Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

Bingo. But that won't stop them from making simplistic generalizations.

I'm trained on this horrific crap every year. Most people simply don't know what they're talking about.

Yes, your industry has made this so complex you need a Ouija board and a Hunting dog to figure it all out.

single payer. Government collects taxes, government pays bills.

Simple enough.

works fine in the rest of the world.
I'm not in the health insurance industry, Joe, I'm....

Oh, whatever. You're going to just make stuff up anyway.
The rest or the world will catch up to our superior free market HC model soon.....

why should they? Our system is the one that has all the problems.. their systems are working just fine.

Germany has had universal health care since 1888.

Every system has its disadvantages if you study up on them, it's just a matter of what kind of disadvantages you are willing to tolerate.

People come here from all over the world to experience our great quality of healthcare. They can't get the quality of care they need in their Socialist system. Several years ago Canada started a private system separate from their government system. They too sell healthcare insurance for people that have the money to get better care.

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So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Actually, it'll never pass, because the insurance industry won't put up with it.

You've just told the insurance companies they have to honor cancerman's signing up for insurance the day before he starts treatment, with no one forcing healthy people to pay into it.

You don't know what they are going to tell the insurance companies until the plan is laid out this week.

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Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
"Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy."
you dont know a phyucking thing about this bill Homer, so why not shut up until something is passed?
The rest or the world will catch up to our superior free market HC model soon.....

why should they? Our system is the one that has all the problems.. their systems are working just fine.

Germany has had universal health care since 1888.

Every system has its disadvantages if you study up on them, it's just a matter of what kind of disadvantages you are willing to tolerate.

People come here from all over the world to experience our great quality of healthcare. They can't get the quality of care they need in their Socialist system. Several years ago Canada started a private system separate from their government system. They too sell healthcare insurance for people that have the money to get better care.

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Big difference between heath care and health insurance, Homer
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Funny, they're forced to buy a product they "don't want", like people don't want healthcare. Er..... They can't afford healthcare, doesn't mean they don't want it.

Maybe if they made healthcare cheaper, by having a proper system that doesn't require people to pay ridiculous amounts of money for profits for unnecessary people, or for corruption, then they'd actually "want" healthcare.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Funny, they're forced to buy a product they "don't want", like people don't want healthcare. Er..... They can't afford healthcare, doesn't mean they don't want it.

Maybe if they made healthcare cheaper, by having a proper system that doesn't require people to pay ridiculous amounts of money for profits for unnecessary people, or for corruption, then they'd actually "want" healthcare.

There are people that don't want insurance. Some hospitals cover their own employees with their own services. Do you think that Trump, Gates, or Soros need insurance plans?

There are a lot of things that contribute to the cost of healthcare. Probably one of the largest is government. Government only pays about two thirds of the bill for their patients. Hospitals and doctors recoup the loss by increased pricing that leads to huge premium increases every year for private insurance patients. They also create countless regulations for the provider and insurance companies alike.

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The rest or the world will catch up to our superior free market HC model soon.....

why should they? Our system is the one that has all the problems.. their systems are working just fine.

Germany has had universal health care since 1888.

Every system has its disadvantages if you study up on them, it's just a matter of what kind of disadvantages you are willing to tolerate.

People come here from all over the world to experience our great quality of healthcare. They can't get the quality of care they need in their Socialist system. Several years ago Canada started a private system separate from their government system. They too sell healthcare insurance for people that have the money to get better care.

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Big difference between heath care and health insurance, Homer

That has nothing to do with my reply Clyde.

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Your socialist single payer dream is over....move on.....

Actually, it's inevitable... The sooner the private system collapses, the sooner people will demand one.
No....we threw a pretty big wrench into your fascist machine....the democrat party is on the brink of spectular collapse and it will not survive, freeing americans for several generations....

It's almost as if you're completely clueless as to the world you currently live in.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.
The rest or the world will catch up to our superior free market HC model soon.....

why should they? Our system is the one that has all the problems.. their systems are working just fine.

Germany has had universal health care since 1888.

Imagine the coverage we could offer to our bottom feeders if our average taxpayer paid 39.9%.
Make any sense to you? Should I explain further?
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
Who cares! Trump was tapped!!! (joke)
OK Republicans is all you have to do

Provide mandatory coverage of pre-existing conditions
No lifetime caps
Cover the 20 million people who got coverage under Obamacare
Be less expensive than Obamacare
Let people keep their doctors

You have been harping about the Trainwreck that Obamacare is.....Now show us something better
I'm trained on this horrific crap every year. Most people simply don't know what they're talking about.

When my father was diagnosed with brain cancer last year, and died this past January - Medicare was an absolute nightmare. Every single step of the way.
My mother's husband of 57 years was dying, sick and basically paralyzed the last 6 weeks and she had DAILY stress and aggravation dealing with Medicare. It was a nightmare.
The last thing I would ever want is for America to have "Expanded Medicare".
I am willing to bet the farm that this bill, if it passes, will not take effect until after the 2018 election.
theres no possible way Russian-Wingers can TOTALLY rewrite Obamacare, and they know it, thats why they are on record saying parts of ACA ..

Republicans plan my happy ass .. :laugh:
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.
The silly asses had 6 years in which to do this, why was it not ready on 20Jan17? And will it be the same as the way it was prior to the ACA? In other words, no way for about half the workers in the US to afford health insurance.

It is not as if this is an impossible task, after all, all the other first world industrial nations manage to have health care for their whole populations.
So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Actually, it'll never pass, because the insurance industry won't put up with it.

You've just told the insurance companies they have to honor cancerman's signing up for insurance the day before he starts treatment, with no one forcing healthy people to pay into it.
Your socialist single payer dream is over....move on.....
Not at all. The outrage at what the GOP plan does not do will hasten the day that we get a sane health care system. After all, these systems are working in every other first world industrial nation. Working to the point they have higher healthy life expectancies, and lower infant mortality than we do.

The GOP knows it can't piss off its "base", so we're going to get another Frankenstein's monster.

I'm dreading this. The Dems gave us a pig, the GOP will give us a pig with lipstick.

Exactly, it's going to be garbage that will continue to exacerbate the problem with health care costs in this country

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