Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

Except for the fact it's not always related to healthcare.

We have a huge drug problem in this country unlike others. People who are hooked on opiate drugs can't stop using them even during pregnancy. In the United States, if a baby is born and takes one breath before it dies, it's considered a death. In some countries, they don't include those babies in their statistics and some up to a couple of weeks old.

Guy, every country is counting infant mortality the same way. We have a higher one because poor people can't get pre-natal care.

The US has a much higher auto death ratio than other countries because most of us drive. We have more murders than most of those other countries as well.

Neither of which are high enough to move the life expectancy stat. Oh, yeah, France and Italy have higher traffic fatality rates than we do.
Why should Republicans work night and day to construct a healthcare plan if there was no chance in hell of it seeing the light of day? Now that we are in the position to do something, it's time to work it out. There are several plans actually, but this week we will see what they came up with as a final result.

Yup. We see it/ It's shit that won't pass because too many Republicans are afraid that Cleetus and Billy-Bob just figured out that the ACA they've gotten their health care through is the same thing as ObamaCare.
Once they reveal everything they have on the table, then it's open for debate. But no matter what is in there this week, it's likely not to look anywhere near what it looks like today once passed into law.

wow, ray, are you backpeddling fast. "Wait to you see what's in it...oh, wait, what's in it maintains most of Obamacare? Well, wait until you see what it finally ends up at!"
About what I expected as Republicans take insurance subsidies away from the working poor and eliminate taxes on the wealthy, insurance companies and big pharm

I thought they said they would offer something better than Obamacare?
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.
Ultimately, both parties are to blame for Obamacare 1.0 and 2.0, only in different ways.

Which one is more to blame, I don't give a crap.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.
Ultimately, both parties are to blame for Obamacare 1.0 and 2.0, only in different ways.

Which one is more to blame, I don't give a crap.

Don't get me wrong. Obamacare is a piece of shit. BUT, it's still better than what we had before Obamcare and it is based upon a Republican healthcare model. Republicans don't have better ideas because Obama implemented the best they had.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.
Ultimately, both parties are to blame for Obamacare 1.0 and 2.0, only in different ways.

Which one is more to blame, I don't give a crap.

Don't get me wrong. Obamacare is a piece of shit. BUT, it's still better than what we had before Obamcare and it is based upon a Republican healthcare model. Republicans don't have better ideas because Obama implemented the best they had.
On one hand, the Democrats were going to cram whatever it is through by the barest of margins. They created an administrative Frankenstein's monster that leaves us with seven different health care delivery/payment systems.

On the other, the Republicans bitched and moaned for eight years, telling us how much better than can do, and they ONCE AGAIN leave us with an administrative Frankenstein's monster with the same seven-headed hydra.

An equal-sized pox on both houses. They're both so fucking paralyzed by partisanship and fear of annoying their base and fear of angering their fundraisers that they are simply fucking incapable of doing this.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Obamacare - It came directly from the Heritage Foundation in 1989.

The Heritage Foundation is a foundation--they are lot legislatures nor do they have any authority in our country. That straw man doesn't hold up in the wind.

Yes, but you do concede that it is a conservative think tank, yes?
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Obamacare - It came directly from the Heritage Foundation in 1989.

The Heritage Foundation is a foundation--they are lot legislatures nor do they have any authority in our country. That straw man doesn't hold up in the wind.

Yes, but you do concede that it is a conservative think tank, yes?

Yes, I do. So does that mean if Mother Jones came out with a liberal idea that the Republicans adopted into law, and turned out to be a failure, it was the Democrats fault because Mother Jones first suggested it?
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.

Right, just like DumBama was against everything the Republicans wanted to do.
About what I expected as Republicans take insurance subsidies away from the working poor and eliminate taxes on the wealthy, insurance companies and big pharm

I thought they said they would offer something better than Obamacare?

Rand Paul said it best recently "If you give a person their money back, that's okay. When you give a person another persons money, that's an entitlement."
Once they reveal everything they have on the table, then it's open for debate. But no matter what is in there this week, it's likely not to look anywhere near what it looks like today once passed into law.

wow, ray, are you backpeddling fast. "Wait to you see what's in it...oh, wait, what's in it maintains most of Obamacare? Well, wait until you see what it finally ends up at!"

Welcome to this country Joe, but this is not my idea. This is what happens with every legislation including Commie Care. No backpedalling, just a basic understanding of how laws are created in this country.
Why should Republicans work night and day to construct a healthcare plan if there was no chance in hell of it seeing the light of day? Now that we are in the position to do something, it's time to work it out. There are several plans actually, but this week we will see what they came up with as a final result.

Yup. We see it/ It's shit that won't pass because too many Republicans are afraid that Cleetus and Billy-Bob just figured out that the ACA they've gotten their health care through is the same thing as ObamaCare.

I have no idea WTF you're talking about. Only a few uninformed liberal voters thought that the ACA was different from Commie Care.
Guy, every country is counting infant mortality the same way. We have a higher one because poor people can't get pre-natal care.

Nope, it has little to do with it. According to a report by NBC, our infant mortality rate is mostly caused by underweight babies and birth defects--not prenatal care. With our diet and drug usage in this country, it's not surprising either. They site underage girls having babies, women over 40, inducing labor way too early, and as pointed out, drugs, alcohol and tobacco use:

U.S. Infant Mortality Rate Stays High: Report

Neither of which are high enough to move the life expectancy stat. Oh, yeah, France and Italy have higher traffic fatality rates than we do.

Come on Joe, you know better than to lie to me. France has 5.1 fatalities per 100,000 people and Italy has 6.1 per 100,000 people. In the US, we have 10.6 per 100,000 people. That's over twice the French fatality rate:

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia
It kind of doesn't matter.

If you tell them that they have to insure people regardless of pre-existing condition - which is part of the plan unveiled today - but don't require people to buy insurance, you've pretty much created a system where people won't buy insurance until after they get sick.

Gee! And where have I heard that before???
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Obamacare - It came directly from the Heritage Foundation in 1989.

The Heritage Foundation is a foundation--they are lot legislatures nor do they have any authority in our country. That straw man doesn't hold up in the wind.

Yes, but you do concede that it is a conservative think tank, yes?

Yes, I do. So does that mean if Mother Jones came out with a liberal idea that the Republicans adopted into law, and turned out to be a failure, it was the Democrats fault because Mother Jones first suggested it?

Who cares? I believe some on the right would lay blame on the left in such a scenario because people are generally pretty dumb. However I don't see the relevance of your deflection. This plan was a Republican-conceived idea. Now that the Democrats ran with it, you calling it a 'piece of shit', a 'myth' and a 'strawman' seems a bit disingenuous, IMO.

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