Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

It is not as if this is an impossible task, after all, all the other first world industrial nations manage to have health care for their whole populations.

dot an I, cross a T and call it their plan ... ok fine, now SFU.
Tax credits to buy healthcare? lol, that's the mandate.

Tax credits are the same as subsidizes, will it go by income?? Or age? Remember we now have a 1:3 ratio difference in premiums from young to older adults, and they want 1:5 which means older people to young for Medicare will have much higher premiums. We only have a few major health insurance companies now, and they are not going to lower premiums. Once again health insurance companies will be in charge of what is covered, bend over and get ready to take it, and I'm not talking colonoscopy.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.

so by adding 20 million people we now have less?

how does that work?
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.
When, the date and the population and who did they poll include?
The rest or the world will catch up to our superior free market HC model soon.....

why should they? Our system is the one that has all the problems.. their systems are working just fine.

Germany has had universal health care since 1888.

Every system has its disadvantages if you study up on them, it's just a matter of what kind of disadvantages you are willing to tolerate.

People come here from all over the world to experience our great quality of healthcare. They can't get the quality of care they need in their Socialist system. Several years ago Canada started a private system separate from their government system. They too sell healthcare insurance for people that have the money to get better care.

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Big difference between heath care and health insurance, Homer

True, and we all know the wealthy can travel all over for healthcare.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
Is it going to be a repeat of "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"?
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
Is it going to be a repeat of "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"?

No, that was Commie Care. Many of us couldn't afford it.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.

so by adding 20 million people we now have less?

how does that work?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Actually, it'll never pass, because the insurance industry won't put up with it.

You've just told the insurance companies they have to honor cancerman's signing up for insurance the day before he starts treatment, with no one forcing healthy people to pay into it.
Your socialist single payer dream is over....move on.....
Not at all. The outrage at what the GOP plan does not do will hasten the day that we get a sane health care system. After all, these systems are working in every other first world industrial nation. Working to the point they have higher healthy life expectancies, and lower infant mortality than we do.

Except for the fact it's not always related to healthcare.

We have a huge drug problem in this country unlike others. People who are hooked on opiate drugs can't stop using them even during pregnancy. In the United States, if a baby is born and takes one breath before it dies, it's considered a death. In some countries, they don't include those babies in their statistics and some up to a couple of weeks old.

The US has a much higher auto death ratio than other countries because most of us drive. We have more murders than most of those other countries as well.

Statistics are fine if they tell the whole truth. The real truth however is that there are many factors in our mortality rate than in other countries besides healthcare.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

It is not as if this is an impossible task, after all, all the other first world industrial nations manage to have health care for their whole populations.

Why should Republicans work night and day to construct a healthcare plan if there was no chance in hell of it seeing the light of day? Now that we are in the position to do something, it's time to work it out. There are several plans actually, but this week we will see what they came up with as a final result.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.

so by adding 20 million people we now have less?

how does that work?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
Yeah, because fewer Americans were unemployed before republican concessions to Wall Street tanked the economy.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
Is it going to be a repeat of "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"?

No, that was Commie Care. Many of us couldn't afford it.

Why not , if your income was low enough you'd get a subsidy, you are one who does not want to pay for HI, right? You would rather pay the fine. Loser.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

Prior to the ACA, 85% of the country had health insurance.

so by adding 20 million people we now have less?

how does that work?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
Yeah, because fewer Americans were unemployed before republican concessions to Wall Street tanked the economy.

Yes employers quit giving insurance and begun working people part time.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
Is it going to be a repeat of "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"?

No, that was Commie Care. Many of us couldn't afford it.

Why not , if your income was low enough you'd get a subsidy, you are one who does not want to pay for HI, right? You would rather pay the fine. Loser.

No, the people who got huge subsides were the lowlifes (likely Democrat voters) at the cost to the working class (likely Republican voters) and wealthy. If you make french fries for a living, the plans are cheap and affordable. If you are anywhere near the median income, you get screwed because the plans are not affordable.

This is what happens when Big Brother decides on how you should be living based on your income. They never ask what your car payment is, what your rent or mortgage payment is, how much your house insurance is, how much property tax you pay every year, if you are paying child support, if you are paying college loans for your children, nothing.

Big Brother says you make X, so you should be able to afford X. So it is said, so it is written.
Im going to be furious if its true the damn republicans keep the mandates and force people to pay the penalties to insurance companies and if they keep the taxes on high priced plans. They must be totally tone deaf. They can gain union support by eliminating the cadillac tax and they can get support from the base by eliminating mandates.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.
The whole goddamn THING was a mess.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

There are already several bills in congress. This means nothing.

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