Republicans really don’t understand poverty in America

You've seen this proposal to cut social services?

I must have missed that .... unless, of course ....
You miss a lot of things. Simply requiring a work ethic for social services is a "cut in services".
Is that right? How do you figure that?

How does "requiring a work ethic" constitute a "cut in services"? That's nonsensical.
Employment is at will in any at-will employment State. Simply requiring a work ethic is unlawful.

Why not simply "change management" that cannot win wars on any given abstraction such as crime, drugs, or terror?

A work ethic from labor cannot solve all of our problems.

You just completely ignored your last schooling, didn't you?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
They should have been born to wealthy parents like our President

You think that makes any difference at all? My best friend is a self made millionaire who was born of middle class parents who divorced while he was a toddler. He busted his ass for years working 80 hours a week during his 20s, while everyone else was out partying, to start up his business and provide a supplemental income until it got off the ground. He worked eight to nine hours during the day building up his agency and then worked five nights a week as a bartender for several years until the agency made enough money that he was able to quit the night job. Now he's one of the top agents in the country for the company he's franchised under. I make a pretty good living, but I'm nowhere near millionaire status. I also didn't pursue the route he did, but I did get a post high school education and graduate degree, so my wife and I are doing well enough. We have a decent size house in a nice neighborhood and two new cars. We take at least one vacation each year, usually abroad, and my son goes to a private school. I'm not complaining. Again, I also made the right choices to get here and worked hard for it.

Few people are victims of chance. I can look at everybody who I'm still in touch with via social media from high school and whether or successful or struggling, I can tell you exactly how they got there, because it was ultimately their own decision. Yes, shit happens sometimes. Illness can strike, accidents can happen and fuck everything up for you, but by and large your lot in life is determined by the choices you made. Sure, some people like Trump are born into wealth and may have it easier. That's life. Deal with it, snowflake. There are also some people like Ben Carson who are born into what you consider poverty and turn out to be a neurosurgeon and a member of the presidential cabinet despite growing up black in an era of racial discrimination. Then there are those like the Menendez Brothers who are born into wealth and privilege and then spend the rest of lives rotting in prison for murdering their parents.

If you want to solve your delusion of "poverty" in this country stop excusing people's failures and irresponsibility and expecting everyone else who made better choices to pick up the tab for them. Instead, start demanding accountability for one's actions.
Very, very few people rise from poverty to wealth anymore

The American Dream has been throttled. Movement between classes is at its lowest in a hundred years

You're right about the movement ... but you clearly have not even an iota of WHY it's happening.

Frankly, YOU are the problem.
Message board posters are preventing upward mobility?
Stupid is as stupid does.
This has got to be the only country in the world where living in poverty includes things like flat screen tv’s., air conditioning, cell phones, xboxes, cars and being overweight. If the Democrats are so worried about the people who are living in poverty in this country why are they so determined to import millions of immigrants that have no hope of living in anything but poverty. Wouldn’t those resources be better used to help the Americans living in poverty that they are so worried about?
Christ dude you are talking about one-time purchases. Obviously poor people occasionally are going to buy stuff like X boxes. God forbid they spend money on entertaining themselves! Getting a tax return every year makes this easy.

Healthcare and child support are of course very expensive and are on-going expenses on a month to month basis. That takes up a huge part of their income.

Also, the reason why poor people can be overweight isn’t because they get enough food per day, it’s because junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive. It’s not like these people can afford all of the basic food groups on a daily basis. As a result, they eat food high in fat and carbohydrates which in turn causes obesity.

Dont have children you cant afford.

And no,junk food is much more expensive than healthy foods they're just too lazy to cook.
You miss a lot of things. Simply requiring a work ethic for social services is a "cut in services".
Is that right? How do you figure that?

How does "requiring a work ethic" constitute a "cut in services"? That's nonsensical.
Employment is at will in any at-will employment State. Simply requiring a work ethic is unlawful.

