Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

The GOP knows it can't piss off its "base", so we're going to get another Frankenstein's monster.

I'm dreading this. The Dems gave us a pig, the GOP will give us a pig with lipstick.

Exactly, it's going to be garbage that will continue to exacerbate the problem with health care costs in this country
The GOP'ers can't help themselves.....
After 8 years of promising a better plan........the only way to describe the Republican Plan is....FAIL
More like Paul Ryan introduced a health care bill not the Republicans.
Initial reviews call it ObamaCare Lite

Hey, you guys are screwed. You can't yank health care from 20 million people and then expect them to thank you.

You can if they don't vote for you anyhow. After all, that's what Dumbama did to us working people.

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They both screwed me, but it was the black guy that led the charge.

Don't blame the dynamite, blame the person that lit it's fuse.

Well, I thought your boss was the most wonderful guy in the world..

Or maybe you are figuring out that you got rid of the black guy,and your life still sucks because you live in Cleveland.

Yeah, Cleveland does suck, but just about anyplace run by liberal Democrats does.

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Welcome to this country Joe, but this is not my idea. This is what happens with every legislation including Commie Care. No backpedalling, just a basic understanding of how laws are created in this country.

Guy, you were saying, "wow, when this ObamaCare replacement comes out, it's going to be awesome" And now it's out, and basically dead on arrival. The far right is against it becuase poor people might get insurance, and moderates area against it because they know their constituents are going to lose coverage and vote their sorry asses out.

Again, 7 years of whining about how you were going to replace this, you'd think you'd have a plan ready to go...

You know, a plan other than "We don't like this plan because the Black Guy Did It."

No, we never said that, only you race baiters did. And I never said "Wow, this is going to be awesome!" You should see somebody to help separate the voices around you from the voices in your head.

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What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.

Right, just like DumBama was against everything the Republicans wanted to do.

False. He used their healthcare plan.
Wow, it's slowly sinking in.........slowly, but getting there.

Correct, I am not a Senator or representative. That's what I've been trying to explain to you! I'm not a representative, and neither is anybody at the Heritage foundation. Some authors view at the Heritage Foundation is no more of a Republican idea than mine is.

Again, it's a conservative think tank. Conservative = Republican 9 out of 10 times.

Republicans definitely could have, but didn't. Gah, you're hopelessly blinded by your partisan hackery.

And you are blinded by brainwashing. Democrats say--you believe. Don't question it, don't sit there and figure it out, just believe whatever it is they tell you to believe regardless if common sense prevails or not Then repeat over and over what you were instructed to say.

Democrats and Republicans say a lot of shit. I don't buy 99.9% of it. I don't know about you, but I'm far from carrying water for any mainstream political institution these days. I'm simply stating fact. If you believe history has a liberal bias, I can't help you.
What the GOP is avoiding telling their base is that a for-profit insurance company cannot accept people with pre-existing conditions, provide full coverage and keep costs down all at the same time. It will not work. You can not get there from here.

That's why people like the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system so much. Everyone's basic/preventive/diagnostic costs are covered by the plan. Then they buy up, via free market competition and innovation, plans that provide coverage that fills the gaps.

It's right there. It's up and running. But the partisans aren't allowed to admit it.
The plan we have in place now IS the Republican plan.

The Republican plan that was passed without a single Republican vote? Yeah, you guys keep trying to peddle that myth, but everyone knows who owns this piece of shit, hence the name, ObamaCare.

What was Obamacare modeled after? Just republicans didn't vote for, doesn't mean it didn't come from a Republican idea. Republicans voted against EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do...because OBSTRUCT.

Right, just like DumBama was against everything the Republicans wanted to do.

False. He used their healthcare plan.

Great, another one being pulled by the strings.
Ultimately, both parties are to blame for Obamacare 1.0 and 2.0, only in different ways.

Which one is more to blame, I don't give a crap.

Maybe you should. I have more respect for the party that tried to do something to fix the problem, than the one that obstructed a plan that they previously supported because the Black Guy wanted it.

The fact you can't see the difference is telling.

The biggest mistake the Democrats made with ObamaCare was thinking that if they threw a few bones to private enterprise, they could get the Republicans to sign on for the good of the country.

So what you have is a bunch of White Trash who have suddenly figured out that the "Affordable Care Act" is the same thing as ObamaCare, and they are about to get their insurance cancelled, but they just can't STAND the thought of Obama having a legacy.

He does have a legacy, it's called Failure.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.

Insurance is part of the problem? Yes it is, but is it any cheaper hiring government employees to do the same job? Probably not. Given the fraud that takes place in government programs, it would probably be more of a loss. It's just that you wouldn't see it because you'd never get a bill for it. Just add it to the 20 trillion in debt we already have.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.

Insurance is part of the problem? Yes it is, but is it any cheaper hiring government employees to do the same job? Probably not. Given the fraud that takes place in government programs, it would probably be more of a loss. It's just that you wouldn't see it because you'd never get a bill for it. Just add it to the 20 trillion in debt we already have.

But as I've said from the beginning, insurance just isn't necessary. Cut it out, get rid of it. Why do you need it at all? Just have people turn up to hospital and get treated. Its will save you 7%.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.

Insurance is part of the problem? Yes it is, but is it any cheaper hiring government employees to do the same job? Probably not. Given the fraud that takes place in government programs, it would probably be more of a loss. It's just that you wouldn't see it because you'd never get a bill for it. Just add it to the 20 trillion in debt we already have.

But as I've said from the beginning, insurance just isn't necessary. Cut it out, get rid of it. Why do you need it at all? Just have people turn up to hospital and get treated. Its will save you 7%.

