Republicans prove they are NOT the party of law and order!

Ah, I get it. You're one of "those" people.....people who like pointing out problems, but, too god****ed lazy to do anything about it
Yeah maybe I should follow your example and spend more time on Internet message boards ranting and raving about how evil "the other" political crime family is.

I'm sure that'll solve a lot of problems. :rolleyes:

Pretty hard to take you seriously......when you aren't willing to lift a finger to change anything.
That's only fair since I've never taken you seriously, you appear to be just another mindless partisan drone that provides a modicum of comedic relief and nothing more, a nickel a bushel, 4 cents on Sundays.

"The question of who is right and who is wrong has seemed to me always too small to be worth a moment's thought, while the question of what is right and what is wrong has seemed all-important." -- Albert J. Nock
It is impossible to watch the political spectacle yesterday in the "questioning" of Strzok and somehow try to consider Republicans to be the 'party of law and order'. Republicans, purely for political purposes, disparaged the entire FBI and called into question what the FBI does and what they stand for...and did so PURELY for a political reality TV show.

The new brand of Republican is a group of spineless clowns who bow down to their authoritarian leader. There has to be some responsible Republicans out there that can call obvious partisan politics for what it is...isn't there?

The FBI leadership is a bunch of partisan hacks. They are absolute failures, beyond being horrible people, they suck at their job. Every American should be concerned.

They allowed Clinton to destroy evidence and then helped her do it. Who the fuck destroys the evidence in an investigation?

FBI agreed to destroy evidence in Clinton email investigation immunity deals
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It is impossible to watch the political spectacle yesterday in the "questioning" of Strzok and somehow try to consider Republicans to be the 'party of law and order'. Republicans, purely for political purposes, disparaged the entire FBI and called into question what the FBI does and what they stand for...and did so PURELY for a political reality TV show.

The new brand of Republican is a group of spineless clowns who bow down to their authoritarian leader. There has to be some responsible Republicans out there that can call obvious partisan politics for what it is...isn't there?

Wait. The man in charge of investigating Trump and Clinton injected politics into theses investigations and you're suggesting it's the Republicans who are investigating for political purposes and disparaging the FBI?

Cool twist.

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