, invest it to offset the claim costs, and provide a service to you. Insurance companies are not the problem. The problem is government, regulations, and educational costs. Unions of past played a huge role in educational costs because kids out of school didn't want to invests tens of thousands of dollars only to make as much as an assembly line worker at GM, or a UPS driver, or a steel worker.

If the government is so efficient with our money, why does it cost us billions in fraud every year for government programs? If the government was so efficient with our healthcare money, why did they hire private insurance to handle government claims and pay their bills?

Just because in the US you need health insurance (unless you're rich enough to pay for it yourself) doesn't mean it has to be this way. This is the way they have set it up. And the government has set it up for the benefit of themselves and the rich people, and not the benefit of the people they're supposed to represent.

The two are directly related. However people don't want health insurance, they want health care. If someone didn't have to have health insurance to get health care, then they would do without it.

Yes, the US is big in the pharma industry. However some big companies are also European companies.

Top 25 Pharma Companies by Global Revenue - Top Pharma List - PMLiVE

Number 1 is Swiss
Number 2 American
Number 3 Swiss
Number 4 French
Number 5 American

So, two out of the top 5 are Americans.

The whole "Canadians come to the US to get healthcare" isn't necessarily true. There are some, but not many. I've seen the story, it's mostly fake.

Yes, the US has some of the best healthcare in the world, IF YOU AFFORD IT. A lot of people don't get the share in this. Other countries have better rates when it comes to different diseases, for what the US pays, twice as much, the healthcare isn't twice as good, in many cases inferior, and for the poor, it's shit.

I don't have car insurance, I don't have a car.

But there's a massive difference between your health and your car, or your home.

I didn't say the govt was so efficient, but neither is businesses. The Health care industry is not efficient, except at screwing you out of money.
I'm not in the health insurance industry, Joe, I'm....

Oh, whatever. You're going to just make stuff up anyway.

Whatever, you are in that whole shitty system where 99% of us work ourselves to death to make the 1% rich.

And you are fine with that. You just whine about political correctness.

Now how about addressing the point. How are all these non-value added things helping health care? HOw does Ed Hanaway's 9 figure retirement bonus help improve Cigna service at all. I mean, it sucked for Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant under his "redaction" policies to make Cigna more profitable.

You don't know what they are going to tell the insurance companies until the plan is laid out this week.

It kind of doesn't matter.

If you tell them that they have to insure people regardless of pre-existing condition - which is part of the plan unveiled today - but don't require people to buy insurance, you've pretty much created a system where people won't buy insurance until after they get sick.
Imagine the coverage we could offer to our bottom feeders if our average taxpayer paid 39.9%.
Make any sense to you? Should I explain further?

I'd rather pay for a bottom feeder to get medical care for a sick child than a rich person to get a $70,000 tax break for a dancing fucking horse. (which is what Mitt Romney had on his tax returns.)

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