So who's going to pay the people at the hospital? They have to bill somebody. People have to keep records of what's going on; why you were admitted; who treated you and so on.

And before you say government should just take care of everything, that's not going to happen. Trial lawyers are big contributors to the Democrat party come election time. Government run facilities can't be sued and neither can their employees.
So how is it then, that with private healthcare, healthcare costs TWICE as much as other countries? You seem to be saying it should be cheap, but it's the most expensive in the world. Somewhere in your logic, something is very wrong.

Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.

Insurance is part of the problem? Yes it is, but is it any cheaper hiring government employees to do the same job? Probably not. Given the fraud that takes place in government programs, it would probably be more of a loss. It's just that you wouldn't see it because you'd never get a bill for it. Just add it to the 20 trillion in debt we already have.

But as I've said from the beginning, insurance just isn't necessary. Cut it out, get rid of it. Why do you need it at all? Just have people turn up to hospital and get treated. Its will save you 7%.

So who's going to pay the people at the hospital? They have to bill somebody. People have to keep records of what's going on; why you were admitted; who treated you and so on.

And before you say government should just take care of everything, that's not going to happen. Trial lawyers are big contributors to the Democrat party come election time. Government run facilities can't be sued and neither can their employees.

Who is going to pay? The government is going to pay.

You say it's not going to happen. It's been happening since the 1950s in the UK.

Yes, the US isn't run by the people for the people, it's run by special interests for special interests. Except, you vote for this shit, and yet you keep voting for this shit, and your argument is "we can't change it, so let's not bother". Oh, wow.
You can if they don't vote for you anyhow. After all, that's what Dumbama did to us working people.

Guy, nobody is fucking you working people except for your 1% bosses who've figured out you can be replaced with a machine.

He does have a legacy, it's called Failure.

actually, he's probably going to be well-regarded in the future, having failed presidents on either side of him.

Kind of like Reagan or Lincoln are.
Insurance merely provides a service just like your car and house insurance. The cost isn't because of insurance companies, the cost is in medical care itself. If the Republicans outlawed insurance companies altogether, people still wouldn't' be able to afford healthcare.

In fact, back when I was in the field, Medicare hired Prudential Insurance to handle their claims. The government finally figured out that private insurance can process billing much more efficiently. In the insurance structure, there is fraud detection. You don't have that in government so government is an easy target for thieves and scammers.

Medicare is going broke. Medicaid is the largest expenditure for most states, and there's no insurance involved.

If we are to deal with the cost problem, insurance companies should be about 20th on the list. Government should be at the top of that list.

Again, the cost in the US is TWICE AS MUCH. Your claims would indicate that it would be cheaper. It is not.

Clearly there is something wrong, and Insurance is a part of that problem.

Insurance is part of the problem? Yes it is, but is it any cheaper hiring government employees to do the same job? Probably not. Given the fraud that takes place in government programs, it would probably be more of a loss. It's just that you wouldn't see it because you'd never get a bill for it. Just add it to the 20 trillion in debt we already have.

But as I've said from the beginning, insurance just isn't necessary. Cut it out, get rid of it. Why do you need it at all? Just have people turn up to hospital and get treated. Its will save you 7%.

So who's going to pay the people at the hospital? They have to bill somebody. People have to keep records of what's going on; why you were admitted; who treated you and so on.

And before you say government should just take care of everything, that's not going to happen. Trial lawyers are big contributors to the Democrat party come election time. Government run facilities can't be sued and neither can their employees.

Who is going to pay? The government is going to pay.

You say it's not going to happen. It's been happening since the 1950s in the UK.

Yes, the US isn't run by the people for the people, it's run by special interests for special interests. Except, you vote for this shit, and yet you keep voting for this shit, and your argument is "we can't change it, so let's not bother". Oh, wow.

We are trying to change it. What do you think we are doing now?

So government pays the providers. Then government grows larger and larger because they would have to hire people to do the work insurance companies used to do. So where is the savings? That's besides the fact that when Democrats gain leadership again, they will load the system with more red tape because the more people we have working for government, the more likely Democrat voters.

Thinking you can lower healthcare cost by attacking insurance companies is like thinking you can help put out a three alarm house fire by pissing on it.

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Guy, nobody is fucking you working people except for your 1% bosses who've figured out you can be replaced with a machine.

Nah, it's the one-percenters who call our company (or our other customers) and give us work.

I told you before Joe, if we took all the poor people in this country, put them on an island somewhere, not only would nobody miss them, but it would benefit our country greatly. But if you took all the wealthy people in this country, put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses.
So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

Actually, it'll never pass, because the insurance industry won't put up with it.

You've just told the insurance companies they have to honor cancerman's signing up for insurance the day before he starts treatment, with no one forcing healthy people to pay into it.
Your socialist single payer dream is over....move on.....

Trumpovitch is ashamed of his health care bill.....
He cringes at the name Trumpcare. If you don't want to sign your work, you must be ashamed of it.

Why isn't he proud of his efforts to strip 20,000,000 people of their health care insurance?
Trumpovitch is ashamed of his health care bill.....
He cringes at the name Trumpcare. If you don't want to sign your work, you must be ashamed of it.

Why isn't he proud of his efforts to strip 20,000,000 people of their health care insurance?

There isn't 20 million people.

The Obama administration claims 20 million more Americans today have health care due to Obamacare. But that is based on six years of survey data, not actual sign-ups. The reality is that when you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the numberis 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84 percent) were people given the “gift” of Medicaid.

Why Obamacare's ‘20 Million’ Number Is Fake

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