Why not simply "change management" that cannot win wars on any given abstraction such as crime, drugs, or terror?

A work ethic from labor cannot solve all of our problems.

You just completely ignored your last schooling, didn't you?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.
Is that right? How do you figure that?

How does "requiring a work ethic" constitute a "cut in services"? That's nonsensical.
Employment is at will in any at-will employment State. Simply requiring a work ethic is unlawful.

Why not simply "change management" that cannot win wars on any given abstraction such as crime, drugs, or terror?

A work ethic from labor cannot solve all of our problems.

You just completely ignored your last schooling, didn't you?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
You think that makes any difference at all? My best friend is a self made millionaire who was born of middle class parents who divorced while he was a toddler. He busted his ass for years working 80 hours a week during his 20s, while everyone else was out partying, to start up his business and provide a supplemental income until it got off the ground. He worked eight to nine hours during the day building up his agency and then worked five nights a week as a bartender for several years until the agency made enough money that he was able to quit the night job. Now he's one of the top agents in the country for the company he's franchised under. I make a pretty good living, but I'm nowhere near millionaire status. I also didn't pursue the route he did, but I did get a post high school education and graduate degree, so my wife and I are doing well enough. We have a decent size house in a nice neighborhood and two new cars. We take at least one vacation each year, usually abroad, and my son goes to a private school. I'm not complaining. Again, I also made the right choices to get here and worked hard for it.

Few people are victims of chance. I can look at everybody who I'm still in touch with via social media from high school and whether or successful or struggling, I can tell you exactly how they got there, because it was ultimately their own decision. Yes, shit happens sometimes. Illness can strike, accidents can happen and fuck everything up for you, but by and large your lot in life is determined by the choices you made. Sure, some people like Trump are born into wealth and may have it easier. That's life. Deal with it, snowflake. There are also some people like Ben Carson who are born into what you consider poverty and turn out to be a neurosurgeon and a member of the presidential cabinet despite growing up black in an era of racial discrimination. Then there are those like the Menendez Brothers who are born into wealth and privilege and then spend the rest of lives rotting in prison for murdering their parents.

If you want to solve your delusion of "poverty" in this country stop excusing people's failures and irresponsibility and expecting everyone else who made better choices to pick up the tab for them. Instead, start demanding accountability for one's actions.
Very, very few people rise from poverty to wealth anymore

The American Dream has been throttled. Movement between classes is at its lowest in a hundred years

You're right about the movement ... but you clearly have not even an iota of WHY it's happening.

Frankly, YOU are the problem.
Message board posters are preventing upward mobility?
Stupid is as stupid does.
You make an incredibly stupid comment - and I noted it.

But, you should be proud -- it was INCREDIBLY stupid.
Employment is at will in any at-will employment State. Simply requiring a work ethic is unlawful.

Why not simply "change management" that cannot win wars on any given abstraction such as crime, drugs, or terror?

A work ethic from labor cannot solve all of our problems.

You just completely ignored your last schooling, didn't you?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. How is that an Individual fault?
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. How is that an Individual fault?

buying stuff they can't afford and don't need
having kids when they can't afford them
screwing off in school/not graduating [ parents' fault also ]
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You just completely ignored your last schooling, didn't you?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. How is that an Individual fault?

buying stuff they can't afford and don't need
having kids when they can't afford them
screwing off in school/not graduating [ parents' fault also ]
Why not blame the right wing in Right to Work States?
i strive to have more than, nothing but repeal. only the right wing, does that.

All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
We could be using applied capitalism; but, it interferes with your right wing socialism on a national basis.
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. How is that an Individual fault?

buying stuff they can't afford and don't need
having kids when they can't afford them
screwing off in school/not graduating [ parents' fault also ]
Why not blame the right wing in Right to Work States?
o--and--renting/buying houses-cars they cannot afford
some people are just stupid--really stupid
my niece has FOUR kids--no fatherS....she had the first one and the father didn't pay child support/etc and then she had 3 more!! really just stupid
We should have attached inflation component to the MW. Now, increases will be more pronounced. And artificial.

