Republicans love to claim they're "pro-family." Do they support any of these "socialist" pro-family policies?

Yes, Trump offered to by any excess comodities from farmers adversely affected by tariffs.

No, he gave them billions. And you wonder why I dismiss your arguments.

Democrats on the other hand are building a socialist economy by pumping trillions into their newly created renewable heavy industry.

Certainly the $100 trillion renewable heavy industry is a fast transit bullet train rocketing towards socialism

Socialism is socialism, be is Democrats or Trump and the Republicans.
I love how right wingers are always ready to dismiss any government program which helps poor people get a better education as both unnecessary, and humiliating. Like maternity leave with job security. Or computers for the kids to take home. Anything to help poor people will be shot down by right wingers faster than you can say "tax cuts for billionaires".

No it most certainly does not. It's a boon to working families, both in knowing that their children are well cared for, and safe while they're working .

But this idea that government services are "degrading" to the user is downright assinine. Every family wants to provide early childhood education for their children, as a head start to their schooling. But these schools are expensive.

We have a $500 per month child tax credit in Canada to help with the cost of raising children. Something that Joe Manchon refused to support. I love how billionaires with fast Italian cars have this much power over the life of every poor child in America.

You're not American.

You have no say and no standing.

Worry about your own shithole of a country, shamefully founded in cowardice and submission before the same tyrant in whose defeat America was founded.
The party that sold its soul for Donald Trump and Herschel Walker has forfeited any claims to morality that it thought it had.

As if anyone aligned with the party that now openly supports the abusive sexual grooming, brainwashing, and exploitation of young children, has any standing at all to speak of morality.
Everything you listed could be dealt with on the State level and doesn’t need the Federal Government to do what the State should be doing for it Citizens if the Citizens of that State want those things…
I love how right wingers are always ready to dismiss any government program which helps poor people get a better education as both unnecessary, and humiliating. Like maternity leave with job security. Or computers for the kids to take home. Anything to help poor people will be shot down by right wingers faster than you can say "tax cuts for billionaires".

No it most certainly does not. It's a boon to working families, both in knowing that their children are well cared for, and safe while they're working .

But this idea that government services are "degrading" to the user is downright assinine. Every family wants to provide early childhood education for their children, as a head start to their schooling. But these schools are expensive.

We have a $500 per month child tax credit in Canada to help with the cost of raising children. Something that Joe Manchon refused to support. I love how billionaires with fast Italian cars have this much power over the life of every poor child in America.
A State can pass laws to give their citizens all this, so ask yourself why haven’t they?

Let see if you are honesty enough to answer and my guess you lack the knowledge to know a State can pass Social Welfare Programs that benefits their citizens and doesn’t need the Federal Government approval.
No, he gave them billions. And you wonder why I dismiss your arguments
You are funny, I paraphrased your article that you linked to!

You have just stated you dismiss the facts in your link!!!

Let me quote directly from your link

The administration's plan is expected to use two commodity support programs in the farm bill, as well as the Agriculture Department’s broad authority to stabilize the agricultural economy during times of turmoil by buying up excess supply.
I imagine if I asked you to explain it, it would be about the same as my asking you to explain your daycare ideas.
How would anyone go about explaining federal central planning for grocery stores, clothing retailers, and restaurants?

Perhaps not truly relevant, but your remark made me think of a story about a time, when a then-obscure Soviet official visited the United States, and of the profound effect that a visit to a common grocery store ended up having on him.

“When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people,. That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it.”
Yeltsin, then 58, “roamed the aisles of Randall’s nodding his head in amazement." He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, “there would be a revolution.”

“Even the Politburo doesn’t have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev,”
he said.​
You are funny, I paraphrased your article that you linked to!

You have just stated you dismiss the facts in your link!!!

Let me quote directly from your link

Billions in Socialism. I'd say it was on the back of taxpayers but it was done with debt.
Explain how it was twisted. I simply quoted it.

No need.

It is clear enough what Jesus meant, and it is also clear how what He meant is very different from what you are trying to force it to mean.

Jesus never advocated theft. It is blasphemy for you to cite Him in a such a manner, and to try to suggest that He would support the evil that you are trying to promote.
Billions in Socialism. I'd say it was on the back of taxpayers but it was done with debt.
Yet gas cost less than $2 a gallon, food was cheap, jobs were coming back to america, troops were safely coming home, all at a fraction of the cost of what democrats have spent just this year alone
No need.

It is clear enough what Jesus meant, and it is also clear how what He meant is very different from what you are trying to force it to mean.

Jesus never advocated theft. It is blasphemy for you to cite Him in a such a manner, and to try to suggest that He would support the evil that you are trying to promote.

I reject your premise.
Yet gas cost less than $2 a gallon, food was cheap, jobs were coming back to america, troops were safely coming home, all at a fraction of the cost of what democrats have spent just this year alone

Another post where someone is clamoring for COVID shut downs again.

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