Republicans now stand for lawlessness and disorder

It was an unfortunate position by the fringe which was repudiated by the actual left. It too nuanced for a slogan however, which I know righties love. No democratic leader embraces that. These fringe women meant well but it’s like throwing the baby out cuz the bath water is dirty. Bad ideas.
Defunding the police is apropos.

Why the hell are citizens paying upwards of 50% of their taxes to cops who aren't doing their jobs?

The money can and should be better spent elsewhere.
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Unfortunately for them, the dems can't walk back the defund the police comments by Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
It was an unfortunate position by the fringe which was repudiated by the actual left. It too nuanced for a slogan however, which I know righties love. No democratic leader embraces that. These fringe women meant well but it’s like throwing the baby out cuz the bath water is dirty. Bad ideas.
Everyone who sees through your bullshit is on the fringe.
That makes no sense. The claim was defund the police was destructive. I agreed and pointed to the elements responsible.
Excellent piece in the WaPo about the Republican approach to law. Say what you want about Republicans but they sure know how to navigate over the edges of ethics and law.

Republicans, once upon a time, fancied themselves as defenders of “law and order.” The essence of the hackneyed phrase was that the law should be dependable, apply impartially and act as a restraint on those in power. Courts were to respect precedent so individuals and civil society could rely on predictable laws. Unlike dictatorships, where “law” is a flimsy facade that autocrats use to further their interests and to intimidate and confuse opponents, Western democracies, conservatives once boasted, delinked the power of the ruler from the operation of the law, making the latter supreme.

No more. Since the disgraced former president took office, Republicans have adopted a different notion of the law. They seek to render it unpredictable, increase the discretion of the state (when their side is in control), and attempt to accomplish what would otherwise be politically untenable through misdirection and harassment

In short, Republicans are taking refuge in Kafkaesque rule-making that empowers individuals and state authorities to harass, intimidate and confuse Americans attempting to exercise their fundamental rights. The law becomes a partisan tool to wage against opponents and to further otherwise unpopular social objectives (e.g., criminalizing abortion). It is a recipe for partisan legal administration and election nullification. If they cannot win elections and defend their policy objectives, Republicans appear willing to burn down democratic elections and “equal justice under the law.”
Your disorders have nothing to do with Republicans or Trump. They are your own pathology.
A bullshit partisan OP with no examples aside from trying to pin 1/6 on Trump <again>.
Look at the big blue cities becoming unlivable due to the rampant crime, and then compare that lawlessness to the 1/6 protest, while totally ignoring all of the blm/antifa riots of 2020.

We'll find out in 2022 and 2024 what kind of country voters want to live in.
Of course it’s partisan but that doesn’t make it wrong.

Crime rose all over the country, not just blue cities. It had more to do with abdication of police and the pandemic than any policies of “defund the police” given that the police weren’t really defunded. Most of the police got more funding.

The point being that Republicans don’t object to their political opponents being prosecuted, but a lot of them raise hell when they get prosecuted. It’s a double standard.

It had more to do with abdication of police

Why would the police "abdicate"?
Because, at least for a lot of them it would seem, they don’t really care that much.

Why did they suddenly stop caring that much?
It was an unfortunate position by the fringe which was repudiated by the actual left. It too nuanced for a slogan however, which I know righties love. No democratic leader embraces that. These fringe women meant well but it’s like throwing the baby out cuz the bath water is dirty. Bad ideas.
Defending the police is apropos.

Why the hell are citizens paying upwards of 50% of their taxes to cops who aren't doing their jobs?

The money can and should be better spent elsewhere.
Metal health spending would reduce the need for police over time, sure. But the short term action should be spending more on police issues that make a difference. Better trained police and more accountability within it would go a long way.
It was an unfortunate position by the fringe which was repudiated by the actual left. It too nuanced for a slogan however, which I know righties love. No democratic leader embraces that. These fringe women meant well but it’s like throwing the baby out cuz the bath water is dirty. Bad ideas.
Defending the police is apropos.

Why the hell are citizens paying upwards of 50% of their taxes to cops who aren't doing their jobs?

The money can and should be better spent elsewhere.
Metal health spending would reduce the need for police over time, sure. But the short term action should be spending more on police issues that make a difference. Better trained police and more accountability within it would go a long way.

Metal health spending would reduce the need for police over time


Maybe, but it could damage your hearing.
Metal health spending would reduce the need for police over time, sure. But the short term action should be spending more on police issues that make a difference. Better trained police and more accountability within it would go a long way.
You can't train their systemic issues away. The problem is serious.
Because they've been attacked by liberals.
They wouldn’t be attacked if they didn’t keep doing bad things. Or at least, if there were actual accountability for when they did do bad things.

The good police have far more interest in accountability than letting the bad ones go. is just more left wing knuttbag delusions.....
Barry the Magnificent raped the constitution for 8 years.
Pelosi undermined our democracy with her bogus impeachments and fake Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
The Democrats violated everyone's Right to Vote with their 2020 Election Rigging Scandal.
Republicans are the law and order party.
Democrats are the defund the police party.
Well, yeah. Take Philando Castille. Dude was just driving home from picking up groceries minding his own business. Cop thinks his nose looks like the nose of a guy who robbed a store a week prior so pulls him over.

Castille says he has a firearm, cop says okay. Cop wants his ID. Castille reaches for his ID and seconds later the cop shoots him.

Totally senseless violence.
Because they have been losing public support after many years of not being very accountable for their actions.
Citizens are absolutely fed up with the incompetence and corruption of the police.

We're going to see a lot more of them getting convicted by their peers whenever they violate the citizen's trust.
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Because they've been attacked by liberals.
They wouldn’t be attacked if they didn’t keep doing bad things. Or at least, if there were actual accountability for when they did do bad things.

The good police have far more interest in accountability than letting the bad ones go.

They wouldn’t be attacked if they didn’t keep doing bad things.

Which of these Chicago police, who had frozen waterbottles thrown at them......did bad things?

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