On a larger, macro scale, the libertarian wing of the GOP doesn't want to admit that, in a competitive and dynamic economic structure like capitalism, there will always be a few people who possess a significantly advanced capacity to create wealth. They were lucky enough to be born into, or moved to, an economic system that matches their skills perfectly. On the other hand, a larger number will simply lack that capacity.

Another thing they don't want to admit is that, if inequalities increase much more, we're see serious pushback, and quite possibly over-reaction, at the ballot box.

The thing that the anti capitalists don't want to admit is that, under ANY economic arrangement, there will always be a few people who possess a significantly advanced capacity to create wealth. They were lucky enough to be born into families with great political influence, or lucky enough to be born with significantly higher IQ's than the average, or lucky enough to be born into families who raised them with the skills conducive to achieving influence, or perhaps all of the above.

Mankind has yet to achieve a system of economics that creates equality. I'm sorry if acknowledging that fact is uncomfortable, but hierarchies aren't manmade. They are an inevitable consequence of genetic variation.
1) The US has the widest income disparity in the world and its poverty is the worst among developed nations

2) Wages are way behind on inflation in this country.

3) Lower wage jobs - including skilled labor - greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. This means 10s of millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept low wages.

4) Republicans, in their lazy mental shortcuts, think the only thing one in poverty must do is learn new skills and get a better paying job. The ignorance of this is profound. A) poor people do not have the time and money to learn new skills in the current economic climate. B) If everyone in poverty did this, who would be left over working all of those millions of vital low wage service jobs? Who will be left as the backbone of a corporation that pays poverty wages? Is a robot going to take over the front register at Burger King? That will probably happen anyway, but does that sit well with republicans knowing that? This is why the minimum wage must be raised.

The process of raising the minimum wage should have begun decades ago and raising it drastically now would agreeably be the wrong approach. It needs to start off small.

And I know some of you cons will say “well why didn’t Obama fix income inequality?!” Yes, he failed in addressing this issue, but obviously the problem of income disparity is still a major problem whether or not you want to deflect to Obama. Of course, as you may recall, he did try to raise the minimum wage.

What liberals don’t recognize is there is no universal definition of poverty. Living in poverty in US will afford you a life style well above the rest of the world. Focusing only on income is a horrible way to define poverty. Hey OP- read this article and educate yourself with a bit of reality. You may have to get the sand out of your eyes first.
Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity
Notice how the entire line for the United States resides in the top portion of the graph? That’s because the entire country is relatively rich. In fact, America’s bottom ventile is still richer than most of the world: That is, the typical person in the bottom 5 percent of the American income distribution is still richer than 68 percent of the world’s inhabitants.
Very, very few people rise from poverty to wealth anymore

The American Dream has been throttled. Movement between classes is at its lowest in a hundred years

You're right about the movement ... but you clearly have not even an iota of WHY it's happening.

Frankly, YOU are the problem.
Message board posters are preventing upward mobility?
Stupid is as stupid does.
You make an incredibly stupid comment - and I noted it.

But, you should be proud -- it was INCREDIBLY stupid.

You fail to qualify your statement
a lot of people put themselves into poverty---there's nothing we can do about it and it's not the fault of the US
they are just stupid/careless/etc
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. How is that an Individual fault?

buying stuff they can't afford and don't need
having kids when they can't afford them
screwing off in school/not graduating [ parents' fault also ]
Why not blame the right wing in Right to Work States?
o--and--renting/buying houses-cars they cannot afford
some people are just stupid--really stupid
my niece has FOUR kids--no fatherS....she had the first one and the father didn't pay child support/etc and then she had 3 more!! really just stupid
She could have been on the way to a management position, in a Right to Work State?

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